| | Authored by arjunp on May 29 2020, 11:19 PM. Event Timelinearjunp marked an inline comment as done and 3 inline comments as not done. This revision now requires changes to proceed. This revision now requires changes to proceed. arjunp marked 5 inline comments as done. This revision now requires changes to proceed. arjunp marked 3 inline comments as done. This revision now requires changes to proceed. arjunp marked 2 inline comments as done. This revision now requires changes to proceed. This revision now requires changes to proceed. This revision is now accepted and ready to land. This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes. Path | Size |
| | | | | 32 lines | | | | 87 lines | | 79 lines | | 327 lines | | | | 23 lines | | 4 lines | | | | 4 lines | | 92 lines | | 1078 lines | | | | | | 224 lines | | 8 lines | | | | 7 lines | | 92 lines | | 207 lines | | 1 line |
Commit | Tree | Parents | Author | Summary | Date |
4e2795eb4305 | 0f017f570df3 | 3f86df664ce1 | Arjun P | [Fraction] fix comment | Jun 17 2020, 12:54 AM | 3f86df664ce1 | df63ad16bf30 | 56349196951e | Arjun P | [AffineStructuresTest] add another test, as requested. | Jun 17 2020, 12:48 AM | 56349196951e | 470774751e25 | ded2536c3e23 | Arjun P | clang-format | Jun 16 2020, 4:18 AM | ded2536c3e23 | 81b4b5636102 | 3af9ea89ab09 | Arjun P | Address review comments | Jun 16 2020, 4:15 AM | 3af9ea89ab09 | 6715de17de25 | 6412b83238ce | Arjun P | [Simplex::addRow] move documentation inline | Jun 15 2020, 4:13 PM | 6412b83238ce | 1aaf79e22732 | 061d92882752 | Arjun P | [Simplex::findIntegerSample] clang-format | Jun 15 2020, 4:06 PM | 061d92882752 | 843391c9d7ee | c4959c9e99f4 | Arjun P | clang-format | Jun 15 2020, 4:06 PM | c4959c9e99f4 | 218c88685993 | 5f0fe52c9ec0 | Arjun P | [Simplex::reduceBasis] use unsigned instead of int | Jun 15 2020, 4:05 PM | 5f0fe52c9ec0 | a41176cfeaa2 | 359987409bb0 | Arjun P | [Simplex::findIntegerSample] made iterative | Jun 15 2020, 4:05 PM | 359987409bb0 | 2b6be99dc18c | 09db63e2e089 | Arjun P | don't use auto | Jun 12 2020, 11:06 AM | 09db63e2e089 | 6e8a9a8da8c7 | 7005d63e4d86 | Arjun P | address comments | Jun 12 2020, 10:57 AM | 7005d63e4d86 | 2b105c01308f | f2c51d0119e2 | Arjun P | [AffineStructuresTest] period at the end of comments | Jun 12 2020, 10:39 AM | f2c51d0119e2 | fdc98be93a93 | 91e6df7a6872 | Arjun P | Change undo and UndoLogEntry to not take an index since this was superfluous | Jun 12 2020, 2:31 AM | 91e6df7a6872 | 7e46cd253e92 | db6db9fdcd45 | Arjun P | address review comments | Jun 12 2020, 12:52 AM | db6db9fdcd45 | ffbf4d0227f8 | 9b70d496af93 | Arjun P | clang-format | Jun 11 2020, 2:25 PM | 9b70d496af93 | 565ef5fd5baa | 82bb88c021f0 | Arjun P | [Simplex] add a lot of class documentation | Jun 11 2020, 2:24 PM | 82bb88c021f0 | cba223eb9d6d | d9336dfdb7a8 | Arjun P | [SimplexTest] add test for getSamplePointIfIntegral | Jun 11 2020, 2:24 PM | d9336dfdb7a8 | 1f92de122df2 | 6b1c70f0af67 | Arjun P | [MatrixTest] add same-column and same-row swaps | Jun 