This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[RISCV] Unify the arch string parsing logic to RISCVISAInfo.

Authored by kito-cheng on Jun 29 2021, 8:26 PM.



How many place you need to modify when implementing a new extension for RISC-V?

At least 7 places as I know:

  • Add new SubtargetFeature at
  • -march parser in RISCV.cpp
  • RISCVTargetInfo::initFeatureMap@RISCV.cpp for handling feature vector.
  • RISCVTargetInfo::getTargetDefines@RISCV.cpp for pre-define marco.
  • Arch string parser for ELF attribute in RISCVAsmParser.cpp
  • ELF attribute emittion in RISCVAsmParser.cpp, and make sure it's in canonical order...
  • ELF attribute emittion in RISCVTargetStreamer.cpp, and again, must in canonical order...

And now, this patch provide an unified infrastructure for handling (almost)
everything of RISC-V arch string.

After this patch, you only need to update 2 places for implement an extension
for RISC-V:

  • Add new SubtargetFeature at, hmmm, it's hard to avoid.
  • Add new entry to SupportedExtensionInfos@RISCVISAInfo.cpp.

Most codes are come from existing -march parser, but with few new feature/bug

  • Accept version for -march, e.g. -march=rv32i2p0.
  • Reject version info with p but without minor version number like rv32i2p.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

There are a very large number of changes, so older changes are hidden. Show Older Changes


  • Using RISCVISAInfo in riscv::getRISCVABI
  • Allow rv32e for -march.
  • Address review comments.
kito-cheng marked 16 inline comments as done.Jul 12 2021, 8:16 PM
kito-cheng added inline comments.Jul 12 2021, 8:44 PM

All extension are added in parse function, but there might require a lookup and add if not found loop when implementing (more complete*) implied extension rule in future, so using ordered container would make this easier.

  • We don't implement full implied extension rule, like f implied zicsr, d implied f...
khchen added inline comments.Jul 12 2021, 9:59 PM

Why do we need to modify here?


  • Handle arch attribute emition in RISCVTargetStreamer.cpp, thanks @khchen for reminding me that!
kito-cheng edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Jul 13 2021, 1:30 AM

This all looks good to me except some tidy warning.
wait for others comments.


nit: add break; to avoid the implicit-fallthrough warning.


nit: please fix this tidy warning

kito-cheng marked 2 inline comments as done.Jul 22 2021, 8:45 AM
kito-cheng added inline comments.

Oh, thanks, it seems like more than nit :p

kito-cheng marked an inline comment as done.


craig.topper added inline comments.Jul 22 2021, 9:24 AM

Make this static constexpr StringLiteral AllStdExts = "mafdqlcbjtpvn";


This comment should be "Drop '+' or '-'" I think?


This is an unusual placement of curly braces. Put the comment inside?

jrtc27 added inline comments.Jul 22 2021, 10:07 AM

rv64d is not a valid arch string. rv64id is though; would that work here? These tests are just currently testing behaviour that _should_ have been an error... (see also rv64 f above)


Hm, given we don't currently support RV32E properly this should probably be an error still, but could be a "nicer" error than a generic "invalid arch name" (which is technically wrong)


These comments aren't helpful. If you want to write full doxygen then you can, but a one-line comment that won't appear in documentation and is obvious from the function name and signature is just clutter.


This seems unnecessary


Ditto for these


I can't help but feel this is really an array of chars, not a string. We don't even need the trailing NUL, though double quote syntax is simpler than curly braces and a bunch of single-quote chars just to save a byte.


but that's the default so I'd omit it for anything other than the cases where it's true


Comment isn't useful, it's a trivial wrapper


Can this not go in the header as a trivial constructor?


Obvious comment


*Extensions* don't have an experimental- prefix, *internal target features* do, so something strange is going on here. This feels like we're confusing several things:

  1. Whether or not Ext is a feature or an extension
  2. Whether or not Ext is experimental
  3. Whether we want to look at experimental extensions

Some of those are somewhat necessarily interwoven, but the naming does not currently accurately reflect what these things mean, and I would argue we should be very explicit and keep features and extensions separate, never using the same thing to represent both.


This is wrong as it doesn't include the +2 to account for I and E, though does happen to work because A and B are both known single-letter standard extensions so you can't actually get it to overlap (but were AllStdExts to omit one of them you would be able to).

IMO though it would be cleaner to use negative numbers for I and E, as they're special, and that means you can just start the counting at 0 for all the others, not needing the +2 anywhere.


This belongs as a more fully-fledged doxgen comment in the header.


Yet you removed the error for it?


