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[clang-tidy] Narrow cppguidelines-macro-usage to actual constants

Authored by LegalizeAdulthood on Dec 29 2021, 5:46 PM.



Previously, any macro that didn't look like a varargs macro
or a function style macro was reported with a warning that
it should be replaced with a constexpr const declaration.
This is only reasonable when the macro body contains constants
and not expansions like ",", "[[noreturn]]", "__declspec(xxx)",

So instead of always issuing a warning about every macro that
doesn't look like a varargs or function style macro, examine the
tokens in the macro and only warn about the macro if it contains
only comment and constant tokens.

Fixes #39945

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

LegalizeAdulthood requested review of this revision.Dec 29 2021, 5:46 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptDec 29 2021, 5:46 PM

In the spirit of "avoid raw loops", would this be clearer expressed as std::all_of and the switch/case provided as a lambda?

LegalizeAdulthood marked an inline comment as not done.

Improve name of predicate function.
Use standard algorithms instead of raw loops

Can someone look at this review please, it's not that long and/or complicated. Thanks.

We run into this problem quite frequently -- the C++ Core Guidelines put very little effort into thinking about enforcement, and so tool vendors like us are left holding the bag. We can either do what the rule says for enforcement (which is what users often expect to happen, because the rules are supposed to be the source of truth), or we can do something actually useful. For example, this rule is documented ( to cover ES.30 and ES.31 whose enforcement is Scream when you see a macro that isn't just used for source control (e.g., #ifdef). When the rule and the check disagree, we usually ask check authors to work with the guideline authors to come to an agreement on what the rule should be changed to say and I think we need to do that dance again here. (Aside: our docs also claim this checks for ES.33 whose enforcement is Warn against short macro names. and I don't see anything in the check that actually does that; I think the docs meant ES.32 about defining macro names in all caps, and the option for this part of the check is not enabled by default.)

However, my personal experience on engaging with the C++ Core Guidelines authors on enforcement issues in the past has not been positive, which is why I made a personal decision to not review C++ Core Guidelines for clang-tidy once they started hitting enforcement issues where the rule is of too low quality (I don't have the time to do that amount of work on behalf of the C++ Core Guidelines). I think that's the case here, so I'm resigning from the review. However, if the C++ Core Guidelines authors engage in the topic and improve their enforcement to be usefully enforceable, I'm happy to be added back as a reviewer.

I'm adding a few new reviewers who might have more ability to engage on the review in the near term.

Aaron, I think your comments are useful and I would be inclined to agree with you if I
was the original author of this check. I treat the guidelines as just that: guidelines,
not rules. In the context of clang-tidy I think you're correct that some guidelines
are easily turned into usable diagnostics and a subset of those can become enforceable
rules with suggested fixits.

In this case, the check only issues diagnostics, not fixits. When the diagnostics result
in many false positives (as per the open bug), then I think it's reasonable to narrow the
scope of the check to omit the false positives.

The worst thing a "guideline" checker can do is to constantly nag you about false
positives. This trains people to not run the checkers and/or ignore all their complaints.

Also, re-reading the C++ guidelines, I agree that this check is handling the two cases
ES.31 (Don't use macros for constants and functions)
ES.33 (Don't use macros that aren't all caps)

I guess previously it technically handled ES.30 (don't use macros for text manipulation)
by just complaining about every macro not being replaced with a constexpr constant,

Aaron, I think your comments are useful and I would be inclined to agree with you if I
was the original author of this check.

Sorry, I hope I didn't give the impression I thought you had done anything wrong here, because you definitely haven't. I appreciate all of your efforts (and am glad to see you back in the community), and my resigning from the review is not indicative of me not wanting to collaborate with you! It's more a matter of: I've got ~50 code reviews in my queue as of this morning, on top of my own work, and I didn't want you to have to ping this for months on end only to never get feedback from me because C++ Core Guideline reviews always stay at the bottom of my queue due to the amount of effort involved in most of them.

I treat the guidelines as just that: guidelines,
not rules. In the context of clang-tidy I think you're correct that some guidelines
are easily turned into usable diagnostics and a subset of those can become enforceable
rules with suggested fixits.

In this case, the check only issues diagnostics, not fixits. When the diagnostics result
in many false positives (as per the open bug), then I think it's reasonable to narrow the
scope of the check to omit the false positives.

This is not how clang-tidy typically handles coding guideline-specific rules. The general rule in clang-tidy is for checks based on coding guidelines to be configured to follow the guideline by default (with options to help tune things). If of sufficient value, we will add an alias check in bugprone (or another module that makes sense) and give it different default configuration settings than the guideline check, but users expect something that claims to check a guideline to actually check that guideline.

(The alternative is: we go back to the guideline authors and ask them to please improve their guidance and then we implement whatever the new rule says. But the end result is the same -- for checks in a module specific to a published set of guidelines, deviations from the spec are considered bugs to be fixed <somewhere>, and the guideline text is the final arbiter of what the correct behavior is.)

The worst thing a "guideline" checker can do is to constantly nag you about false
positives. This trains people to not run the checkers and/or ignore all their complaints.

We're in strong agreement that guideline checkers with untenable false positive rates are a very bad thing. I think this particular check is of insufficient quality to have been added in the first place because it's based on a set of rules that are not generally enforceable in a way that isn't a constantly nagging for reasonable real world code.