11 2020, 10:07 AM | 6b1c70f0af67 | 7bd458aee983 | 082a8870bda7 | Arjun P | General Basis Reduction -> Generalized Basis Reduction | Jun 11 2020, 10:00 AM | 082a8870bda7 | 1eef449d0767 | b27b8081e90e | Arjun P | [SimplexTest] add test for isUnbounded when the set is rationally empty | Jun 11 2020, 10:00 AM | b27b8081e90e | ebc11a7c64f1 | 6294fb2422e3 | Arjun P | [AffineStructuresTest] add documentation | Jun 11 2020, 8:44 AM | 6294fb2422e3 | ef3be1453f4a | b07a629bbd29 | Arjun P | Use 8 as the length parameter for SmallVector | Jun 11 2020, 8:33 AM | b07a629bbd29 | be8f6697f050 | 0033a0277072 | Arjun P | [AffineStructuresTest] use ArrayRef for reference to SmallVector | Jun 11 2020, 8:32 AM | 0033a0277072 | 229c9021b1ee | 67fb81e1d5a2 | Arjun P | [GBRSimplex] improve documentation | Jun 11 2020, 8:16 AM | 67fb81e1d5a2 | 5769d5c07f15 | 019f3310d9a9 | Arjun P | [Simplex] improve documentation | Jun 11 2020, 6:20 AM | 019f3310d9a9 | 43920b3fa4b7 | 3eeacc7959af | Arjun P | [Simplex::makeProduct] fix bug where appendRowFromB copied from B and not A~~ | Jun 11 2020, 6:18 AM | 3eeacc7959af | 06aa36d7d088 | 2966276e035a | Arjun P | [Matrix] linearize the data vector | Jun 11 2020, 6:02 AM | 2966276e035a | 1aef7dd4c106 | 120e978ff410 | Arjun P | [Simplex] use SmallVectorImpl for function arguments | Jun 11 2020, 5:19 AM | 120e978ff410 | 175dc3004e79 | d74821990f7d | Arjun P | [Simplex] {col,row}Var -> {col,row}Unknown. Added documentation explaining… (Show More…) | Jun 11 2020, 5:04 AM | d74821990f7d | 0588bd733294 | 5652e2d5504d | Arjun P | [Matrix] improve documentation | Jun 11 2020, 4:57 AM | 5652e2d5504d | 84a3ea5fe800 | 933c8ef743cc | Arjun P | [Simplex] put free functions in an anonymous namespace | Jun 11 2020, 4:57 AM | 933c8ef743cc | c170633ba519 | 181ae8845855 | Arjun P | [Simplex] use a bit field for flags. | Jun 11 2020, 4:42 AM | 181ae8845855 | fa2c61dd2ce4 | 7aae19e17133 | Arjun P | [Simplex] Use LogicalResult for success/failure | Jun 11 2020, 4:39 AM | 7aae19e17133 | 651c82a2522a | d22e224aa555 | Arjun P | [Simplex::Unknown] remove default constructor | Jun 11 2020, 4:29 AM | d22e224aa555 | 85745413899c | d7a64aa71d09 | Arjun P | [Simplex] replace `ownsRow` with `orientation` of type Orientation, a new enum. | Jun 11 2020, 4:28 AM | d7a64aa71d09 | 468967b6d578 | 0ace9494f627 | Arjun P | temp commit | Jun 11 2020, 4:15 AM | 0ace9494f627 | 1ec38b69e99d | e805d355eac6 | Arjun P | temp commit | Jun 10 2020, 2:56 PM | e805d355eac6 | 5865a28013f9 | 5061253c1a72 | Arjun P | temp commit | Jun 10 2020, 2:50 PM | 5061253c1a72 | 4f57f9a62057 | 42c18b80fd32 | Arjun P | " " -> ' ' | Jun 10 2020, 1:49 PM | 42c18b80fd32 | 8779f07ab459 | 3003dd3a458c | Arjun P | [Matrix] single quotes for one character | Jun 10 2020, 1:31 PM | 3003dd3a458c | 679a7d113f43 | 349e5df4acda | Arjun P | [Fraction] add documentation | Jun 10 2020, 12:39 PM | 349e5df4acda | 402f75627778 | 15e6235abee2 | Arjun P | [Fraction] use cstdint stdint.h | Jun 10 2020, 12:11 PM | 15e6235abee2 | f743bd46d971 | 