(wrapped appropriately)


  • New function RISCVISAInfo::isSupportedExtensionFeature
  • Remove parameter CheckExperimental from RISCVISAInfo::isSupportedExtension
  • Clean up obvious comments
  • Address @jrtc27's and @craig.topper's comments
kito-cheng marked 8 inline comments as done.Jul 23 2021, 2:29 AM
kito-cheng added inline comments.

We support E-extension on MC-layer...but not support ilp32e.

This patch unify the ISA stuffs, so either I need to remove that from MC, or I need to made rv32e supported on driver...


Yeah, it's actually just an array of chars, but we have use find function from StringRef :p


Good point, CheckExperimental is kind of ambiguous, new function: isSupportedExtensionFeature added.

kito-cheng marked an inline comment as done.


  • Rename RISCVISAInfo::parse to RISCVISAInfo::parseFeatures/RISCVISAInfo::parseArchString
kito-cheng marked an inline comment as done.Jul 23 2021, 2:43 AM
kito-cheng added inline comments.

Rename RISCVISAInfo::parse to RISCVISAInfo::parseFeatures/RISCVISAInfo::parseArchString, I guess it should be more clear.

frasercrmck added inline comments.Jul 26 2021, 4:32 AM

This looks like a find_if if that'd make it any simpler.


This also looks like a find_if


Not sure why these need to be declared up here.


Failed to parse ...


Failed to parse


Commented-out code


I think you can just have if (llvm::any_of(Arch, isupper)) here.


Don't need {} here


Don't need {} here either

kito-cheng marked an inline comment as done.


kito-cheng marked 14 inline comments as done.Jul 26 2021, 11:31 PM
jrtc27 added inline comments.Jul 27 2021, 7:05 AM

Does Exts need initialising to be empty here? I can never remember


I wonder, should these be constructors instead? RISCVISAInfo ISAInfo; ISAInfo.parse doesn't feel very idiomatic C++


Still not a StringLiteral


I do think it would be better to not list Experimental for the non-experimental ones


Why not just return these directly? Don't need a variable.


I imagine this needs to change to the new Sm-/Ss- scheme, but I don't know which way round those are intended to go


Do we know if this is still the case? Ss- is being used for S-mode extensions and Sm- for M-mode extensions, so I'd expect Sh- (or maybe just Ss-) for HS-mode extensions, not H-.




Why not put this in its switch case?


Don't know if this is better or not, but this is the more compact way to write it


Yeah, declare the variables at their assignments. Besides, you don't even need variables for the single-letter case, just compare the return values of the functions directly.

kito-cheng updated this revision to Diff 364758.Aug 6 2021, 5:26 AM
kito-cheng marked an inline comment as done.


  • Forbid copy ctor and operator= for RISCVISAInfo.
  • Move RISCVISAInfo's constructor to private.
  • Refine RISCVISAInfo::parse* and made they become static function.
  • Address @jrtc27's comment.
kito-cheng added inline comments.Aug 6 2021, 5:34 AM

std::map has default construct that will construct an empty map.


I would prefer submit another patch to make this parser up to date, and keep this patch as a refactor patch as possible:


  • Full implication info, e.g. d implied f, f implied zicsr...
  • Prefix zxm.

Like above reply, prefer another patch to fix that.


It's more compact but it's hard to read the rule to me, so I would prefer keep that as it is

jrtc27 added inline comments.Aug 6 2021, 5:39 AM

Use llvm::Expected<...> as the return value to avoid a separate error out param


Is the "Infos" suffix on the variable name really needed?


I'd keep these all one per line


No error?..

kito-cheng added inline comments.Aug 12 2021, 2:18 AM

Although it's format by clang-format, but I like one per line too, let me manually update that.


It's format by clang-format, but either is fine to me :P


Not all features is related to extension, like relax or save-restore, so here we just ignore, but add few comment here seem better.


  • Rename class, strip the Info:
    • RISCVSupportedExtensionInfo -> RISCVSupportedExtension
  • Rename variables:
    • SupportedExtensionInfos -> SupportedExtensions
    • SupportedExperimentalExtensionInfos -> SupportedExperimentalExtensions
  • Change return type of parseArchString to llvm::Expected<std::unique_ptr<RISCVISAInfo>>
  • Address @jrtc27's comment.
kito-cheng edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Aug 18 2021, 8:06 PM
asb added a comment.Aug 19 2021, 5:42 AM

I'm getting a build error (building with clang 12.0.1):

