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[RISCV] Support vector crypto extension LLVM IR

Authored by 4vtomat on Nov 28 2022, 6:30 AM.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

4vtomat created this revision.Nov 28 2022, 6:30 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptNov 28 2022, 6:30 AM
4vtomat requested review of this revision.Nov 28 2022, 6:30 AM
4vtomat edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Nov 28 2022, 6:40 AM
4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 479143.Nov 30 2022, 7:43 PM

Fixed the comment from Craig Topper and Philip Reames

craig.topper added inline comments.Jan 19 2023, 9:51 AM




craig.topper added inline comments.Jan 19 2023, 9:54 AM

This parameter is never used.


I think this can use VPseudoBinaryV_VV


I think this can use VPseudoBinaryV_VX


I don't think using "PPat" instead of "VPat" meaningful highlights the difference between these patterns. The instructions being OP_P is an encoding detail only.

craig.topper added inline comments.Jan 19 2023, 10:01 AM

I think this might be the same as VPatTernaryNoMaskWithPolicy

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 493830.Jan 31 2023, 10:54 PM

Some NFCs.

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 493833.Jan 31 2023, 11:13 PM

NFC, add accidentally deleted blank line.

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 508481.Mar 26 2023, 10:36 PM

Updated to spec version 20230206.

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 508537.Mar 27 2023, 2:06 AM

Some updates on last commit.

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 517112.Apr 26 2023, 3:22 AM

Update to version 0.5.1.

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 535695.Jun 29 2023, 2:47 AM

Ready for review

4vtomat edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Jun 29 2023, 2:52 AM
4vtomat added reviewers: ego, kito-cheng, craig.topper, asb.
evandro removed a subscriber: evandro.Jun 30 2023, 3:43 PM
craig.topper added inline comments.Jul 5 2023, 4:13 PM

Capitalize the Z in extension names in comments.


I think vaeskf1 needs something like ImmArg<ArgIndex<X>> for the immediate.

Same for any other instruction with constant arguments.

michaelmaitland added inline comments.

nit: destination vector type is the same as the source vector type


From @craig.topper's comment

What does P in this name mean? Is this because they use OP_P as their opcode? If so I don't think that should be part of how we name intrinsics.

Can we drop P here too and reuse RISCVUnaryAAUnMasked? After adding DefaultAttrsIntrinsic it may be the same? If not, I have two questions:

  1. Is P the most descriptive suffix to use?
  2. If so, can we at least document where P comes from?

Can you please add a docstring for this class?


IsVS should be renamed to HasVS to match class definition. Do you need to pass HasVS since it defaults to 1?


Is there a reason behind using PPseudo instead of VPseudo? If its the same P as the other parts of this patch, should we keep it a suffix instead of prefix?


Docstring for MxListVF4 says for zext/sext.vf4. Are you able to update this docstring now that it has more uses?


I raise the same question about whether this should be VPatUnary as above and if P is needed, should it be suffixed?


It looks like this is part of the Vector Compress Instruction section. Should we add a vector crypto comment to separate?


It looks like this is part of the Vector Compress Instruction section. Should we add a vector crypto comment to separate?

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 538589.Jul 10 2023, 5:02 AM
4vtomat marked 15 inline comments as done.
4vtomat edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Updates Craig's and Michael's comments.

4vtomat marked 3 inline comments as done.Jul 10 2023, 5:03 AM
4vtomat added inline comments.

Yeah, I think you and Craig are right, I should change it to more descriptive name, thanks!


Sure, I just added a comment above




For vgmul,
it uses the def which chooses the class instead of multiclass definition:

class RISCVUnaryAAUnMaskedP<bit IsVS>

And for the class definition, argument IsVS means: If this intrinsic is a VS intrinsic, then it will use llvm_anyvector_ty as it's 2nd input arg type and use LLVMMatchType<2> as 4th input arg type.

However for multiclass definition, argument HasVS means, If this intrinsic has VS, then define one for it.


IsVS should be renamed to HasVS to match class definition. Do you need to pass HasVS since it defaults to 1?


Oh, I forgot this part, thanks for reminding!


You are right, thanks!


Sure, thanks!

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 17 2023, 3:20 PM
craig.topper added inline comments.Jul 17 2023, 3:26 PM
1458 ↗(On Diff #538589)

shift amounts should be iXLen like the non widening shift

craig.topper added inline comments.Jul 17 2023, 3:28 PM

Shift amounts should be iXLen.

craig.topper added inline comments.Jul 17 2023, 3:33 PM

We will need to implement a VI version of the vrol intrinsic using the instruction by changing the amount to sew-rotamount.


VPatBinaryV_VV_VX_VI defaults simm5, but uses uimm6.

craig.topper requested changes to this revision.Jul 17 2023, 3:34 PM
This revision now requires changes to proceed.Jul 17 2023, 3:34 PM
4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 544294.Jul 26 2023, 4:08 AM
4vtomat marked 4 inline comments as done.

