This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[OpenMP][Flang][MLIR] Add lowering of TargetOp for host codegen

Authored by jsjodin on Mar 29 2023, 11:26 AM.



This patch adds lowering of TargetOps for the host. The lowering outlines the
target region function and uses the OpenMPIRBuilder support functions to emit
the function and call. Code generation for offloading will be done in
later patches. The tests only use scalars for now to reduce the size of the initial
patches for offloading. Runtime tests will be added in a separate patch since 'lit'
is currently not set up to handle Fortran runtime tests.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

jsjodin created this revision.Mar 29 2023, 11:26 AM
Herald added a reviewer: ftynse. · View Herald Transcript
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald Transcript
jsjodin requested review of this revision.Mar 29 2023, 11:26 AM
kiranchandramohan requested changes to this revision.Mar 29 2023, 2:34 PM

Please split this patch into three patches (or two).

  1. Containing just the OpenMPIRBuilder changes.
  2. Containing the translation from OPenMP + LLVM Dialect to LLVM IR.
  3. The conversion from Fortran to FIR + OpenMP and the test from FIR + OpenMP to LLVM + OpenMP.

See comments inline. We would like to have the translation layer thin and have most of the code in the OpenMP IRBuilder. Please refer to the translation of other OpenMP Ops as detailed in the inline comment. If there is anything special to this Op that prevents it then please explain.

1 ↗(On Diff #509427)

We generally do not test lowering to LLVM IR. It is usually done in multiple steps:

  1. Test for lowering from Fortran+OpenMP source to FIR + OpenMP dialects in flang/test/Lower/OpenMP/.
  2. Test conversion of FIR + OpenMP dialects to LLVM + OpenMP dialects in lang/test/Fir/convert-to-llvm-openmp-and-fir.fir.
  3. Test translation of OpenMP + LLVM Dialect to LLVM IR in mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/openmp-*.mlir.

We would generally like to keep the Translation code thin and do the heavy-lifting in the OpenMP IRBuilder. I think this should be rewritten with more code sunk into the OpenMP IRBuilder. Can this be converted to other functions like convertOmpSingle or convertOmpMaster or convertOmpTaskOp or convertOmpParallel?


Nit: Braces not required.


Nit: What are the three false options?

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Mar 29 2023, 2:34 PM
jsjodin added inline comments.Mar 30 2023, 7:17 AM
1 ↗(On Diff #509427)

Yes, I will split up the patch into 3 separate ones. What is the expectation on the various clauses? Can these be implemented in separate sets of patches? The patches going from OMP+LLVM Dialect -> LLVM IR could be very large if we do everything at once.


I agree we want to put as much as possible in the OpenMPIRBuilder, but unless both clang and MLIR can use it, it shouldn't be in the OpenMPIRBuilder, because it would expose two different (possibly incompatible) implementations of the same thing to either clang or mlir, which in my opinion is undesirable. When we did the migration of code from clang to OpenMPIRBuilder we tried to migrate as much as possible, the problem with generating code for the target regions specifically is that there are data structures that need to be maintained which all use clang data types like mapping device pointers to values etc. There are also issues with clauses affecting the logic for how the code should be generated, these two things combined are not easy to get around. Parameterizing the code and using callback functions (which OpenMPIRBuilder does today) didn't seem feasible, because the common code would be trivial, and the parameterization would just make things less readable/maintainable. Another idea would be to use templates to be able to ignore the specific types, which might be a way forward, but unless we know what the MLIR implementation looks like it is hard to know if it would work. Another potential alternative would be to have some kind of interface for dealing with values/statements/clauses which the OpenMPIRBuilder would define and clang/mlir implement. But after some discussions with @jdoerfert we concluded that this would probably not be a good option (too complicated basically). Hopefully something will emerge while we are working on the MLIR side. If sharing code through the OpenMPIRBuilder is not a good possible, then it might be better to keep it in MLIR,. What are your thoughts about this?


Nit: What are the three false options?

Because we don't have the flags/dierctives implemented in the frontend yet.


Thanks for the detailed explanation here.

