GCC 9 added -Wdeprecated-copy (as part of -Wextra). This diagnostic is already implemented in Clang too, just hidden under -Wdeprecated (not on by default).
This patch adds -Wdeprecated-copy and makes it compatible with GCC 9+.
This diagnostic is heavily tested in deprecated.cpp, so I added simple tests just to check we warn when new flag/-Wextra is enabled.
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Generally OK, but I'm concerned about including this in -Wextra. In particular, the deprecation of copy/move operations when a destructor is explicitly declared has experimentally been found to have a high false-positive rate. Does GCC include this in -Wextra? (Its documentation doesn't seem to say so.)
Added -Wdeprecated-copy-dtor (not part of -Wextra). Now we should be fully compatible with GCC.
We're now getting a ton of warnings about this in Chromium. (https://crbug.com/1028110)
And I'm not really sure what the warning wants us to do?
Add copy ctor/op= manually.
If you have a lot of warnings, you can use -Wno-deprecated-copy.
Does the warning mean that the implicitly defined copy ctor is not going to work in some later version of the language?
I'm just trying to understand what it's warning about. If it's pointing out bugs in our code, we should fix them obviously.
Why do we emit this before C++20? It's only deprecated in C++20 onwards, no? Shouldn't this be default-enabled based off language version instead of being in -Wextra? No other language deprecation warning so far (register etc) has worked like this warning does.
(Also, this being in -Wextra has confused users for us: We added -Wno-deprecated-copy somewhere in our central build flags, and then some target added -Wextra later on and was confused that the -Wno-deprecated-copy flag didn't have an effect – but that's a minor point.)
Ah, Hans points out that the paper says that it's been deprecated in C++11, so this should either be on by default (and mention "C++11" somewhere), or it should be in -pedantic given that no other compiler diagnoses this and given that it fires heavily on existing code (including LLVM).
No other compiler ? GCC 9 introduced it even in non pedantic mode. Warnings in LLVM are fixed.
Not sure if breaking compatibility with gcc is good idea. We wanted to unify behaviours here, indeed. Users should fix ther codebases - or they can use -Wno flag. Your suggestion to mention C++11 somewhere is reasonable, +1.
Re-re-reading http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2018/p0619r4.html#3.2, the recommendation is "We will consider again for C++23". So I think this should be enabled with -std=c++20 at the earliest, since that's where the idea is from. But even there it's uncertain if it's going to happen. So I'd say put it in -pedantic, and possibly enable it by default with -std=c++20.