This update includes:

  1. Add the constraint: LMUL*VLEN < EGW during lowering instructions.
  2. Enumerate over all of lmul less or equal to vd type's lmul for those instructions that have scalar operand.
craig.topper added inline comments.Jul 26 2023, 9:15 AM
1551 ↗(On Diff #544294)

This seems unnecessarily complex. already did this for non-intrinsics using an SDNodeXForm in tablegen

7121 ↗(On Diff #544294)

This is dead code in release builds and will give a build warning.

7261 ↗(On Diff #544294)

This assert isn't helpful to compiler users. It's not part of release builds.

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 544621.Jul 26 2023, 11:39 PM
4vtomat marked 2 inline comments as done.

Resolved Craig's comments.

craig.topper added inline comments.Jul 27 2023, 8:56 AM
678 ↗(On Diff #544621)

timm5 uses isInt<5>, but I think you want isUInt<5>?

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 545025.Jul 27 2023, 11:15 PM
4vtomat marked an inline comment as done.

Resolved Craig's comment.

1551 ↗(On Diff #544294)

Oh, that's much better, thanks!

7261 ↗(On Diff #544294)

Oh, ok. I just changed it to report_fatal_error~


Oh, I forgot this instruction has different encoding of immediate, thanks!

678 ↗(On Diff #544621)

Oh, correct, thanks!

craig.topper added inline comments.Jul 31 2023, 12:29 PM
7135 ↗(On Diff #545025)

Doesn't this need to consider the value of vscale or VLEN? getKnownMinValue() always returns 64 for <vscale x 2 x i32>.

758 ↗(On Diff #545025)

NegImm64 no longer exists. I changed it in

4vtomat added inline comments.Jul 31 2023, 10:34 PM
7135 ↗(On Diff #545025)

My thought was: For each <vscale x N x M>, if N * M >= EGS * M == [4|8] * M, namely if N >= EGS, then it's valid.
So, for vaesdf.vv vd, vs1, vs2, <vscale x 2 x i32> is invalid, however, <vscale x 4 x i32> and larger is valid.

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 545917.Jul 31 2023, 10:43 PM

Resolved Craig's comment.

craig.topper added inline comments.Jul 31 2023, 11:36 PM
7135 ↗(On Diff #545025)

<vscale x 4 x i32> is LMUL=2. I thought based on our conversation here that we wanted to allow LMUL=1 with Zvl128b?

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 546000.Aug 1 2023, 4:10 AM

Resolved Craig's comment.

4vtomat marked 2 inline comments as done.Aug 1 2023, 4:10 AM
4vtomat added inline comments.
7135 ↗(On Diff #545025)

Oh, I misunderstood how LMUL is calculated, I thought it was VLEN / (N x M), so if zvl128b, <vscale x 4 x i32> would have LMUL=1.
But seems it's not calculated this way, the VLEN here is always 64. So if we want to support LMUL=1, <vscale x 2 x i32> should be valid.

craig.topper added inline comments.Aug 1 2023, 5:52 PM
7187 ↗(On Diff #546000)

Use RVVBitsPerBlock instead of 64

craig.topper added inline comments.Aug 1 2023, 5:56 PM
7187 ↗(On Diff #546000)

Please add extra parentheses to Subtarget.getRealMinVLen() * VT.getSizeInBits().getKnownMinValue() / 64 to make the operator precedence clear

4vtomat marked an inline comment as done.Aug 1 2023, 6:07 PM
4vtomat added inline comments.
7187 ↗(On Diff #546000)

The reason I didn't add parentheses between VT.getSizeInBits().getKnownMinValue() / 64 is because if I do so, I need to case VT.getSizeInBits().getKnownMinValue() to either double or float since it could be fractional. Do you think it's better to do it this way?

craig.topper added inline comments.Aug 1 2023, 6:11 PM
7187 ↗(On Diff #546000)

Use (Subtarget.getRealMinVLen() * VT.getSizeInBits().getKnownMinValue()) / 64. It's the operator precedence the compiler will use for the current code. I just don't want to think about the operator precedence when reading the code.

4vtomat added inline comments.Aug 1 2023, 6:12 PM
7187 ↗(On Diff #546000)

Oh, I see~

4vtomat updated this revision to Diff 546285.Aug 1 2023, 6:14 PM

Update Craig's comment.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 2 2023, 10:19 AM
This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Aug 2 2023, 10:25 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
zixuan-wu added inline comments.
240 ↗(On Diff #546534)

Should it be [{return isUInt<6>(Imm);}]? @4vtomat

4vtomat added inline comments.Aug 3 2023, 1:51 AM
240 ↗(On Diff #546534)

Yeah, you are right, let me have a patch to fix it, thanks!
