Add applyStaticChunkedWorkshareLoop method implementing static schedule when chunk-size is specified. Unlike a static schedule without chunk-size (where chunk-size is chosen by the runtime such that each thread receives one chunk), we need two nested loops: one for looping over the iterations of a chunk, and a second for looping over all chunks assigned to the threads.
This patch includes the following related changes:
- Adapt applyWorkshareLoop to triage between the schedule types, now possible since all schedules have been implemented. The default schedule is assumed to be non-chunked static, as without OpenMPIRBuilder.
- Remove the chunk parameter from applyStaticWorkshareLoop, it is ignored by the runtime. Change the value for the value passed to the init function to 0, as without OpenMPIRBuilder.
- Refactor CanonicalLoopInfo::setTripCount and CanonicalLoopInfo::mapIndVar as used by both, applyStaticWorkshareLoop and applyStaticChunkedWorkshareLoop.
- Enable Clang to use the OpenMPIRBuilder in the presence of the schedule clause.
Nit: integer -> 64-bit integer?