Unless there are issues for Flang/MLIR, I would still recommend moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder for a few reasons:

  1. Keep the translation of the target directive consistent with the others. Outlining and insertion of runtime calls are currently performed by the OpenMPIRBuilder. Having it in translation will confuse future contributors. Also, in the present state, it looks like the translation for the target operation can follow the same pattern as the operations.
  2. Having the Flang/MLIR version in the OpenMPIRBuilder is beneficial for any out-of-tree projects as well. There are already other constructs where Clang is not using the OpenMPIRBuilder. And having two interfaces that are well-documented is better than not having any.
  3. Keep the code in translation as simple as possible. This is what we promised and agreed on with the MLIR folks.

I mean't, please add a comment for each of the options so that someone who reads the code knows what they are.

skatrak added inline comments.Mar 30 2023, 9:41 AM

Is it generally expected for the compilation to fail if the input is given via stdin? It looks like clang currently does implement this behavior but it's not communicated to the user:

$ echo -e "int main(){return 0;}" | clang -cc1 -fopenmp - -emit-llvm -o -
; ModuleID = '-'
source_filename = "-"
target datalayout = ...

$ echo -e "int main(){\n#pragma omp target\n{} return 0;}" | clang -cc1 -fopenmp - -emit-llvm -o -
fatal error: cannot open file '<stdin>': No such file or directory

Currently flang-new seems to support compiling from stdin. Or at least that's the case for the simplest program:

$ echo "end program" | flang-new -fc1 -x f95-cpp-input - -emit-mlir -o -
module attributes {dlti.dl_spec ...
1 ↗(On Diff #509427)

Yes, you can split the clauses into a series of patches.

jsjodin marked 2 inline comments as not done.Mar 30 2023, 11:08 AM
jsjodin added inline comments.

Unless there are issues for Flang/MLIR, I would still recommend moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder for a few reasons:

  1. Keep the translation of the target directive consistent with the others. Outlining and insertion of runtime calls are currently performed by the OpenMPIRBuilder. Having it in translation will confuse future contributors. Also, in the present state, it looks like the translation for the target operation can follow the same pattern as the operations.

Yes, there should be a way to use the same pattern, I can work on creating a convertOmpTarget function in the OpenMPIRBuilder that will do this.

  1. Having the Flang/MLIR version in the OpenMPIRBuilder is beneficial for any out-of-tree projects as well. There are already other constructs where Clang is not using the OpenMPIRBuilder. And having two interfaces that are well-documented is better than not having any.

My initial thinking was to keep the code structure similar between MLIR and Clang similar to make it easier to have a shared OpenMPIRBuilder interface. Given 3. there isn't much choice than to add new functions in OpenMPIRBuilder to minimize the code in MLIR.

  1. Keep the code in translation as simple as possible. This is what we promised and agreed on with the MLIR folks.

Good to know!

jsjodin added inline comments.Mar 30 2023, 11:12 AM

Yes, the assumption in clang is that there is a file, which is needed to generate a unique name for outlined target region functions. The code above would make flang-new fail the same way if target regions are used.

jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 510088.Mar 31 2023, 11:44 AM

@kiranchandramohan I moved the outlining to the OpenMPIRBuilder, is this more in line of what you were thinking? There is a patch up by @TIFitis for Fortran->Fir lowering I will prune this patch to only have the OMP+LLVM Dialect -> LLVMIR portions and appropriate tests.

Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptMar 31 2023, 11:44 AM
jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 510092.Mar 31 2023, 11:47 AM

Fix formatting and remove debug code.

For IRBuilder lowering unit tests need to be added here: llvm/unittests/Frontend/OpenMPIRBuilderTest.cpp
And for MLIR Translation tests need to be added to: mlir/test/Target/LLVMIR/omptarget-llvm.mlir

@kiranchandramohan I moved the outlining to the OpenMPIRBuilder, is this more in line of what you were thinking? There is a patch up by @TIFitis for Fortran->Fir lowering I will prune this patch to only have the OMP+LLVM Dialect -> LLVMIR portions and appropriate tests.

Thanks @jsjodin for the changes. Yes, moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder looks fine. I have not looked at the patch in detail. But I see that you have not used the OpenMPIRBuilder's outlining facility (OutlineInfo(s) and the PostOutlineCB). Are there any issues in using these here?

