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[PATCH 16/27] [noalias] Clone scopes and llvm.noalias.decl when unrolling.
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by jeroen.dobbelaere on Oct 4 2019, 3:06 PM.



This is part of the series started by D68484.

Restrict variables that are declared inside a loop must get
an unique scope when the loop body is unrolled.

Note: this is a stable point and tests should run fine with the patches applied up to this point.

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Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptOct 4 2019, 3:06 PM
marksl added a subscriber: marksl.Mar 26 2020, 2:56 PM

I assume that a similar fix would then be necessary for loop peeling (and any such loop optimization that clones blocks).

I assume that a similar fix would then be necessary for loop peeling (and any such loop optimization that clones blocks).

Yes. Whenever a body that contains a restrict declaration (llvm.noalias.decl), care must be taken to handle the associated noalias scope in a correct way:

  • when the cloning is done because of 'unrolling' (or peeling), the scopes associated to those declarations must be made unique (aka, each iteration has its own scope)
    • As D68511 shows, loop rotation is more complicated, as only parts of a body are duplicated..
  • when the cloning is done for efficiency of different code paths (loop unswitching could be a good example here), both versions can (re)use the same scope.
    • Note: it would also be valid to uniquify them, but it is not needed for correctness.
danilaml added inline comments.

SNAN name can conflict with SNAN macro in math.h

jeroen.dobbelaere retitled this revision from [PATCH 27/38] [noalias] Clone scopes and llvm.noalias.decl when unrolling. to [PATCH 16/26] [noalias] Clone scopes and llvm.noalias.decl when unrolling..
jeroen.dobbelaere retitled this revision from [PATCH 16/26] [noalias] Clone scopes and llvm.noalias.decl when unrolling. to [PATCH 16/27] [noalias] Clone scopes and llvm.noalias.decl when unrolling..

Rebased to 9fb46a452d4e5666828c95610ceac8dcd9e4ce16 (September 7, 2020)