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[Clang] Extend -Wbool-operation to warn about bitwise and of bools with side effects

Authored by xbolva00 on Aug 12 2021, 3:08 PM.




Warn for pattern boolA & boolB or boolA | boolB where boolA and boolB has possible side effects.

Casting one operand to int is enough to silence this warning: for example (int)boolA & boolB or boolA| (int)boolB


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xbolva00 requested review of this revision.Aug 12 2021, 3:08 PM
xbolva00 created this revision.
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptAug 12 2021, 3:08 PM
Herald added a subscriber: cfe-commits. · View Herald Transcript

Open questions:
1, warn for pattern boolA & boolB always? I think that we will have some false positives.
2, restrict this warning even more? RHS must be a call?
3, something similar for bitwise or?

@hans @nickdesaulniers maybe you want to try this new warning on Chrome/Linux kernel?

xbolva00 retitled this revision from [Clang] Extend -Wbool-operation to warn for bitwise and of bools with side effects to [Clang] Extend -Wbool-operation to warn about bitwise and of bools with side effects.Aug 12 2021, 3:13 PM
xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 366130.Aug 12 2021, 3:19 PM
Quuxplusone added inline comments.

I suggest that the name and wording of this diagnostic should match warn_logical_instead_of_bitwise, currently "use of logical '%0' with constant operand". So:

def warn_bitwise_instead_of_logical : Warning<
  "use of bitwise '%0' with boolean operand">,

This neatly sidesteps the problem of what to call the & operator: I was not thrilled with the phrase bitwise and of, but have no problem with use of bitwise '&'.


So the warning triggers only when the RHS has side-effects? I'd like tests for

foo() & a;  // should not trigger, by that logic, because && wouldn't short-circuit anything?
(p != nullptr) & (*p == 42);  // should certainly trigger: deref is a side effect, and of course obviously this is a bug

Why is this assigning to i instead of b?
Actually, the assignment shouldn't matter to the diagnostic at all, right? Perhaps each test case should be written as, like,

void sink(bool);

   sink(a & b);
   sink(a & foo());
   sink(foo() & bar());



I'd also like a negative test for @mclow.lists' example of int n = ...; b = (n & (n-1)); (where the result is being used as a boolean, but the bitwise op is correct and the logical op would be 100% wrong).


I assume you meant bitand and expect a warning?

xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 366139.Aug 12 2021, 3:48 PM

Added new tests.

Thanks for recommendations.

xbolva00 marked 4 inline comments as done.Aug 12 2021, 3:49 PM

I suggest you take all the techniques at and make sure they don't cause a warning.

xbolva00 added inline comments.Aug 12 2021, 3:55 PM

I see the point but then I will not be able to provide -Wbool-operation-and flag to enable/disable this warning.

For example I know that Google prefers a new flag for every new warning so they dont have to disable eg. -Wbool-operation, but just this new warning while there are working on fixes for new warnings.

@hans what do you think?

xbolva00 marked an inline comment as not done.Aug 12 2021, 4:04 PM
xbolva00 added inline comments.

Yes, but oh.

This is weird, HasSideEffects is false for this case. Works fine for volatile int.


xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 366143.Aug 12 2021, 4:05 PM
xbolva00 marked an inline comment as not done.

New test with volatile int.

With several Linux kernel defconfig builds, I see the following instances of the warning:

drivers/net/wireless/intel/iwlwifi/mvm/scan.c:835:3: warning: bitwise and of boolean expressions; did you mean logical and? [-Wbool-operation-and]
drivers/staging/rtl8192u/r8192U_core.c:4268:20: warning: bitwise and of boolean expressions; did you mean logical and? [-Wbool-operation-and]
lib/zstd/compress.c:1043:7: warning: bitwise and of boolean expressions; did you mean logical and? [-Wbool-operation-and]
lib/zstd/compress.c:1075:30: warning: bitwise and of boolean expressions; did you mean logical and? [-Wbool-operation-and]
lib/zstd/compress.c:1294:7: warning: bitwise and of boolean expressions; did you mean logical and? [-Wbool-operation-and]
lib/zstd/compress.c:1353:30: warning: bitwise and of boolean expressions; did you mean logical and? [-Wbool-operation-and]
lib/zstd/compress.c:1932:7: warning: bitwise and of boolean expressions; did you mean logical and? [-Wbool-operation-and]
lib/zstd/compress.c:1956:22: warning: bitwise and of boolean expressions; did you mean logical and? [-Wbool-operation-and]
lib/zstd/compress.c:1977:23: warning: bitwise and of boolean expressions; did you mean logical and? [-Wbool-operation-and]
lib/zstd/compress.c:2024:29: warning: bitwise and of boolean expressions; did you mean logical and? [-Wbool-operation-and]

Which correspond to:

I can do allmodconfig builds later today.