@kiranchandramohan I moved the outlining to the OpenMPIRBuilder, is this more in line of what you were thinking? There is a patch up by @TIFitis for Fortran->Fir lowering I will prune this patch to only have the OMP+LLVM Dialect -> LLVMIR portions and appropriate tests.

Thanks @jsjodin for the changes. Yes, moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder looks fine. I have not looked at the patch in detail. But I see that you have not used the OpenMPIRBuilder's outlining facility (OutlineInfo(s) and the PostOutlineCB). Are there any issues in using these here?

I have reworked the patch a bit to simplify things and added tests. The reason why the OutlineInfos etc are not used for the target regions is probably because the outlining is more complicated. With offloading we have to generate an if-then-else that tries to offload via the openmp runtime and if the runtime fails to launch the kernel the fallback is executed instead.

jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 510969.Apr 4 2023, 5:00 PM

Simplify the code by only passing the inputs, since they will be the same values in the outlined code. Add tests and improve comments.

@kiranchandramohan I moved the outlining to the OpenMPIRBuilder, is this more in line of what you were thinking? There is a patch up by @TIFitis for Fortran->Fir lowering I will prune this patch to only have the OMP+LLVM Dialect -> LLVMIR portions and appropriate tests.

Thanks @jsjodin for the changes. Yes, moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder looks fine. I have not looked at the patch in detail. But I see that you have not used the OpenMPIRBuilder's outlining facility (OutlineInfo(s) and the PostOutlineCB). Are there any issues in using these here?

I have reworked the patch a bit to simplify things and added tests. The reason why the OutlineInfos etc are not used for the target regions is probably because the outlining is more complicated. With offloading we have to generate an if-then-else that tries to offload via the openmp runtime and if the runtime fails to launch the kernel the fallback is executed instead.

Also since the outlining is shared with the device codegen, that is also a reason why the OutlineInfos etc is not used.

TIFitis added inline comments.Apr 5 2023, 8:59 AM

Can you add checks for clauses that are not yet supported?


I think the module can be omitted from the test.

@kiranchandramohan I moved the outlining to the OpenMPIRBuilder, is this more in line of what you were thinking? There is a patch up by @TIFitis for Fortran->Fir lowering I will prune this patch to only have the OMP+LLVM Dialect -> LLVMIR portions and appropriate tests.

Thanks @jsjodin for the changes. Yes, moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder looks fine. I have not looked at the patch in detail. But I see that you have not used the OpenMPIRBuilder's outlining facility (OutlineInfo(s) and the PostOutlineCB). Are there any issues in using these here?

I have reworked the patch a bit to simplify things and added tests. The reason why the OutlineInfos etc are not used for the target regions is probably because the outlining is more complicated. With offloading we have to generate an if-then-else that tries to offload via the openmp runtime and if the runtime fails to launch the kernel the fallback is executed instead.

Also since the outlining is shared with the device codegen, that is also a reason why the OutlineInfos etc is not used.

We have handling for the if clause in both task and parallel. Will the handling in Target be substantially different from these?
Task : D130615
Parallel : D138495 (The latest revision uses a runtime extension, so that we do not have to generate IR for both sequential and parallel version).

@kiranchandramohan I moved the outlining to the OpenMPIRBuilder, is this more in line of what you were thinking? There is a patch up by @TIFitis for Fortran->Fir lowering I will prune this patch to only have the OMP+LLVM Dialect -> LLVMIR portions and appropriate tests.

Thanks @jsjodin for the changes. Yes, moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder looks fine. I have not looked at the patch in detail. But I see that you have not used the OpenMPIRBuilder's outlining facility (OutlineInfo(s) and the PostOutlineCB). Are there any issues in using these here?

I have reworked the patch a bit to simplify things and added tests. The reason why the OutlineInfos etc are not used for the target regions is probably because the outlining is more complicated. With offloading we have to generate an if-then-else that tries to offload via the openmp runtime and if the runtime fails to launch the kernel the fallback is executed instead.

Also since the outlining is shared with the device codegen, that is also a reason why the OutlineInfos etc is not used.

We have handling for the if clause in both task and parallel. Will the handling in Target be substantially different from these?
Task : D130615
Parallel : D138495 (The latest revision uses a runtime extension, so that we do not have to generate IR for both sequential and parallel version).

