See the corresponding RFC on llvm-dev for a discussion of this proposal.
On this review we're looking for the following feedback: going into specific details, what do you think should be done differently, and what do you think is exactly right in the draft proposal?
I understand we have to solve a chicken & egg problem here to get the group started ; I think we should rather say that a call for application to the initial security group should be made, and the board will pick 10 candidates amongst the applications. The board can not possibly know everyone in the community, and to be effective, this group needs volunteers, not people who have been volunteered.
10 seems like a big number of people for an initial group --- given the number of people who expressed interest in the forming of this group, so what should we do if there are less than 10 volunteers ?
The initial task for this group will probably be to finish fleshing up this proposal.