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[ADT][NFC] SCCIterator: Change hasLoop() to hasCycle()

Authored by baziotis on Feb 18 2020, 3:15 PM.



hasLoop() seems to be a misleading name in that the user may think that it checks if the SCC contains a loop that satisfies
the criteria of the loop terminology (i.e. a normal loop).

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

baziotis created this revision.Feb 18 2020, 3:15 PM
Herald added projects: Restricted Project, Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptFeb 18 2020, 3:15 PM
jdoerfert retitled this revision from [ADT] SCCIterator: Change hasLoop() to hasCycle() to [ADT][NFC] SCCIterator: Change hasLoop() to hasCycle().
efriedma accepted this revision.Feb 18 2020, 3:27 PM

Seems fine.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 18 2020, 3:27 PM

Seems fine.

Great, thanks and to @jdoerfert!
Any way I can find the correct reviewers next time?

While i certainly agree that it's kinda confusing, i'm not really sure this is conceptually correct change.

In graph theory, a loop (also called a self-loop or a "buckle") is an edge that connects a vertex to itself. A simple graph contains no loops.

which is exactly the case here.
seems more generic than that.

lebedev.ri added inline comments.Feb 18 2020, 3:33 PM

err, i was specifically talking about this


And this

baziotis marked an inline comment as done.Feb 18 2020, 3:38 PM

While i certainly agree that it's kinda confusing, i'm not really sure this is conceptually correct change.

In graph theory, a loop (also called a self-loop or a "buckle") is an edge that connects a vertex to itself. A simple graph contains no loops.

which is exactly the case here.
seems more generic than that.

Yes, I agree, but it was the closest word I could find that is not "loop" but still gets the point across. I mean technically maybe the better term would be "hasALoopButNotNecessarilyANormalLoop()" but well... :P
In any case, that was an experience of mine as a newcomer. If you think it's not worth it, so be it. :)


Maybe we can keep the "Has self-loop here".

lebedev.ri added inline comments.Feb 18 2020, 3:40 PM

Then this would look good to me

baziotis marked an inline comment as done.Feb 18 2020, 3:44 PM
baziotis added inline comments.

Ok, uploading new diff in a bit.

baziotis updated this revision to Diff 245295.Feb 18 2020, 3:55 PM
baziotis edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Self-cycle to self-loop


Great! Just a note: I don't have commit access.

lattner accepted this revision.Feb 27 2020, 9:13 PM

Seems fine to me.

Seems fine to me.

Thank you! Please note that I don't have commit access.

I'd be happy to help fix that problem. Please take a look at the llvm developer policy. :-)

I'd be happy to help fix that problem. Please take a look at the llvm developer policy. :-)

Oh thanks, I thought I had to submit way more patches.

I committed that ( but as it seems, I should have added the differential division in the commit message. I'll try the next commit to be better.

Meinersbur closed this revision.Mar 1 2020, 12:47 PM
Meinersbur added a subscriber: Meinersbur.

I committed that ( but as it seems, I should have added the differential division in the commit message. I'll try the next commit to be better.

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If that happens, this Phabricator review does not close automatically. It has to be closed manually using the "Add Action..." dropdown.