The if-then-else is not related to the if clause, it is only for the host fallback. The code in this patch will be updated once the kernel argument handling is implemented for the offloading case. We will have to add the if clause handling as well later on.


It has to stay because of omp.is_device = #omp.isdevice<is_device = false>

jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 512158.Apr 10 2023, 8:31 AM

Check for unsupported clauses and give error if encountered.

jsjodin marked 2 inline comments as done.Apr 10 2023, 8:31 AM

TL;DR, we should try to converge to one impl. in OpenMPIRBuilder but that might take a while and we should not force it where it doesn't make sense (yet).


Nit: newline and docs above; copy&paste error below; it's not the default number but clause value;


FWIW, you should already (be able to) emit the kernel launch call and fallback handling.
The latter should kick in as the symbol is neither registered nor available on the device.


@skatrak You can file a bug. We might be able to handle that fine, but it has not come up yet.

jsjodin added inline comments.Apr 12 2023, 6:34 AM

FWIW, you should already (be able to) emit the kernel launch call and fallback handling.
The latter should kick in as the symbol is neither registered nor available on the device.

Should I add the code to build the kernel args, or do you mean empty kernel args?

jsjodin marked an inline comment as not done.Apr 12 2023, 8:06 AM
jsjodin added inline comments.Apr 12 2023, 8:21 AM

I forgot to mention that I am working on a patch to handle the kernel args which adds the kernel launch call. So I could pull that merge that patch into this or keep it separate. @kiranchandramohan, @jdoerfert you have a preference?

jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 512909.Apr 12 2023, 11:08 AM

Fixed naming, braces and comments.

jsjodin marked 2 inline comments as done.Apr 12 2023, 11:08 AM

Thanks @jsjodin for the changes. Yes, moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder looks fine. I have not looked at the patch in detail. But I see that you have not used the OpenMPIRBuilder's outlining facility (OutlineInfo(s) and the PostOutlineCB). Are there any issues in using these here?

I have reworked the patch a bit to simplify things and added tests. The reason why the OutlineInfos etc are not used for the target regions is probably because the outlining is more complicated. With offloading we have to generate an if-then-else that tries to offload via the openmp runtime and if the runtime fails to launch the kernel the fallback is executed instead.

Also since the outlining is shared with the device codegen, that is also a reason why the OutlineInfos etc is not used.

We have handling for the if clause in both task and parallel. Will the handling in Target be substantially different from these?
Task : D130615
Parallel : D138495 (The latest revision uses a runtime extension, so that we do not have to generate IR for both sequential and parallel version).

The if-then-else is not related to the if clause, it is only for the host fallback. The code in this patch will be updated once the kernel argument handling is implemented for the offloading case. We will have to add the if clause handling as well later on.

I was making a general point that, we already have handling in the OpenMPIRBuilder that is capable of conditionally calling a parallel or sequential version. I was hoping that this can be used to generate the if-then-else for the offload.

In general, the concern about not using the OutlineInfo mechanism is whether this will fail to compose with existing. code that uses the OutlineInfo Mechanism.

But if you and @jdoerfert feel this is the right way to go then I don't have any issues.


No. I don't have a preference.

Thanks @jsjodin for the changes. Yes, moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder looks fine. I have not looked at the patch in detail. But I see that you have not used the OpenMPIRBuilder's outlining facility (OutlineInfo(s) and the PostOutlineCB). Are there any issues in using these here?

I have reworked the patch a bit to simplify things and added tests. The reason why the OutlineInfos etc are not used for the target regions is probably because the outlining is more complicated. With offloading we have to generate an if-then-else that tries to offload via the openmp runtime and if the runtime fails to launch the kernel the fallback is executed instead.

Also since the outlining is shared with the device codegen, that is also a reason why the OutlineInfos etc is not used.

We have handling for the if clause in both task and parallel. Will the handling in Target be substantially different from these?
Task : D130615
Parallel : D138495 (The latest revision uses a runtime extension, so that we do not have to generate IR for both sequential and parallel version).