We're in strong agreement that guideline checkers with untenable false positive rates are a
very bad thing. I think this particular check is of insufficient quality to have been added in
the first place because it's based on a set of rules that are not generally enforceable in a
way that isn't a constantly nagging for reasonable real world code.

I think this guideline is mostly what this check is trying to accomplish:
ES.31: Don't use macros for constants or "functions"

Now, for the first part about constants, the check was issuing way too many
false positives. That's what I fix in this review: it now only suggests that the
macro be replaced with a constexpr constant when the macro expansion is
truly a constant.

Ironically I was working on my own check that covers some aspects of
"Enum.1: Prefer enumerations over macros".
However, there isn't any way an automated tool could recognize the example
given in the guidelines because the macros in question don't share a common
prefix, which I've found is a good heuristic for enums disguised as macros.
There are additional heuristics one could apply, such as when a bunch of
constant macros are defined on successive lines.

I'm adding the original author of this check as a reviewer.

  • clang-format
  • use Token::isLiteral instead of homebrew token predicate
  • rename predicate on token list to reflect isLiteral


This review has been waiting for a week without any comment.

Ping again. This change isn't that long or complicated and fixes
a bug that results in false positives from this check.

Please give it a review.

Code looks great! Would it be worth mentioning the change in the release notes? I also wonder if the check documentation needs some updates. From what i read in the discussion this rule has poor enforcement in the guidelines so perhaps it's good to clarify what exactly the check covers. I'm afk right now so i can't check this in detail :)

carlosgalvezp added inline comments.Jan 18 2022, 12:51 PM

LLVM coding standards say that this function should be "static", keeping anonymous namespaces only to classes

Would it be worth mentioning the change in the release notes? [...]

Updating the documentation based on the discussion thread and
the release notes are both good ideas, I'll do that and post an update.

  • For function isCapsOnly:
    • Declare as static per LLVM style guide
    • Simplify boolean expression
    • Use llvm::all_of on container
  • Inline Function isLiteralTokenSequence as it is now simpler with llvm::all_of
  • Update documentation:
    • Remove references to core guidelines that aren't implemented
    • Add mention of reduced false positives in the release notes
    • Give example in check documentation
LegalizeAdulthood marked an inline comment as done.Jan 18 2022, 8:45 PM
carlosgalvezp added inline comments.Jan 18 2022, 11:49 PM

Shouldn't it still be "static"? "inline" will not give internal linkage. I think it's also unnecessary in this case since there's no risk for multiple definitions (it's not defined in a header file)

11 ↗(On Diff #401087)

Is ES.32 really checked by this check? I don't see any example or test that indicates that.

I'm also unsure if ES.32 should be handled here or via the "readability-identifier-naming" check, which is where you enforce a particular naming convention for different identifiers. Setting ALL_CAPS for macros there would be an effective way of solving ES.32.

LegalizeAdulthood marked 2 inline comments as done.Jan 19 2022, 8:00 AM
LegalizeAdulthood added inline comments.
11 ↗(On Diff #401087)

It was always handled through an option on this check.
(Look at lines 49-56 of MacroUsageCheck.cpp)

It's a little bit odd, because it either checks for the names
or it checks for the constant/function like macros, it never
does both at the same time.

This is the way the check was originally written, I haven't
changed any of that.

LegalizeAdulthood marked an inline comment as done.
  • Update from comments
carlosgalvezp accepted this revision.Jan 19 2022, 10:25 AM

Looks reasonable to me! I'm fairly new here so I might not be the most "authoritative reviewer", let me know if you'd like someone else to give the final approval


Nit: inline can be removed.


Nit: tab with spaces.


I'm curious as to why this is needed. If I remove it the test fails, on line 15, but the u8 prefix was introduced already since C++11?

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 19 2022, 10:25 AM
carlosgalvezp added inline comments.Jan 19 2022, 10:29 AM
11 ↗(On Diff #401087)

Ah I see it now! I got really confused by the CheckCapsOnly option. Not for this patch, but I think the following could be improved:

  • Set it default to True, not False. People expect that check enforce a given guideline as good as possible by default. Options exist to deviate from the guidelines and relax them, which would be the case e.g. when introducing the check in an old codebase.
  • Be renamed to something more descriptive and split it into 2 options with one single purpose. Right now this option controls a) enforcing ES.32 and b) applying warnings to macros with all caps or not.
LegalizeAdulthood marked 2 inline comments as done.Jan 19 2022, 10:38 AM
LegalizeAdulthood added inline comments.

Yeah, my IDE flagged it but since you asked for the static .... :)


Not sure how that tab got in there, LOL.
Probably my IDE "helping" me in an unwanted fashion.


The u'' (UTF-16) and U'' (UTF-32) character literals were added in C++11.
The u8'' (UTF-8) character literal was added in C++17.

LegalizeAdulthood marked 3 inline comments as done.Jan 19 2022, 10:39 AM
LegalizeAdulthood added inline comments.
11 ↗(On Diff #401087)

Yeah, I wasn't a fan of the way this option was influencing the behavior of this check.

Can you open a github issue for the points you raised?

carlosgalvezp added inline comments.Jan 20 2022, 12:36 AM

Sorry for the confusion, I should have added inline fixes directly to make it clear :)

11 ↗(On Diff #401087)

Absolutely, much better place for this!


Duh, I was checking string literal, not character literal