132d659ea810 | Arjun P | Remove llvm namespace prefix for structures re-exported in mlir namespace | Jun 10 2020, 12:06 PM | 132d659ea810 | 00489c728530 | 5ed2baf0412f | Arjun P | clang-format | Jun 5 2020, 3:59 AM | 5ed2baf0412f | 94cb72ee60cb | dadaf4b4c957 | Arjun P | GBR should only be used for bounded sets | Jun 5 2020, 3:59 AM | dadaf4b4c957 | 7073a093e118 | f96cebcb7fc0 | Arjun P | [FlatAffineConstraints::isIntegerEmpty] add an unbounded sample test | Jun 5 2020, 3:58 AM | f96cebcb7fc0 | f6eba5fbcf83 | e6fb620d9cf0 | Arjun P | [GBRSimplex::reduceBasis] mention the paper the implementation is based on | Jun 5 2020, 3:58 AM | e6fb620d9cf0 | 8c9e0c509fcd | 9bdcabd9cad9 | Arjun P | [Simplex::isUnbounded] add function and tests | Jun 4 2020, 7:36 PM | 9bdcabd9cad9 | 0134726be5a4 | d8f251404f3a | Arjun P | [AffineStructuresTest] factor out the permutation stuff into a function. Add… (Show More…) | Jun 4 2020, 5:25 PM | d8f251404f3a | 9bf6e59dd3ef | b20822673443 | Arjun P | [AffineStructuresTest::checkSample] immprove error reporting | Jun 4 2020, 5:24 PM | b20822673443 | 8e98e1ffb627 | 57bfd0c133ce | Arjun P | [GBRSimplex::computeWidthAndDuals] fix computation of duals when the constraint… (Show More…) | Jun 4 2020, 5:22 PM | 57bfd0c133ce | cbaeaee9630e | 90da87662d85 | Arjun P | [Simplex::reduceBasis] improve documentation | Jun 4 2020, 12:56 PM | 90da87662d85 | 515b8d9719c5 | 070dfa791fda | Arjun P | clang-format | Jun 4 2020, 4:31 AM | 070dfa791fda | c6fe0e5d886b | eb8339676a24 | Arjun P | [GBRSimplex::computeWidthAndDuals] improve documentation | Jun 4 2020, 4:30 AM | eb8339676a24 | 88476a7cf74c | 122a60a217e8 | Arjun P | fixup commits | Jun 4 2020, 4:24 AM | 122a60a217e8 | 6c523abb911e | 0a0ba3a64da0 | Arjun P | [Simplex::findSampleRecursively] fix bug | Jun 4 2020, 4:22 AM | 0a0ba3a64da0 | 7254acd043d4 | 4e745c09db14 | Arjun P | [Simplex::makeProduct] fix bug where colVar was populated by the Simplex… (Show More…) | Jun 4 2020, 4:21 AM | 4e745c09db14 | 5894b2fc62ee | bc630f549aca | Arjun P | [AffineStructurestest] add two big sets as tests | Jun 4 2020, 4:20 AM | bc630f549aca | e9d939603f29 | 02733b068980 | Arjun P | [AffineStructuresTest] use a SamllVector length template of 8 instead of 32 | Jun 4 2020, 4:20 AM | 02733b068980 | 4ac6208e6070 | 71ee3efa648c | Arjun P | [Simplex::findSampleRecursively] fix bug where the basisCoeffVector wasn't… (Show More…) | Jun 4 2020, 4:19 AM | 71ee3efa648c | c973f7b5a581 | 63af1f4c1ccb | Arjun P | [GBRSimplex::computeWidthAndDuals] fix bug with computation of duals | Jun 4 2020, 4:18 AM | 63af1f4c1ccb | 8908b15f0a23 | 9bcce123f892 | Arjun P | clang-format | Jun 2 2020, 2:27 AM | 9bcce123f892 | 5e0f76c4ee09 | 641e752eee6f | Arjun P | [SimplexTest] Fix whitespace | Jun 2 2020, 12:56 AM | 641e752eee6f | 994be7c68825 | b6a22a131e88 | Arjun P | [Simplex] `ArrayRef` -> `llvm::ArrayRef` | Jun 2 2020, 12:43 AM | b6a22a131e88 | df893ceb2f88 | f00a5b7a217f | Arjun P | [Matrix::getRow] use ArrayRef | Jun 2 2020, 12:43 AM | f00a5b7a217f | 64161d8d95ee | be9ee788f43d | Arjun P | clang-format | Jun 2 2020, 12:29 AM | be9ee788f43d | 9862fe41080c | 58775c70a61d | Arjun P | [Matrix.cpp] fix typo in comment | Jun 2 2020, 12:24 AM | 58775c70a61d | 242fb747e1d6 | 712233eb695d | Arjun P | [Matrix.cpp] Add newline at end of file | Jun 2 2020, 12:24 AM | 712233eb695d | e4aff3213cfc | 14f7329e4997 | Arjun P | [Simplex] rename PivotPair to Pivot | Jun 1 2020, 11:50 PM | 14f7329e4997 | aae56774328f | b0378d9eeeb3 | Arjun P | [Simplex] fix comment typo | Jun 1 2020, 11:49 PM | b0378d9eeeb3 | f9ec509ee1db | cd8926e9a0c1 | Arjun P | [Matrix] remove unused vector include | Jun 1 2020, 11:47 PM | cd8926e9a0c1 | 84408b2b5b22 | 6f091d22e2c3 | Arjun P | Use ArrayRef instead of SmallVector for function arguments | Jun 1 2020, 11:44 PM | 6f091d22e2c3 | 9541cde1cb4d | 13428a88be9b | Arjun P | Use SmallVectors with length 32 instead of 64 | Jun 1 2020, 10:22 PM | 13428a88be9b | 9749e2fb19f7 | 3a889e2983b8 | Arjun P | [Simplex.cpp] use /// for comments instead of // | Jun 1 2020, 10:14 PM | 3a889e2983b8 | c76b77164951 | eaf5ef61fa2d | Arjun P | [Simplex] add new line before/after closing namespace | Jun 1 2020, 10:14 PM | eaf5ef61fa2d | b20f5f7edb0b | 8afd960bc37a | Arjun P | [Matrix] fix comment | Jun 1 2020, 10:13 PM | 8afd960bc37a | d9d76d8cdb0a | 72c2a1507c9d | Arjun P | clang-format | Jun 1 2020, 4:04 AM | 72c2a1507c9d | 8815c4c7eca1 | 43d60ea44615 | Arjun P | Add more documentation to the Simplex class | Jun 1 2020, 3:47 AM | 43d60ea44615 | 34774b97e487 | d7aea3866a61 | Arjun P | Address more comments | Jun 1 2020, 3:47 AM | d7aea3866a61 | 2012bdfbbad0 | da499e3e3829 | Arjun P | clang-format | May 31 2020, 11:52 PM | da499e3e3829 | 6b4461795f71 | 199274342463 | Arjun P | Address remaining reviewer (Kayjukh's) comments | May 31 2020, 10:38 PM | 199274342463 | 1b6f06e8cd36 | 6cf865be843c | Arjun P | [Fraction] Fix comment | May 31 2020, 9:20 PM | 6cf865be843c | 115633adc459 | c1f616bae5c9 | Arjun P | Use llvm::SmallVector instead of std::vector | May 31 2020, 9:17 PM | c1f616bae5c9 | bcd0959deaf4 | 42733e9d60dc | Arjun P | Remove Doxygen tags | May 31 2020, 8:56 PM | 42733e9d60dc | 5e4ee19b0949 | 81a1feaf8c9f | Arjun P | [Fraction] remove template parameter and use int64_t | May 31 2020, 8:44 PM | 81a1feaf8c9f | 993725d8f4ce | ff9f0cf05999 | Arjun P | [Matrix] remove the template parameter and use intr64_t instead | May 31 2020, 8:03 PM | ff9f0cf05999 | 2479f0d0168a | 7dea5c71a74e | Arjun P | clang-format again | May 31 2020, 12:53 PM | 7dea5c71a74e | 3a1c08d96433 | ce46a73ca0b6 | Arjun P | remove extraneous comment | May 31 2020, 12:20 PM | ce46a73ca0b6 | a99f966a9d29 | 22d92ac57865 | Arjun P | resolve clang-tidy warnings | May 31 2020, 12:20 PM | 22d92ac57865 | dd8c188187e3 | 8619181702bb | Arjun P | clang-format without --style=LLVM as the pre-merge check seems to want | May 31 2020, 11:11 AM | 8619181702bb | 0e00c3fe5d31 | c417319fecf6 | Arjun P | Exact integer emptiness checks for FlatAffineConstraints (Show More…) | May 