Well, for those cases, && instead of & looks like a better choice. WDYT?

Or is it a very noisy? Restrict more so both sides must have side effects?

Maybe we could suggest to use cast - (int)boolRHS - as a way how to silence this warning.. Or any better suggestion?

I ran this over Chrome and ran into a use case that looks legitimate. It seems like the pattern in LLVM where we want to run a bunch of transformations and get if any of them changed anything.;drc=cbdbb8c1666fd08a094422905e73391706a05b03;l=111

FWIW, all three of @nathanchance's detected lines look like good true positives to me: even if they're not bugs, they all look like places the programmer meant to write && and only wrote & by accident. The third one might even be a bug bug, since it's doing essentially (bounds-check offset_1) & (pointer-math-on offset_1).

Data point: I've run this patch over my employer's medium-sized mostly-modern codebase and found no (true or false) positives at all.


I don't understand your comment. My guess is that you didn't notice that -Wbitwise-instead-of-logical would still be a different flag from -Wlogical-instead-of-bitwise. I'm not suggesting putting them under the same flag; just making the newly added flag a little more consistent and (heh) logical, based on what's already there.

FWIW, all three of @nathanchance's detected lines look like good true positives to me: even if they're not bugs, they all look like places the programmer meant to write && and only wrote & by accident. The third one might even be a bug bug, since it's doing essentially (bounds-check offset_1) & (pointer-math-on offset_1).

Agreed, I do plan to send patches to fix these up. I will test the warning against a wider range of code later to help evaluate how noisy it is and look for false positives.

I ran this over Chrome and ran into a use case that looks legitimate. It seems like the pattern in LLVM where we want to run a bunch of transformations and get if any of them changed anything.;drc=cbdbb8c1666fd08a094422905e73391706a05b03;l=111

Maybe “res &= foo ();” would be better? “Changed |= foo();” is very typical for LLVM.

I have sent the following patches for the Linux kernel. These were the only instances of the warning that I found across the code base in all of the configurations that we usually test so thank you for the heads up so I could send fixes before this lands.

Is there a reason -Wbool-operation is not in -Wall? It is with GCC (although now, their -Wbool-operation is equivalent to just Wbool-operation-negation. I know that is tangential to this patch but if we want to take advantage of this new warning, we will have to explicitly enable -Wbool-operation in the kernel's Makefile.

-Wbool-operation is basically enabled even without -Wall, but yeah, gcc only warns with -Wall specified.

I will change it as well.

xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 366490.Aug 15 2021, 6:12 AM

Changed the warning text.

I ran this over Chrome and ran into a use case that looks legitimate. It seems like the pattern in LLVM where we want to run a bunch of transformations and get if any of them changed anything.;drc=cbdbb8c1666fd08a094422905e73391706a05b03;l=111

Maybe “res &= foo ();” would be better? “Changed |= foo();” is very typical for LLVM.

Can we either emit that as a suggestion if the code looks like a = a & foo()? Or simply not emit a warning?

Can we either emit that [a &= foo()] as a suggestion if the code looks like a = a & foo()? Or simply not emit a warning?

The problem is that if a is boolean, then a = a & something is 99% for sure a typo — 99% of the time, the programmer meant a = a && something. So any compiler suggestion or fixit that blindly "doubles down" on the non-short-circuiting behavior is a bad idea. is relevant.

One proper way to silence the warning without short-circuiting would be a = int(a) & something — this indicates that you really do want integer bitwise-ANDing, not boolean. Alternatively, and probably best, just declare a as an integer variable to begin with. Of course the compiler cannot recommend this if something isn't strictly zero or one. But in that case you might already have a bug:

int error_returning_func() { return 2; }
int main() {
    bool t = true;
    t = t && error_returning_func();
    assert(t);  // still true
    t = t & error_returning_func();
    assert(!t);  // now it's false

So typo'ing & for && doesn't just turn off short-circuiting — it can also mess up the runtime value stored in the bool.

I ran this over Chrome and ran into a use case that looks legitimate. It seems like the pattern in LLVM where we want to run a bunch of transformations and get if any of them changed anything.;drc=cbdbb8c1666fd08a094422905e73391706a05b03;l=111

The remaining places where this fired looked like places where && would be better than &, except for one where the code was treating bools as one bit integers and doing various bitwise operations on them;drc=87b84b3834343e141ec94e3321f4d1c7be8a7a9d;l=230

This patch seems like a great contribution! Really glad to see this being added. I did have a question though on why this only appears to catch "&" vs "&&" instead of doing the same for "|" vs "||". It seems like both operators have roughly the same potential for confusion. Could we add support for bitwise vs logical or in this?

This patch seems like a great contribution! Really glad to see this being added. I did have a question though on why this only appears to catch "&" vs "&&" instead of doing the same for "|" vs "||". It seems like both operators have roughly the same potential for confusion. Could we add support for bitwise vs logical or in this?

