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[clang-tidy] Add performance-prefer-preincrement check
Needs RevisionPublic

Authored by njames93 on Jan 10 2020, 8:00 PM.



Adds a new clang-tidy check that detects postfix increments and decrements that can be swapped for their prefix counterparts. Tried to be as thorough as possible with detecting if the result of the operation is used by a parent. I ran this check over llvm and clang lib and the result would build OK.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

njames93 created this revision.Jan 10 2020, 8:00 PM
Eugene.Zelenko added inline comments.
30 ↗(On Diff #237480)

Please highlight default value with single back-ticks.

It'll be reasonable to submit patches generated by check into trunk. May be after branching release.

njames93 updated this revision to Diff 237490.Jan 11 2020, 4:45 AM
  • Small refactor
njames93 marked an inline comment as done.Jan 11 2020, 4:49 AM

could this do with an alias into performance?

could this do with an alias into performance?

Sure. At least such tricky questions were asked on interviews decade ago :-)

I only have some naming nits

  • incriment -> increment
  • decriment -> decrement

Maybe rename the check llvm-prefer-preincrement -> llvm-prefer-pre-increment
and rename the files and classes PreferPreincrementCheck -> PreferPreIncrementCheck

38 ↗(On Diff #237490)

Does the checker give a lot of false positives?

njames93 updated this revision to Diff 237499.Jan 11 2020, 7:58 AM
njames93 marked 2 inline comments as done.
  • Added alias for performance module
  • renamed check to prefer-pre-increment
njames93 updated this revision to Diff 237500.Jan 11 2020, 8:01 AM
  • Renamed incriment in test cases to increment
njames93 added inline comments.Jan 11 2020, 8:03 AM
38 ↗(On Diff #237490)

First time I tried it there were lots of false positives. But after adding all those Stmt checks it appears to do a rather good job

njames93 updated this revision to Diff 237502.Jan 11 2020, 8:10 AM
  • 99% sure I have all incriments renamed now
Eugene.Zelenko added inline comments.Jan 11 2020, 8:11 AM

Please fix check name.

  • 99% sure I have all incriments renamed now

I checked and can't find them anymore, thanks.

njames93 updated this revision to Diff 237505.Jan 11 2020, 8:47 AM
  • Fix perf alias documentation
njames93 marked an inline comment as done.Jan 11 2020, 8:48 AM
njames93 updated this revision to Diff 237517.Jan 11 2020, 11:25 AM
  • Rebased onto trunk fixing merge issues

Unit tests: pass. 61775 tests passed, 0 failed and 780 were skipped.

clang-tidy: fail. Please fix clang-tidy findings.

clang-format: fail. Please format your changes with clang-format by running git-clang-format HEAD^ or applying this patch.

Build artifacts: diff.json, clang-tidy.txt, clang-format.patch, CMakeCache.txt, console-log.txt, test-results.xml

njames93 updated this revision to Diff 238082.Jan 14 2020, 1:13 PM
  • fix spelling mistake

Happy to see this check!


Are we really really sure this is the correct relation direction?
This isn't an llvm-specific guideline that may be applicable to other code,
but a known generic C++ guideline that llvm coding guide follows.

Unit tests: pass. 61861 tests passed, 0 failed and 781 were skipped.

clang-tidy: unknown.

clang-format: fail. Please format your changes with clang-format by running git-clang-format HEAD^ or applying this patch.

Build artifacts: diff.json, clang-format.patch, CMakeCache.txt, console-log.txt, test-results.xml

njames93 marked an inline comment as done.Jan 14 2020, 1:44 PM
njames93 added inline comments.

You're probably right, I added this to llvm first, then thought about alias. Which module should its primary be
I'd say performancepersonally. Cppcoreguidelines has 1 little note about it but I dont think that justifies putting the check in there.

lebedev.ri added inline comments.Jan 14 2020, 1:49 PM

I would agree with performance module.
Putting it in cppcoreguidelines would be the same - why there, it's not an Cppcoreguidelines invention?

njames93 updated this revision to Diff 238104.Jan 14 2020, 2:31 PM
  • moved check from llvm module to performance
njames93 retitled this revision from [clang-tidy] Add llvm-prefer-preincrement check to [clang-tidy] Add performance-prefer-preincrement check.Jan 14 2020, 2:32 PM
njames93 marked 2 inline comments as done.
  • moved check from llvm module to performance

Thank you!

Unit tests: pass. 61861 tests passed, 0 failed and 781 were skipped.

clang-tidy: unknown.

clang-format: fail. Please format your changes with clang-format by running git-clang-format HEAD^ or applying this patch.

