This patch updates shufflevector's semantics to return poison if the mask is undef.
It resolves shufflevector-related bugs which is described at
This resolves many bugs that are marked as 'LLVM PR44185' at .
*But*, it also makes a few transformations invalid:
Transforms/VectorCombine/X86/load.ll: a transformation that's similar to the previous one
define <2 x i4> @negate_shufflevector_oneinput_second_lane_is_undef(<2 x i4> %x, <2 x i4> %y) { %0: %t0 = shl <2 x i4> { 10, 5 }, %x ; t1[2] is undef, not poison %t1 = shufflevector <2 x i4> %t0, <2 x i4> undef, 0, 2 %t2 = sub <2 x i4> %y, %t1 ret <2 x i4> %t2 } => define <2 x i4> @negate_shufflevector_oneinput_second_lane_is_undef(<2 x i4> %x, <2 x i4> %y) { %0: %t0.neg = shl <2 x i4> { 6, 11 }, %x ; t1[2] is poison %t1.neg = shufflevector <2 x i4> %t0.neg, <2 x i4> undef, 0, 4294967295 %t2 = add <2 x i4> %t1.neg, %y ret <2 x i4> %t2 } Transformation doesn't verify! ERROR: Target is more poisonous than source
define <5 x i8> @longerMask(<3 x i8> %x) { %0: ; %shuf[3] = undef %shuf = shufflevector <3 x i8> %x, <3 x i8> { undef, 1, 2 }, 2, 1, 4, 3, 0 %ins = insertelement <5 x i8> %shuf, i8 42, i17 4 ret <5 x i8> %ins } => define <5 x i8> @longerMask(<3 x i8> %x) { %0: ; %shuf[3] = poison %shuf = shufflevector <3 x i8> %x, <3 x i8> { poison, 1, poison }, 2, 1, 4, 4294967295, 4294967295 %ins = insertelement <5 x i8> %shuf, i8 42, i17 4 ret <5 x i8> %ins } Transformation doesn't verify! ERROR: Target is more poisonous than source
I think these transformations are all solvable: we can simply disable these transformations if insertelement/shufflevector's placeholder isn't poison.
This seems like a weird thing to say. It's not really a semantic rule, just a suggestion for frontend and/or optimizations. Not sure it's really worth saying anything here at all. I mean, if we just want to give general advice to frontend/optimizations authors, it would just be "prefer poison over undef where possible", which isn't really specific to insertelement. Maybe we could just add an example to the "example" block.