Yeah, I mentioned in the first comment as part of “open questions”. Basically at first we need to find out some reasonable “heuristics” when to warn and then support for | should be added.

xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 367611.Aug 19 2021, 2:13 PM
xbolva00 edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
  • Only warn when both sides have potentional side effects (conversative, but covers motivating case, reduces useless noise - which may hide real bug - caused by this warning)
  • Added support for bitwise | + tests.
xbolva00 added a comment.EditedAug 19 2021, 2:14 PM

I ran this over Chrome and ran into a use case that looks legitimate. It seems like the pattern in LLVM where we want to run a bunch of transformations and get if any of them changed anything.;drc=cbdbb8c1666fd08a094422905e73391706a05b03;l=111

The remaining places where this fired looked like places where && would be better than &, except for one where the code was treating bools as one bit integers and doing various bitwise operations on them;drc=87b84b3834343e141ec94e3321f4d1c7be8a7a9d;l=230

New revision should be more conversative to avoid warning on cases you mentioned.

@rpbeltran please check new revision, I added support for bitwise OR.

Thanks! And sorry for missing that point in your first comment.

I am still running a series of builds against the Linux kernel but I already see one instance of this warning where the suggestion would change the meaning of the code in an incorrect way:

drivers/input/touchscreen.c:81:17: warning: use of bitwise '|' with boolean operands [-Wbool-operation]
        data_present = touchscreen_get_prop_u32(dev, "touchscreen-min-x",
drivers/input/touchscreen.c:81:17: warning: use of bitwise '|' with boolean operands [-Wbool-operation]
        data_present = touchscreen_get_prop_u32(dev, "touchscreen-min-x",
drivers/input/touchscreen.c:94:17: warning: use of bitwise '|' with boolean operands [-Wbool-operation]
        data_present = touchscreen_get_prop_u32(dev, "touchscreen-min-y",
drivers/input/touchscreen.c:94:17: warning: use of bitwise '|' with boolean operands [-Wbool-operation]
        data_present = touchscreen_get_prop_u32(dev, "touchscreen-min-y",
drivers/input/touchscreen.c:108:17: warning: use of bitwise '|' with boolean operands [-Wbool-operation]
        data_present = touchscreen_get_prop_u32(dev,
5 warnings generated.

Which corresponds to this file:

If the calls to touchscreen_get_prop_u32 short circuit, we could use maximum or fuzz uninitialized. There might be a cleaner way to rewrite that block to avoid the warning but based on the other instances of this warning I see, I am not sure | vs. || is worth warning about (but I am happy to hear examples of how it could be a bug). Most people realize && short circuits (as if (a && foo(a->...)) is relatively common) but most probably are not thinking about || short circuiting (and it would be more of an optimization than correctness issue as far as I understand it).

Additionally, I have not caught any instances of & being used instead of &&, including the ones I notated previously; those were caught because only the right side had side effects. As was pointed out here and on the mailing list, the lib/zstd/ warning is probably a bug, as the short circuit should happen if offset_1 is zero, otherwise there is unnecessary work done.

and it would be more of an optimization than correctness issue as far as I understand

Yeah, this is right, indeed.

Maybe @rpbeltran has some idea or motivating cases for OR pattern?

and it would be more of an optimization than correctness issue as far as I understand

Yeah, this is right, indeed.

Maybe @rpbeltran has some idea or motivating cases for OR pattern?

I don't actually have a case off-hand that I've spotted from the real world, but this example snippet seems plausible enough:

if (queue.empty() || queue.pop() == STOP_TOKEN) {

Consider that in this scenario, we only consider queue.pop() if the queue is not empty due to short circuiting.

if (queue.empty() | queue.pop() == STOP_TOKEN) {

While this scenario calls pop() regardless, likely causing a runtime error if the queue is empty.

I'll run this warning against ChromeOS and see if I spot any interesting results.

xbolva00 added a comment.EditedAug 27 2021, 2:27 AM

I'll run this warning against ChromeOS and see if I spot any interesting results.



I think I will start with AND only as this is more error prone pattern.

I think I will start with AND only as this is more error prone pattern.

FWIW, I still see no reason not to warn on |-for-||. Again per : if we see the programmer writing somebool | foo, we know they've messed up — they might have meant either int(somebool) | foo or somebool || foo, we're not sure which, but we know they've messed up somehow. So it makes sense to tell them about it. The codepaths for &&/& and ||/| are going to be shared, right? So I see no reason to special-case-not-warn on |.
I do agree that it seems reasonable for people to screw up & more frequently than |. It's very common in C and C++ to type just a single & (e.g. for address-of); it's very uncommon to ever type a single |, so the muscle memory won't be there to typo it. Also, | is way off on the side of the keyboard where the typist is probably paying a little more attention; & is right in the hot path where our fingers are likely moving quickly. But from the compiler's POV, we might be surprised to see the rare |-for-|| typo ("whoa! I hardly ever see one of those!") but that's no reason to keep it a secret from the user.