The if-then-else is not related to the if clause, it is only for the host fallback. The code in this patch will be updated once the kernel argument handling is implemented for the offloading case. We will have to add the if clause handling as well later on.

I was making a general point that, we already have handling in the OpenMPIRBuilder that is capable of conditionally calling a parallel or sequential version. I was hoping that this can be used to generate the if-then-else for the offload.

In general, the concern about not using the OutlineInfo mechanism is whether this will fail to compose with existing. code that uses the OutlineInfo Mechanism.

But if you and @jdoerfert feel this is the right way to go then I don't have any issues.

I think it can be done.

Thanks @jsjodin for the changes. Yes, moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder looks fine. I have not looked at the patch in detail. But I see that you have not used the OpenMPIRBuilder's outlining facility (OutlineInfo(s) and the PostOutlineCB). Are there any issues in using these here?

I have reworked the patch a bit to simplify things and added tests. The reason why the OutlineInfos etc are not used for the target regions is probably because the outlining is more complicated. With offloading we have to generate an if-then-else that tries to offload via the openmp runtime and if the runtime fails to launch the kernel the fallback is executed instead.

Also since the outlining is shared with the device codegen, that is also a reason why the OutlineInfos etc is not used.

We have handling for the if clause in both task and parallel. Will the handling in Target be substantially different from these?
Task : D130615
Parallel : D138495 (The latest revision uses a runtime extension, so that we do not have to generate IR for both sequential and parallel version).

The if-then-else is not related to the if clause, it is only for the host fallback. The code in this patch will be updated once the kernel argument handling is implemented for the offloading case. We will have to add the if clause handling as well later on.

I was making a general point that, we already have handling in the OpenMPIRBuilder that is capable of conditionally calling a parallel or sequential version. I was hoping that this can be used to generate the if-then-else for the offload.

In general, the concern about not using the OutlineInfo mechanism is whether this will fail to compose with existing. code that uses the OutlineInfo Mechanism.

But if you and @jdoerfert feel this is the right way to go then I don't have any issues.

I am unsure about how target regions can compose with the other directives that use the OutlineInfo. It might be possible to use the OutlineInfo mechanism, but I don't think it will work with some of the other existing utilities in the OpenMPIRBuilder e.g. emitTargetRegionFunction, which is used in this patch.

Thanks @jsjodin for the changes. Yes, moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder looks fine. I have not looked at the patch in detail. But I see that you have not used the OpenMPIRBuilder's outlining facility (OutlineInfo(s) and the PostOutlineCB). Are there any issues in using these here?

I have reworked the patch a bit to simplify things and added tests. The reason why the OutlineInfos etc are not used for the target regions is probably because the outlining is more complicated. With offloading we have to generate an if-then-else that tries to offload via the openmp runtime and if the runtime fails to launch the kernel the fallback is executed instead.

Also since the outlining is shared with the device codegen, that is also a reason why the OutlineInfos etc is not used.

We have handling for the if clause in both task and parallel. Will the handling in Target be substantially different from these?
Task : D130615
Parallel : D138495 (The latest revision uses a runtime extension, so that we do not have to generate IR for both sequential and parallel version).

The if-then-else is not related to the if clause, it is only for the host fallback. The code in this patch will be updated once the kernel argument handling is implemented for the offloading case. We will have to add the if clause handling as well later on.

I was making a general point that, we already have handling in the OpenMPIRBuilder that is capable of conditionally calling a parallel or sequential version. I was hoping that this can be used to generate the if-then-else for the offload.

In general, the concern about not using the OutlineInfo mechanism is whether this will fail to compose with existing. code that uses the OutlineInfo Mechanism.

But if you and @jdoerfert feel this is the right way to go then I don't have any issues.

I think it can be done.

Thanks @jsjodin for the changes. Yes, moving the code to the OpenMPIRBuilder looks fine. I have not looked at the patch in detail. But I see that you have not used the OpenMPIRBuilder's outlining facility (OutlineInfo(s) and the PostOutlineCB). Are there any issues in using these here?

I have reworked the patch a bit to simplify things and added tests. The reason why the OutlineInfos etc are not used for the target regions is probably because the outlining is more complicated. With offloading we have to generate an if-then-else that tries to offload via the openmp runtime and if the runtime fails to launch the kernel the fallback is executed instead.

