The following intrinsics has been added:
svuint16_t svcnt[_bf16]_m(svuint16_t inactive, svbool_t pg, svbfloat16_t op)
svuint16_t svcnt[_bf16]_x(svbool_t pg, svbfloat16_t op)
svuint16_t svcnt[_bf16]_z(svbool_t pg, svbfloat16_t op)
svbfloat16_t svtbl[_bf16](svbfloat16_t data, svuint16_t indices)
svbfloat16_t svtbl2[_bf16](svbfloat16x2_t data, svuint16_t indices)
svbfloat16_t svtbx[_bf16](svbfloat16_t fallback, svbfloat16_t data, svuint16_t indices)
Missing a test that checks for warning/error if __ARM_FEATURE_SVE_BF16 isn't defined, these two run lines are checking that for sve2 where we get an implicit declaration warning. See for an example