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Emit DW_LLE_base_address + DW_LLE_offset_pairs instead of DW_LLE_start_length in debug_loclists section

Authored by rastogishubham on Jun 15 2023, 3:28 PM.



This patch tries to reduce the size of the debug_loclist section by replacing the DW_LLE_start_length opcodes currently emitted by dsymutil in favor of using DW_LLE_base_address + DW_LLE_offset_pair instead.

The DW_LLE_start_length is one AddressSize followed by a ULEB per entry, whereas, the DW_LLE_base_address + DW_LLE_offset_pair will use one AddressSize for the base address, and then the DW_LLE_offset_pair is a pair of ULEBs. This will be more efficient where a loclist fragment has many entries.

I tried to see the size of the clang.dSYM and it went from 12.23 MB to 10.46 MB in size.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

rastogishubham created this revision.Jun 15 2023, 3:28 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJun 15 2023, 3:28 PM
rastogishubham requested review of this revision.Jun 15 2023, 3:28 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJun 15 2023, 3:28 PM


I tried to see the size of the clang.dSYM and it went from 12.23 MB to 10.46 MB in size.

Is that the size of the loclists section inside clang.dSYM?


Don't we need to subtract the base address here?

aprantl added inline comments.Jun 15 2023, 4:11 PM

Maybe add an initializer here?

uint64_t BaseAddress = 0;

and then convert this to an if (Unit.getOrigUnit().getVersion() >= 5 && FirstLocation.Range)

rastogishubham marked 3 inline comments as done.

Addressed Adrians comments:

  1. Added a default initializer for the BaseAddress in DWARFLocationExpressionsFragment
  1. Changed the ternery to an if statement when calculating the BaseAddress for a loclist fragment

No, we already adjusted the address on line 1984 - line 1989, in DWARFLinker.cpp

uint64_t LowPCVal = CurExpression.Range->LowPC +
                    CurLocAttr.RelocAdjustment -
assert(LowPCVal >= 0 && "Low PC value should not be negative!");
LinkedExpression.Range = {
    LowPCVal, CurExpression.Range->HighPC + CurLocAttr.RelocAdjustment -
JDevlieghere added inline comments.Jun 15 2023, 8:28 PM

Is OriginalLocations guaranteed to be non empty? Also I would use OriginalLocations->front() here.


nit: Let's drop the exclamation mark: other asserts in this file either use a period or no punctuation at all.

avl added inline comments.Jun 16 2023, 1:32 AM

probably not name it "LinkedLocationExpression" as linked is dsymutil term. DebugInfo/DWARF does not name addresses linked or relocated. maybe LinkedLocationExpression -> LocationExpressions or LinkedLocationExpression -> LocationExpressionsVector.


uint64_t could not be negative. probably:

uint64_t LowPCVal = CurExpression.Range->LowPC + CurLocAttr.RelocAdjustment - LinkedLocationExpressionsFrag.BaseAddress;
assert(LowPCVal <= CurExpression.Range->LowPC + CurLocAttr.RelocAdjustment && "Address overflow");

may be we can do all calculations inside DwarfStreamer::emitDwarfDebugLocListsTableFragment ? i.e. do not create new structure DWARFLocationExpressionsFragment, do not change DWARFLinker::generateUnitLocations, calculate and apply BaseAddress inside DwarfStreamer::emitDwarfDebugLocListsTableFragment ? Such approach allows to change output format not changing high level structures and makes overall patch smaller.


it looks like it should be emit_U_LEB128IntValue.

This is a form of bounded location description entry that has two unsigned
LEB128 operands.

I think SLEB came from my original patch.

rastogishubham marked 6 inline comments as done.

Moved code to DWARFStreamer.cpp, makes the patch a lot smaller as calculated values do not have to be passed through


We don't need this anymore, because your other comment about moving the calculations to DWARFStreamer makes sense


Yes, this is a fantastic observation, and I don't know why I didn't think of it!

avl accepted this revision.EditedJun 17 2023, 12:36 AM

LGTM. Though, wait a couple of days for other reviewers, please.


not necessary to do that way, but if you found this useful: It might be a bit simpler if BaseAddress would be std::optional<uint64_t>. Then we do not need BaseAddressEmitted flag. A bit shorter and no connected variables.

std::optional<uint64_t> BaseAddress;

if (!BaseAddress) {
  BaseAddress = LocExpression.Range->LowPC;
  MS->emitIntValue(*BaseAddress, AddressSize);
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 17 2023, 12:36 AM

Changed from using a bool flag to a std::optional

rastogishubham marked an inline comment as done.Jun 20 2023, 9:34 AM
avl accepted this revision.Jun 21 2023, 2:26 AM
This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Jun 21 2023, 12:49 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.