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[flang][OpenMP] Lower OpenMP `taskloop` construct
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by NimishMishra on Oct 18 2022, 9:25 AM.



Lower Fortran OpenMP taskloop to FIR + OpenMP Dialect.

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Event Timeline

SouraVX created this revision.Oct 18 2022, 9:25 AM
Herald added projects: Restricted Project, Restricted Project. · View Herald Transcript
SouraVX requested review of this revision.Oct 18 2022, 9:25 AM

Can we share some code for creating the Operands from the Clauses? It can be completing the work started by @shraiysh.

NimishMishra commandeered this revision.Jun 1 2023, 3:23 AM
NimishMishra added a reviewer: SouraVX.

Rebase with main. Fixed failing test.

Can we share some code for creating the Operands from the Clauses? It can be completing the work started by @shraiysh.

Hello @kiranchandramohan,

I am taking care of this revision now. Can you explain a little on this? Do we mean we should refactor code that extracts clauses into a separate function?

Can we share some code for creating the Operands from the Clauses? It can be completing the work started by @shraiysh.

Hello @kiranchandramohan,

I am taking care of this revision now. Can you explain a little on this? Do we mean we should refactor code that extracts clauses into a separate function?

The suggestion was to use D121583 to refactor clause handling code. This can be done separately.

Changes in convert-to-llvm-openmp-and-fir.fir seem to be removing some unrelated code. Is this really intended?

Please submit this only after the MLIR to LLVM IR changes are submitted, otherwise we will get some crashes when code with taskloop is run.


Please add more tests to cover handling of all the clauses that are lowered.