FAILED: lib/Support/CMakeFiles/LLVMSupport.dir/RISCVISAInfo.cpp.o 
/usr/bin/clang++ -DGTEST_HAS_RTTI=0 -D_DEBUG -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS -D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS -I/home/asb/llvm-project/build/default/lib/Support -I/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support -I/home/asb/llvm-project/build/default/include -I/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/include -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Werror=date-time -Werror=unguarded-availability-new -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wmissing-field-initializers -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wc++98-compat-extra-semi -Wimplicit-fallthrough -Wcovered-switch-default -Wno-noexcept-type -Wnon-virtual-dtor -Wdelete-non-virtual-dtor -Wstring-conversion -Wmisleading-indentation -fdiagnostics-color -Werror=global-constructors -g -fPIC -gsplit-dwarf -std=c++14  -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -MD -MT lib/Support/CMakeFiles/LLVMSupport.dir/RISCVISAInfo.cpp.o -MF lib/Support/CMakeFiles/LLVMSupport.dir/RISCVISAInfo.cpp.o.d -o lib/Support/CMakeFiles/LLVMSupport.dir/RISCVISAInfo.cpp.o -c /home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support/RISCVISAInfo.cpp
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support/RISCVISAInfo.cpp:399:10: warning: moving a local object in a return statement prevents copy elision [-Wpessimizing-move]
  return std::move(ISAInfo);
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support/RISCVISAInfo.cpp:399:10: note: remove std::move call here
  return std::move(ISAInfo);
         ^~~~~~~~~~       ~
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support/RISCVISAInfo.cpp:478:12: error: call to deleted constructor of 'llvm::Error'
    return E;
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/Support/Error.h:186:3: note: 'Error' has been explicitly marked deleted here
  Error(const Error &Other) = delete;
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/Support/Error.h:493:18: note: passing argument to parameter 'Err' here
  Expected(Error Err)
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support/RISCVISAInfo.cpp:520:14: error: call to deleted constructor of 'llvm::Error'
      return E;
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/Support/Error.h:186:3: note: 'Error' has been explicitly marked deleted here
  Error(const Error &Other) = delete;
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/Support/Error.h:493:18: note: passing argument to parameter 'Err' here
  Expected(Error Err)
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support/RISCVISAInfo.cpp:642:14: error: call to deleted constructor of 'llvm::Error'
      return E;
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/Support/Error.h:186:3: note: 'Error' has been explicitly marked deleted here
  Error(const Error &Other) = delete;
/home/asb/llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/Support/Error.h:493:18: note: passing argument to parameter 'Err' here
  Expected(Error Err)
1 warning and 3 errors generated.
[3/3711] Building CXX object tools/llvm-config/CMakeFiles/llvm-config.dir/llvm-config.cpp.o
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.


  • Fix build warning and build error with clang

@asb Thanks for report that, there is no warning and build error when I build with GCC 7 (which is default compiler in Ubuntu 18.04), but I can reproduce that with clang 13, seems like I should switch my default compiler :P

eopXD added a subscriber: eopXD.Aug 25 2021, 1:57 AM
eopXD added inline comments.

For naming consistency with parseArchString, maybe rename MArch to Arch?


  • Remove unused argument MArch for getExtensionVersion.
kito-cheng marked an inline comment as done.Aug 29 2021, 8:30 PM
kito-cheng added inline comments.

It turns out the argument isn't used I remove that.

Jim added inline comments.Aug 30 2021, 8:49 PM

Does this need to check it is invalid if XLen is 64?


Why not get the version of i from SupportedExtensions?

kito-cheng marked an inline comment as done.


  • Check feature combination is valid.
  • Change return type of parseFeatures to llvm::Expected<std::unique_ptr<RISCVISAInfo>>.
  • Set default extension version in getExtensionVersion.
kito-cheng marked 2 inline comments as done.Sep 2 2021, 12:32 AM
kito-cheng added inline comments.

Add check, and parseFeatures might return Error now.


Updated :)

Jim added inline comments.Sep 2 2021, 10:11 PM

Could this checking put before ISAInfo->addExtension...

kito-cheng marked 2 inline comments as done.


  • Address Jim's comment.
kito-cheng marked an inline comment as done.Sep 8 2021, 10:59 PM

I was trying to put this patch through its paces but it no longer applies. Can you please rebase it? It seems this is nearly there.

Seems like conflict with D108187, will update after testing :)


  • Rebase to main.


  • Rebase to main
  • Remove b and zbproposedc.
craig.topper added inline comments.Oct 11 2021, 11:39 AM

Please add an inline comment for what "true" represents.


Drop else after return


here too


Here too


Should we have an llvm_unreachable here for unknown values of XLen?


I'm not sure the comparison to StringMap is helpful here. StringMap is an unordered map that stores strings in the same allocation as the value. This std::map is ordered and doesn't store the strings in the same allocation.