Also since the outlining is shared with the device codegen, that is also a reason why the OutlineInfos etc is not used.

We have handling for the if clause in both task and parallel. Will the handling in Target be substantially different from these?
Task : D130615
Parallel : D138495 (The latest revision uses a runtime extension, so that we do not have to generate IR for both sequential and parallel version).

The if-then-else is not related to the if clause, it is only for the host fallback. The code in this patch will be updated once the kernel argument handling is implemented for the offloading case. We will have to add the if clause handling as well later on.

I was making a general point that, we already have handling in the OpenMPIRBuilder that is capable of conditionally calling a parallel or sequential version. I was hoping that this can be used to generate the if-then-else for the offload.

In general, the concern about not using the OutlineInfo mechanism is whether this will fail to compose with existing. code that uses the OutlineInfo Mechanism.

But if you and @jdoerfert feel this is the right way to go then I don't have any issues.

I am unsure about how target regions can compose with the other directives that use the OutlineInfo. It might be possible to use the OutlineInfo mechanism, but I don't think it will work with some of the other existing utilities in the OpenMPIRBuilder e.g. emitTargetRegionFunction, which is used in this patch.

I think that reusing the offloading utilities is the better option right now. It will allow us to not re-implement a bunch of logic to make faster progress. Also if anything changes with respect to the omp runtime we wouldn't have to modify the code in two places. Since everything will be in the OpenMPIRBuilder we could do some refactoring later of if it seems worth doing.

Thanks for the changes. I have a few comments or questions. See inline.


Nit: Please add a full stop/dot at the end for all the three above to keep it consistent.


Nit: Is 4 significant here?


Nit: braces not required.


In the past we have seen that if the number of live-ins/parameters go above a certain number that leads to ABI issues on some platforms.
The OpenMPIRBuilder flow packs the arguments into a struct and then unpacks it in the outlined function. Is this not a concern for offloading?


Nit: spell the types.


Nit: braces not required.


Nit: Is this leftover debug code?


Is this required? If so, please add it to other if statements as well.


Return success or failure?


Nit: braces not required.


Please also add a trivial test for an OpenMP construct that can occur inside the target region, just to ensure that the target region can contain other constructs and it works OK.

Something very simple like the following. {
  omp.parallel {

Nit: If the dlti is not required for this patch, then you can consider omitting it.

jsjodin added inline comments.Apr 19 2023, 11:48 AM

Nit: Is 4 significant here?

No, I picked something small that hopefully doesn't require a resize. Not sure if there is a better value to pick?


In the past we have seen that if the number of live-ins/parameters go above a certain number that leads to ABI issues on some platforms.
The OpenMPIRBuilder flow packs the arguments into a struct and then unpacks it in the outlined function. Is this not a concern for offloading?

Clang does not pack arguments into a struct for the outlined fallback (host) for target regions. It could be that the number of parameters are fewer compared to other outlining cases.
It might be desirable to use the kernel args structure so both the host and device use the same argument passing, but this is not done today.


Yes, thanks for finding it!


Yes, I think it is okay to error out. I will add it to the other cases.


Success for now. Basically ignore this so we can get through the driver. There is a follow up patch that will allow us to enable device codegen.


Please also add a trivial test for an OpenMP construct that can occur inside the target region, just to ensure that the target region can contain other constructs and it works OK.

Something very simple like the following. {
  omp.parallel {

Sure, I can add a test for this.


Nit: If the dlti is not required for this patch, then you can consider omitting it.

We can remove dlti it for this patch.


Doesn't the programmers manual recommend omitting if the value is not significant?

In the absence of a well-motivated choice for the number of inlined elements N, it is recommended to use SmallVector<T> (that is, omitting the N). This will choose a default number of inlined elements reasonable for allocation on the stack (for example, trying to keep sizeof(SmallVector<T>) around 64 bytes).


OK. It is fine for now.

jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 515749.Apr 21 2023, 8:29 AM

Fixed comments. Added test with omp.parallel.

jsjodin marked 5 inline comments as done.Apr 21 2023, 8:31 AM

A few comments/questions.


Is this required?


Is this required?