Arguably, foo() bitor bar() is a sufficiently high "degree of ornamentation" to unambiguously signal the programmer's intent here. What are the chances that the programmer wrote bitor instead of or by accident? But it's not worth adding any code just to special-case-not-warn here.
(The reverse — writing or when you meant bitor — strikes me as a more likely error.)
D107294 is related.

hans added inline comments.Sep 6 2021, 5:54 AM

@hans what do you think?

I think we're all in agreement here. Putting this behind a separate -Wbitwise-instead-of-logical flag sounds good to me.


I don't think a non-volatile pointer deref actually has any side effect. I think what we'd want to check here is if the expression could be reordered with the LHS. But I don't know how we'd check that.

Sorry for the late reply on this. I ran the warning against ChromeOS and actually found very few false positives and a couple interesting findings to file bugs for. I actually saw about an equal number of cases caught for & and |.;l=492?q=%22(is_attach()%20%7C%20is_detach()%20%7C%7C%20query_service_%20%7C%7C%20has_config_options))%22,%20this,%20%26record-%3Evalues%5B0%5D,%20buffer-%3Ecur_pos())%20%7C%22,%20this,%20v,%20buffer-%3Ecur_pos())%20%7C%22

xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 375115.Sep 26 2021, 8:50 AM

Introduced -Wbitwise-instead-of-logical flag.

Looks OK now? or something more to be done?

LGTM % comments, FWIW.


Perhaps add a TODO FIXME comment here? I still think this should be fixed, but I'm willing to believe that it's unduly difficult and defer it to later. :)


For each warning case (or at least for one or two of them), could we also test (my suggested) suppression mechanism? I think it "obviously" just works, but it'd be good to test explicitly that it works.

b = foo() & (int)(*q == 42);  // OK, no warning expected
xbolva00 edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Sep 26 2021, 9:21 AM
xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 375118.Sep 26 2021, 9:24 AM
xbolva00 edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Addressed comments.

xbolva00 added a comment.EditedSep 26 2021, 9:31 AM

Maybe we should emit note like “insert explicit cast of one or both operands to int to silence this warning” (any idea for better note text?)? I think it could be useful.

xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 375960.Sep 29 2021, 10:51 AM

Emit note to explain a user how to silence this warning.


LGTM, based on the precedent set on line 68. If I were writing all these notes from scratch, I'd say "to silence this warning"; but that can be done in a separate PR, if ever.

xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 375969.Sep 29 2021, 11:31 AM
xbolva00 marked 3 inline comments as done.
xbolva00 added inline comments.

Yeah, silence this warning is better and also used (well, more often) in this file. I will change it to this form.

xbolva00 marked an inline comment as done.Sep 30 2021, 10:25 AM

@rpbeltran @nathanchance @aaron.ballman Are you OK with the current state of this patch? Well, it is clear that some code in linux kernel/Chromium/etc needs to adjusted, but I think in many cases it would (atleast) improve readability.

As far as I am aware, this iteration of the patch has no instances in the Linux kernel now. The instances I found with the first iteration of the patch only had a right hand side with side effects, not both sides, so this warning is effectively a no-op now (not that there won't be instances in the future). If any happen to show up, I will send fixes for them at that time. In other words, LGTM.

xbolva00 updated this revision to Diff 376279.Sep 30 2021, 10:43 AM

Updated warning-wall.c test.

This revision was not accepted when it landed; it landed in state Needs Review.Oct 3 2021, 2:06 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.

It found a few issues on Firefox:

I think it should be added it in the release notes:

It found a few issues on Firefox:

I think it should be added it in the release notes:

Thanks, all found cases are not “security/memory” issues but they should use logical op to improve code readability (no reason for bitwise op).

thakis added a subscriber: thakis.EditedOct 20 2021, 6:26 AM

Thanks for this warning! I just finished turning it on in Chromium. Here's a short report on the things it fired on in case it's interesting to anyone. (I'm not suggesting any changes to the warning, I think it works very well as-is).

The warning fired in 21 different files. In 16 cases, using && instead of & and || instead of | was possible, but the change was inconsequential [1]. In 6 cases, & and | were used intentionally to prevent short-circuiting, but it wasn't always obvious that that was the case. I usually rewrote the code to make it more obvious [2]. In addition to these, there was of course the true positive that motivated this warning :)

Apparently we build a (small) subset of LLVM 10 as part of some dependency of chrome. The warning fired a few times there, so I turned it off for those files (in trunk LLVM it's fixed). I also found a quality-of-implementation bug with the warning which I reported as


2: (still undecided)