This re-implements the special casing we had in lowerScalarSplat as a DAG combine. As can be seen in the tests, this ends up triggering in a bunch more cases.
The semantically interesting bit of this change is the use of the implicit truncate semantics for when XLEN > SEW. We'd already been doing this for vmv.v.x, but this change extends e.g. the constant matching to make the same assumption about vmv.s.x. Per my reading of the specification, this should be fine, and if anything, is more obviously true of vmv.s.x than vmv.v.x.
Note that this basically ends up being two changes: one for FP and one for integer. If useful for reviewers, I'm happy to split.
Looks like this was also factored out in, so rebasing this should just be a matter of handling vmv_s_x_vl in findVSplat there