This patch enhances parser support for below OpenMP constructs to OpenMP 5.0.
Depend Clause
Flush Construct
Taskwait Construct
The patch includes code changes and testcase modifications.
| Differential D81848
[flang][OpenMP] Upgrade support for Flush, Depend, Taskwait construct to OpenMP 5.0 AbandonedPublic Authored by kiranktp on Jun 15 2020, 9:16 AM.
Details Summary This patch enhances parser support for below OpenMP constructs to OpenMP 5.0. The patch includes code changes and testcase modifications.
Diff Detail
Event TimelineComment Actions @kiranktp Hi Kiran, Will any of the proposed OpenMP 5.1 features affect these features? Thanks! Comment Actions We have tracking per OpenMP directives/constructs in a google docs spreadsheet (link below). This spreadsheet was already being used for the OpenMP IRBuilder work. So we just added additional sheets to cover Parsing, Semantics, Lowering to OpenMP MLIR, OpenMP Ops spec, Lowering to LLVM IR. There is also a master sheet. The new OpenMP 5.0 constructs are the ones in bold (updated in master, parsing sheets), the ones which have additional clauses in OpenMP 5.0 are listed in the third column (parsing sheet only). Comment Actions
Great! I have amended my questions. Comment Actions
Hi Steve, Comment Actions
Sure. I will divide this into 3 separate patches. I will abandon this review request.
Revision Contents
Diff 270772 flang/include/flang/Parser/dump-parse-tree.h
Can this and the one below be in lowercase?