Can this function be sunk into the OpenMPIRBuilder? If it is just a call like this then please consider, otherwise ignore.


Ideally, this code should be in OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp. Can this be moved there?

jsjodin added inline comments.Apr 24 2023, 6:58 AM

Is this required?

No, thanks for pointing this out. I think it was needed in an earlier iteration.


Is this required?

Not needed here either. Thanks!


Can this function be sunk into the OpenMPIRBuilder? If it is just a call like this then please consider, otherwise ignore.

No, unfortunately it cannot be replaced with a simple function call.


Ideally, this code should be in OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation.cpp. Can this be moved there?

I'm not sure how to do that. The code in OpenMPToLLVMIRTranslation code implements an interface and does not have an internal state, and we probably don't want to set the config in every function. The object that holds the state is ModuleTranslation. We could move this code to the constructor of the ModuleTranslation class if you prefer.

jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 516469.Apr 24 2023, 10:51 AM

Removed useless dependencies in cmake file. Moved setting of config to the ModuleTranslation constructor.

jsjodin marked 2 inline comments as done.Apr 24 2023, 10:52 AM

This will always create the OpenMPIRBuilder, even for non-OpenMP flows which is not what we want.

getOpenMPBuilder creates the Builder if it is not yet created. We can consider setting the config there.

jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 516760.Apr 25 2023, 5:28 AM

Moved setting of the OMPIRBuilder cofiguration to getOpenMPBuilder.

jsjodin marked an inline comment as done.Apr 25 2023, 5:29 AM
jsjodin added inline comments.

This will always create the OpenMPIRBuilder, even for non-OpenMP flows which is not what we want.

getOpenMPBuilder creates the Builder if it is not yet created. We can consider setting the config there.

Yes, that is a much better option. Moved the code there instead.

jsjodin marked an inline comment as done.Apr 25 2023, 5:49 AM
jsjodin added inline comments.

I will remove this recursive call.

jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 516782.Apr 25 2023, 6:36 AM

Removed recursive call + merge.

LGTM. Please check with @jdoerfert before you submit.

It will be good if someone in your team can go through the tests in detail.


Nit: Please reconfirm that this is required.


Is this include required?

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 25 2023, 7:49 AM
jsjodin marked an inline comment as done.Apr 25 2023, 8:09 AM
jsjodin added inline comments.

It is needed, link error if not there.


Not needed, will remove.

jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 516815.Apr 25 2023, 8:17 AM
jsjodin marked an inline comment as done.

Remove useless include

LGTM. Please check with @jdoerfert before you submit.

It will be good if someone in your team can go through the tests in detail.

Thank you for taking the time to review this patch!
I will let @jdoerfert review, and have someone look at the test.

jdoerfert accepted this revision.Apr 25 2023, 10:44 AM
jdoerfert added inline comments.
jsjodin updated this revision to Diff 516889.Apr 25 2023, 1:42 PM

Remove 'llvm::'

agozillon accepted this revision.Apr 26 2023, 6:49 AM

Looked over everything one final time, including the tests, it all LGTM.


I have a patch that moves this into the OMP IR builder: so it might be possible to replace this at some point in the near future with it! It's used for declare target variables as well, and perhaps some other things. I can likely create a patch to change it to utilise the OMPIRBuilder version if/when it lands. I bring it up as a future TODO, for myself (or whomever) rather than something to do in this patch.

Looks like this broke our sanitizer bot: Could you please revert or fix forward?


Mogball added inline comments.

This seems problematic. OpenMP dialect should not be a dependency on the generic LLVMIR export. It seems there is a layering issue here. You need to add your own LLVMIR export target with the OpenMP dialect registered.


@jsjodin If the link error is coming due to the use of the OffloadInterface then you can remove its usage and access attributes directly. If accessing attributes still causes a link error then you can consider initializing the OpenMPIRBuilder using the amdendOperation flow. You might have to move convertModule to somewhere earlier for this to work. If that is also not possible and there are no other ideas then please revert the patch.

jsjodin added inline comments.May 30 2023, 10:58 AM

Sorry for the delayed response. I am looking into this issue.


A fix is in this patch:

jsjodin added inline comments.May 31 2023, 6:43 AM

A fix is in this patch:

This was committed now.