Build artifacts: diff.json, clang-format.patch, CMakeCache.txt, console-log.txt, test-results.xml

njames93 updated this revision to Diff 238740.Jan 17 2020, 4:12 AM
  • Streamlined replacement application

Unit tests: pass. 61943 tests passed, 0 failed and 783 were skipped.

clang-tidy: unknown.

clang-format: fail. Please format your changes with clang-format by running git-clang-format HEAD^ or applying this patch.

Build artifacts: diff.json, clang-format.patch, CMakeCache.txt, console-log.txt, test-results.xml

Unit tests: fail. 61939 tests passed, 5 failed and 782 were skipped.

failed: libc++.std/language_support/cmp/cmp_partialord/partialord.pass.cpp
failed: libc++.std/language_support/cmp/cmp_strongeq/cmp.strongeq.pass.cpp
failed: libc++.std/language_support/cmp/cmp_strongord/strongord.pass.cpp
failed: libc++.std/language_support/cmp/cmp_weakeq/cmp.weakeq.pass.cpp
failed: libc++.std/language_support/cmp/cmp_weakord/weakord.pass.cpp

clang-tidy: fail. clang-tidy found 0 errors and 1 warnings. 0 of them are added as review comments below (why?).

clang-format: fail. Please format your changes with clang-format by running git-clang-format HEAD^ or applying this patch.

Build artifacts: diff.json, clang-tidy.txt, clang-format.patch, CMakeCache.txt, console-log.txt, test-results.xml

Pre-merge checks is in beta. Report issue. Please join beta or enable it for your project.

njames93 updated this revision to Diff 239988.Jan 23 2020, 12:50 PM
  • Rebase trunk and fix a few nits with test file

Unit tests: fail. 62129 tests passed, 5 failed and 807 were skipped.

failed: libc++.std/language_support/cmp/cmp_partialord/partialord.pass.cpp
failed: libc++.std/language_support/cmp/cmp_strongeq/cmp.strongeq.pass.cpp
failed: libc++.std/language_support/cmp/cmp_strongord/strongord.pass.cpp
failed: libc++.std/language_support/cmp/cmp_weakeq/cmp.weakeq.pass.cpp
failed: libc++.std/language_support/cmp/cmp_weakord/weakord.pass.cpp

clang-tidy: fail. clang-tidy found 0 errors and 1 warnings. 0 of them are added as review comments below (why?).

clang-format: pass.

Build artifacts: diff.json, clang-tidy.txt, clang-format.patch, CMakeCache.txt, console-log.txt, test-results.xml

Pre-merge checks is in beta. Report issue. Please join beta or enable it for your project.

Gonna throw it out there, those pre merge fails aren't anything to do with this patch

Yeah, the libc++ failures are not your fault :)
My 2 cents added.

63 ↗(On Diff #239988)

Why would you deactivate the check for c-code?
I think the for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) could be a requirement in c-coding styles, too.

86 ↗(On Diff #239988)

i think pre and post instead of capitalized.

11 ↗(On Diff #239988)

Please extract the common iterator class into a header and include it in the tests. this is done in other tests as well, just grep for include.

44 ↗(On Diff #239988)

Test-cases that I would like to see:

  • only the post-fix operator is overloaded for the class --> best-case this is detected and a fix is not provided
  • iterator-inheritance: the base-class provides the operator-overloads --> does matching work? There might be an implicit cast for example
  • the iterator-type is type-dependent --> maybe fixing should not be done or even the warning should not be emitted, because there might be only a post-fix available in some instantiations (see point 1). I do mean something like this template <typename T> void f() { T::iterator it; it++; }
njames93 updated this revision to Diff 240402.Jan 25 2020, 5:00 PM
njames93 marked 5 inline comments as done.
  • Address some nits, more test cases need adding though
63 ↗(On Diff #239988)

I only deactivate operator calls for c-code as they aren't a thing in c. The unary operation expr still runs in c-code

44 ↗(On Diff #239988)

There are test cases for only post fix operator overloading. basically it doesn't warn or provided a fix it as that isn't valid. I feel like there could be a seperate check that detects classes that overload operator++(int) but not operator++() but thats not what this check is for.
I'll take a look at the other cases tomorrow

Unit tests: fail. 62197 tests passed, 1 failed and 815 were skipped.

failed: libc++.std/thread/thread_mutex/thread_mutex_requirements/thread_timedmutex_requirements/thread_timedmutex_class/lock.pass.cpp

clang-tidy: fail. clang-tidy found 0 errors and 1 warnings. 0 of them are added as review comments below (why?).

clang-format: pass.