Do MajorStr and MinorStr need to be std::strings or can they be StringRefs? Looks like they are either empty or a subset of In. So there shouldn't be a lifetime issue?


Should this message say which extension the error applies to?



auto ISAInfo = std::make_unique<RISCVISAInfo>()

Can we make XLen part of the RISCVISAInfo constructor? Seems like we know that early enough.


Can we delay constructing this until after the first 2 error checks? Then we could pass XLen to the constructor.


Would this better as

Arch << "rv" << XLen;

That makes it future proof to a hypothetical rv128 someday.

kito-cheng marked 11 inline comments as done.


  • Address @craig.topper's comment
  • Add XLen to constructor of RISCVISAInfo.

std::make_unique<RISCVISAInfo>() require a public constructor, but I would prefer keep that in private.

craig.topper accepted this revision.Oct 13 2021, 9:52 AM

LGTM other than that comment about removing 'b' from AllStdExts.


'b' shouldn't be in this list anymore?


I agree with keeping the constructor private. I didn't realize make_unique had that restriction.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 13 2021, 9:52 AM
khchen added inline comments.Oct 14 2021, 9:22 AM

maybe we could have a NFC patch later to add

// Emit the arch string if needed.
if (!IsIntegerValue)
  getTargetStreamer().emitTextAttribute(Tag, ISAInfo->toString());

here to reuse ISAInfo, and remove 2098~2117 code.

kito-cheng added inline comments.Oct 17 2021, 1:05 AM

I would prefer to keep that for sync with ISA manual, like other unsupported extension like J, T and `N, we remove B from SupportedExtensions, so keep this should be harmless.


Good point, thanks :)
Let improve that by following patch.

This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Oct 17 2021, 1:26 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.

Committed with one minor update for version of zba/zbb/zbc/zbs.

kito-cheng added inline comments.Oct 17 2021, 7:21 AM

Oh, and it also used for compute the canonical order for z* extensions.

akuegel added inline comments.

Would it be possible to avoid the usage of ArgList in a target that belongs to Support?
This introduces a dependency cycle, since Option already depends on Support.

This broke the modules build:

While building module 'LLVM_Utils' imported from lvm/lib/Support/TargetParser.cpp:14:
In file included from <module-includes>:209:
llvm/include/llvm/Support/RISCVISAInfo.h:15:10: fatal error: could not build module 'LLVM_Option'
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
llvm/lib/Support/TargetParser.cpp:14:10: fatal error: could not build module 'LLVM_Utils'
#include "llvm/Support/TargetParser.h"

Support headers can't include Option headers (as Option depends on Support already, so that would be a cyclic dependency). I believe folks here are in the US time zone, so I went ahead and replaced the header include with a forward decl to unbreak the bots (see de4d2f80b75e2a1e4b0ac5c25e20f20839633688 )

FWIW, I think there is a better place than Support for this new class. Support is a dependency of nearly every single LLVM component, but this class seems to be used by a handful of files. Could we maybe move this to some other/new part of LLVM (and make the few components that need it depend on that)?

This broke the modules build:

While building module 'LLVM_Utils' imported from lvm/lib/Support/TargetParser.cpp:14:
In file included from <module-includes>:209:
llvm/include/llvm/Support/RISCVISAInfo.h:15:10: fatal error: could not build module 'LLVM_Option'
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
llvm/lib/Support/TargetParser.cpp:14:10: fatal error: could not build module 'LLVM_Utils'
#include "llvm/Support/TargetParser.h"

Support headers can't include Option headers (as Option depends on Support already, so that would be a cyclic dependency). I believe folks here are in the US time zone, so I went ahead and replaced the header include with a forward decl to unbreak the bots (see de4d2f80b75e2a1e4b0ac5c25e20f20839633688 )

FWIW, I think there is a better place than Support for this new class. Support is a dependency of nearly every single LLVM component, but this class seems to be used by a handful of files. Could we maybe move this to some other/new part of LLVM (and make the few components that need it depend on that)?

Thanks for the header fix. I think we also need to fix the library circular dependency that still exists. The Support library should not use anything from the Option library. Maybe we can partition the function some way that moves the MakeArgStr back into the clang driver code.

I don't know if we have a better library for this new class. I think Support is the only common library between the clang driver and LLVM's MC layer. I supposed we could create a new library, but that might be a hard sell for one file.

