Add constant array support for __builtin_dump_sturct. For N-dimensional arrays, the new dumpArray function dumps the elements of the array by generating N layers of 'for' loops.
for example:
The struct:
struct Foo { int x; }; struct S { int a[3]; int b[2][2]; struct Foo c[2]; };
The dump result:
struct S { int[3] a = [ [0] = 1 [1] = 2 [2] = 3 ] int[2][2] b = [ [0] = [ [0] = 1 [1] = 2 ] [1] = [ [0] = 3 [1] = 4 ] ] struct Foo[2] c = [ [0] = { int x = 1 } [1] = { int x = 2 } ] }
Instead of this initialization, can we make this a constexpr constructor/collection of some sort and instantiate it inline?