Build artifacts: diff.json, clang-tidy.txt, clang-format.patch, CMakeCache.txt, console-log.txt, test-results.xml

Pre-merge checks is in beta. Report issue. Please join beta or enable it for your project.

njames93 updated this revision to Diff 240584.Jan 27 2020, 7:43 AM
njames93 marked an inline comment as done.
  • Added test case when the inc and dec operators are found in a base class
44 ↗(On Diff #239988)

Currently the base class provided operator overloads match normally.

For template dependent code it gets a little hazy. Basically if the type isn't known the operator will always appear as a UnaryOperator, maybe its safest to proceed by disabling fixes if the type isn't known, and maybe add an option to override that behaviour, WDYT?

Unit tests: pass. 62198 tests passed, 0 failed and 815 were skipped.

clang-tidy: fail. clang-tidy found 0 errors and 1 warnings. 0 of them are added as review comments below (why?).

clang-format: fail. Please format your changes with clang-format by running git-clang-format HEAD^ or applying this patch.

Build artifacts: diff.json, clang-tidy.txt, clang-format.patch, CMakeCache.txt, console-log.txt, test-results.xml

Pre-merge checks is in beta. Report issue. Please join beta or enable it for your project.

njames93 updated this revision to Diff 244555.Feb 13 2020, 6:00 PM
  • Added option to enable transforming template dependent types
njames93 updated this revision to Diff 244557.Feb 13 2020, 6:04 PM
  • Fix order in release notes

Running this over llvm with only clang and clang-tools-extra enabled this was the output. ninja check-all ran successfully with no errors. Didn't try transform TransformCxxOpCalls or TransformDependentType as they can be more dangerous

JonasToth accepted this revision.Sep 13 2020, 3:48 AM

Sorry for missing this review, i simply hadn't time :/
All my concerns are addressed and I think this is LGTM after rebasing.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 13 2020, 3:48 AM
njames93 updated this revision to Diff 299443.Oct 20 2020, 12:40 PM

Rebased and fix issues relating to rebase

aaron.ballman requested changes to this revision.Oct 22 2020, 7:32 AM

could this do with an alias into performance?

If it was 1997, I'd say yes, but I am not aware of any optimizer that does so poorly with pre/post increment to suggest this is actually a performance-related check still today. Do we have any evidence that at O1 or higher this has any impact whatsoever on performance? If not, then I'd say the alias shouldn't be there (because the check could be noisy on correct code bases).


I think the name is a bit unfortunate -- the check handles more than just incrementing. But there's not really a good neutral word like "crement" that covers both actions. "Adjustment" sort of comes close, but would be kind of awful for a check name. Alternative ideas are welcome here.

21 ↗(On Diff #299443)

Oh, neat, we have unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("++")) but that doesn't quite cut it here. :-D

37–38 ↗(On Diff #299443)

Overloaded operators are a similar concern about changing the behavior of the expression. I think it's reasonably safe to assume that pre and post increment/decrement will typically do the same operations, but perhaps we should skip any overloaded operators that aren't idiomatic or aren't paired? e.g.,

struct S {
  S operator++(int);
}; // Only post-fix available, don't diagnose

struct T {
  int& operator++();
  int operator++(int);
}; // Not idiomatic return types, don't diagnose

struct U {
  S& operator++();
  T operator++(int);
}; // Oh god, this just hurts, don't diagnose
42 ↗(On Diff #299443)

I think hasParent(cxxThrowExpr()) is already covered by hasParent(expr()), right?

Also, this may not be quite right -- what about a case like this: sizeof(i++) where there's no performance reason to prefer one or the other?

88 ↗(On Diff #299443)

Typo: occurances -> occurrences

90 ↗(On Diff #299443)

clang-tidy diagnostics are not capitalized like that -- also, this diagnostic doesn't really say what's wrong with the user's code. How about: pre-%0 may have better performance characteristics than post-%0 or something along those lines?


I'm rather opposed to putting it in the performance module without evidence that this actually impacts performance. I find that this module tends to be really chatty already, and this check is likely to trigger *a lot* on real world code bases, so I want to make sure it's justified as a performance issue (looking around online suggests that this is not the case any longer in most situations and this has become more of a readability issue than a performance one).


isnt used which -> isn't used and

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Oct 22 2020, 7:32 AM
MTC added a subscriber: MTC.Aug 16 2021, 7:09 PM