This is a basic pass to convert Linalg.GenericOp which works on tensors to use buffers instead.
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lib/Conversion is intended to for conversions from dialect A to dialect B to ensure it can depend on both without creating unnecessary dependencies A->B or B->A. Since this transformation stays within Linalg, it should go to lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms. Beyond being cleaner library-wise, it can have a more meaningful name than "linalg to linalg", e.g. "TensorsToBuffers" or "BufferAssignment".
mlir/lib/Conversion/LinalgToLinalg/LinalgToLinalg.cpp | ||
74 ↗ | (On Diff #260605) | shouldn't it be rewriter.replaceOp(op, <what to replace results with>)? Please, add a test with two chained Linalg ops. |
103 ↗ | (On Diff #260605) | why is the definition of runOnOperation() method not inside TensorLinalgToBufferLinalgPass? I don't think it improved readability here. Is there some guide that does not allow doing that? |
mlir/lib/Conversion/LinalgToLinalg/LinalgToLinalg.cpp | ||
135 ↗ | (On Diff #260605) | Just return applyFullConversion directly. failure converts to interrupt |
Thanks. The files were moved to the correct locations.
mlir/lib/Conversion/LinalgToLinalg/LinalgToLinalg.cpp | ||
74 ↗ | (On Diff #260605) | Thanks and resolved. We were replacing the results' uses without rewriter using replaceAllUsesWith which was unsafe. |
103 ↗ | (On Diff #260605) | Resolved. The reason for doing this was consistency with some other CPP files in the lib/conversion directory. |
Here's a more detailed review. I am not familiar enough with the buffer assignment mechanism that was introduced, deferring that to @pifon2a
mlir/include/mlir/Dialect/Linalg/Passes.h | ||
20 | These forward declarations look unnecessary in this file | |
mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/TensorsToBuffers.cpp | ||
44 | Please, call .reserve on vectors before using push_back in a loop | |
47 | rewriter.notifyMatchFailure If this is an invariant of the op itself, it should be checked in the verifier and can be asserted to be correct here. | |
70 | Nit: we prefer auto in places where it improves readability, i.e. if the type is too long to spell out (e.g., iterators, zippers) or if it is obvious due to a cast. I think Region & would be just fine here. | |
77 | .addArgument (and any inplace modification) is not allowed in a conversion pattern because it's not undoable. You'll have to create a new block with rewriter.createBlock and move/clone the operations from the existing block. | |
86 | LLVM prefers declaring functions static to putting them in an anonymous namespace, unlike classes. | |
93–94 | Could you have using <foo> = NonVoidToVoidReturnOpConverter<mlir::ReturnOp, mlir::ReturnOp, linalg::CopyOp> and put just <foo> here to get less crazy formatting? Don't know what's the name for <foo> though. | |
102 | Given that the pass is declaratively specified, use ConvertLinalgOnTensorsToBuffersPassBase<ConvertLinalgOnTensorToBuffers> instead. (also feel free to choose a shorter name for the anonymous class) | |
113 | Style nit: let's put this lambda outside the function call | |
122 | This looks like it would make impossible to have simple helper functions that have no Linalg in them. func @square(%arg0: f32) { %0 = mulf %arg0, %arg0 : f32 return %0 : f32 } func @foo(...) { linalg.generic (...buffers...) { %0 = call @square(...) : (f32) -> f32 linalg.yield %0 : f32 } } | |
126 | Similar to the above, but I might understand that we want this pass to fail if there remains any function on tensors (maybe it doesn't use linalg at all...) | |
mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/tensors-to-buffers.mlir | ||
15 | Do we actually care about lines being strictly consecutive, or just them being ordered suffices? If the latter, drop the -NEXT. |
mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/TensorsToBuffers.cpp | ||
77 | I filed a feature request to make this easier, PR45738. But this needs to be correct in the meantime. |
mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/TensorsToBuffers.cpp | ||
122 | Thanks for mentioning this. We addressed this issue with a quick fix to cover more test cases in this PR. However, the combination of FunctionAndBlockSignatureConverter and NonVoidToVoidReturnOpConverter of BufferAssignment would still fail in cases like the following: func @function(%arg0: f32, %arg1: tensor<4xf32>) -> (f32, f32) { %0 = mulf %arg0, %arg0 : f32 return %0, %0 : f32, f32 } FunctionAndBlockSignatureConverter converts the function to: func @function(%arg0: f32, %arg1: memref<4xf32>, f32, f32) { %0 = mulf %arg0, %arg0 : f32 return %0, %0 : f32, f32 } but the return operation remains unchanged and leaves the IR in a broken state. |
Thanks. This is really useful!
mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/TensorsToBuffers.cpp | ||
122 | Understand that this will be fixed later, but if a function is returning a scalar of scalarType, the modified function should have an argument that is memref<scalarType>. Otherwise I am not sure how to maintain the return semantics. | |
149 | Nit: newline at end of file. | |
mlir/test/Dialect/Linalg/tensors-to-buffers.mlir | ||
63 | Nit: newline at end of file. |
Don't forget to update the commit message that still says "convert linalg to linalg".
mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/TensorsToBuffers.cpp | ||
108 | Nit, it should now be possible do format it as patterns->insert<FunctionAndBlockSignatureConverter, GenericOpConverter, ReturnOpConverter>(context, placer, converter); | |
122 | Please add a big scary TODO it the comment that clearly describes the issue and you are good to go! |
mlir/lib/Dialect/Linalg/Transforms/TensorsToBuffers.cpp | ||
108 | Clang-format would still fit GenericOpConverter in front of FunctionAndBlockSignatureConverter. So, I kept the clang-format off/on before and after. | |
122 | Please look at our proposed solution for this issue (Update the FunctionAndBlockSignatureConverter and NonVoidToVoidReturnOpConverter of Buffer Assignment). |
These forward declarations look unnecessary in this file