Building on the backend support from D85165. This parses the command line option in the driver, passes it on to CC1 and adds a function attribute.
Still need to support tune on the target attribute.
Need to use "generic" as the tuning by default. But need to change generic in the backend first.
Need to set tune if march is specified and mtune isn't.
May need to disable getHostCPUName's ability to guess CPU name from features when it doesn't have a family/model match for mtune=native. That's what gcc appears to do.
Does this lead to a situation in 'attribute-target' where we have a 'tune' setting to a processor that is 'before' the 'TargetCPU'? Should this enforce some sort of hierarchy to make sure we only do it if it is 'newer' (read, more feature rich) than the target?