This broke the modules build:

While building module 'LLVM_Utils' imported from lvm/lib/Support/TargetParser.cpp:14:
In file included from <module-includes>:209:
llvm/include/llvm/Support/RISCVISAInfo.h:15:10: fatal error: could not build module 'LLVM_Option'
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
llvm/lib/Support/TargetParser.cpp:14:10: fatal error: could not build module 'LLVM_Utils'
#include "llvm/Support/TargetParser.h"

Support headers can't include Option headers (as Option depends on Support already, so that would be a cyclic dependency). I believe folks here are in the US time zone, so I went ahead and replaced the header include with a forward decl to unbreak the bots (see de4d2f80b75e2a1e4b0ac5c25e20f20839633688 )

FWIW, I think there is a better place than Support for this new class. Support is a dependency of nearly every single LLVM component, but this class seems to be used by a handful of files. Could we maybe move this to some other/new part of LLVM (and make the few components that need it depend on that)?

Thanks for the header fix. I think we also need to fix the library circular dependency that still exists. The Support library should not use anything from the Option library. Maybe we can partition the function some way that moves the MakeArgStr back into the clang driver code.

I don't know if we have a better library for this new class. I think Support is the only common library between the clang driver and LLVM's MC layer. I supposed we could create a new library, but that might be a hard sell for one file.

IIRC there are some other target-specific classes in Support for the same reason. Maybe we can make something such as TargetSupport or SharedTarget?

jrtc27 added a comment.EditedOct 18 2021, 12:49 PM

Two options come to mind if we really need to be outputting a StringRef list:

  1. (the simpler option) Pass in a Twine -> const char * lambda that the caller hooks up to Args.MakeArgString
  2. (probably the nicer option) Invent our own MakeArgString that allocates from storage owned by RISCVISAInfo itself; lots of ways you can do that

Adding a new library just so we can use MakeArgString seems overkill, even if there are other things that perhaps belong in something a bit less shared than Support.

Two options come to mind if we really need to be outputting a StringRef list:

  1. (the simpler option) Pass in a Twine -> const char * lambda that the caller hooks up to Args.MakeArgString

Good idea. I'll post a patch for that shortly.

  1. (probably the nicer option) Invent our own MakeArgString that allocates from storage owned by RISCVISAInfo itself; lots of ways you can do that

I don't think the RISCVISAInfo objects lives long enough for that. It only lives for the duration of the function that calls toFeatures, but the Features vector is returned from that function.

Adding a new library just so we can use MakeArgString seems overkill, even if there are other things that perhaps belong in something a bit less shared than Support.

jrtc27 added a comment.EditedOct 18 2021, 1:18 PM

Two options come to mind if we really need to be outputting a StringRef list:

  1. (the simpler option) Pass in a Twine -> const char * lambda that the caller hooks up to Args.MakeArgString

Good idea. I'll post a patch for that shortly.

  1. (probably the nicer option) Invent our own MakeArgString that allocates from storage owned by RISCVISAInfo itself; lots of ways you can do that

I don't think the RISCVISAInfo objects lives long enough for that. It only lives for the duration of the function that calls toFeatures, but the Features vector is returned from that function.

Hm, I see. We could also just have a global cache of heap-allocated copies of these strings, I guess; after all it's not all that different from the tables of strings we already have, just lazily built up at run time (can even store them in a lazily-initialised field of each RISCVExtensionInfo). Or we just stick to the slightly-ugly lambda approach, unless anyone else has bright ideas for a cleaner interface and implementation.

Two options come to mind if we really need to be outputting a StringRef list:

  1. (the simpler option) Pass in a Twine -> const char * lambda that the caller hooks up to Args.MakeArgString

Good idea. I'll post a patch for that shortly.

  1. (probably the nicer option) Invent our own MakeArgString that allocates from storage owned by RISCVISAInfo itself; lots of ways you can do that

I don't think the RISCVISAInfo objects lives long enough for that. It only lives for the duration of the function that calls toFeatures, but the Features vector is returned from that function.

Hm, I see. We could also just have a global cache of heap-allocated copies of these strings, I guess; after all it's not all that different from the tables of strings we already have, just lazily built up at run time (can even store them in a lazily-initialised field of each RISCVExtensionInfo). Or we just stick to the slightly-ugly lambda approach, unless anyone else has bright ideas for a cleaner interface and implementation.

Lambda approach here

zixuan-wu added inline comments.

If SubtargetFeature is enum value like does, Feature.Value would be a uninitialization value, so I think there should be if condition like Feature.Value < RISCV::NumSubtargetFeatures, or there is a out-of-range visit.

def ProcXXX :
  SubtargetFeature<"", "RISCVProcFamily",
                   "XXX", "XXX processors">;

Hi, @kito-cheng as your this patch unify the extension handing in one same place by new infra, are you going to support the multiple extension version in next step?