29 2020, 10:37 PM | c417319fecf6 | a13c81db908f | 713338b37743 | Arjun P | clang-format | May 29 2020, 10:09 PM | 713338b37743 | c2a99cc2a964 | 62532e06c144 | Arjun P | [Matrix] remove copy constructor which was declared but not defined | May 19 2020, 7:54 AM | 62532e06c144 | 741c0394fdd7 | 988bb9df722f | Arjun P | [Fraction] simplify floor and ceil functions and add documentation | May 19 2020, 7:46 AM | 988bb9df722f | 2818c326e00e | 4a6adbec8b5d | Arjun P | [Matrix] mark constructor as explicit | May 19 2020, 7:46 AM | 4a6adbec8b5d | dccc85754d48 | 05d600dc6ddc | Arjun P | [Simplex::addEquality] fix documentation | May 19 2020, 4:37 AM | 05d600dc6ddc | 9375eb128d1f | a8c7492e73de | Arjun P | Remove "else after return" by rewriting with ternary operators | May 19 2020, 3:34 AM | a8c7492e73de | eb3fffbb9329 | a0be9da1ae52 | Arjun P | In Matrix and Simplex, add a print(raw_ostream) and make dump just call print… (Show More…) | May 19 2020, 3:27 AM | a0be9da1ae52 | 5cabfdc3ba09 | 0bbc6b4048bd | Arjun P | Include llvm headers with "" instead of <> | May 19 2020, 3:26 AM | 0bbc6b4048bd | de2e8208b1af | 8c2b48b71495 | Arjun P | [Fraction] add file comment | May 19 2020, 3:13 AM | 8c2b48b71495 | d08c03ef1fa9 | fbdb77b4876a | Arjun P | Discard unrelated changes | May 19 2020, 3:13 AM | fbdb77b4876a | bbea1388e60e | b2cfaf6ff87f | Arjun P | [FlatAffineConstraints] Add an isIntegerEmpty function to perform integer… (Show More…) | May 19 2020, 3:11 AM | b2cfaf6ff87f | d89ec4a0a473 | 87b4e935ecb0 | Arjun P | Fix typos in comments | May 19 2020, 3:11 AM | 87b4e935ecb0 | 61a6d4663bea | ad7734ef6dde | Arjun P | Remove removeRedundant functionality | May 18 2020, 11:08 AM | ad7734ef6dde | 39a36fcb29f0 | 72aaa59c8f3a | Arjun P | Add a bit more documentation | May 12 2020, 5:20 AM | 72aaa59c8f3a | a4bcf7394f42 | 82ce834d501a | Arjun P | clang-format | May 12 2020, 4:56 AM | 82ce834d501a | dbb77f51fab3 | 5906326de5ae | Arjun P | slight cleanup and add some more documentation | May 12 2020, 4:55 AM | 5906326de5ae | c649de3ae46d | b29714710433 | Arjun P | [Simplex] fix bug where normalization might sometimes make the denominator… (Show More…) | May 12 2020, 4:34 AM | b29714710433 | 8b11487132f3 | 4657bedd082c | Arjun P | [FlatAffineStructures] remove empty lines in findSample test | May 12 2020, 4:31 AM | 4657bedd082c | 2891b4f51528 | 964524c8de99 | Arjun P | [Matrix] use ++i instead of i++ | May 12 2020, 4:30 AM | 964524c8de99 | 8ed0ba0dfe4d | 0b12802bcd54 | Arjun P | [Simplex] slightly simplify addRow code. | May 12 2020, 4:30 AM | 0b12802bcd54 | 4ad093bdbb30 | e21524fa7027 | Arjun P | [Simplex] fix bug where the tableau would sometimes be made smaller when… (Show More…) | May 12 2020, 4:28 AM | e21524fa7027 | 59b2a883e362 | 0b3dda9b86e2 | Arjun P | [FlatAffineStructures] Write explanatory comments for tests for findSample | May 12 2020, 4:27 AM | 0b3dda9b86e2 | a2266d29874a | 07bb93b977fa | Arjun P | [FlatAffineStructures] add tests for findSample | May 8 2020, 4:14 AM | 07bb93b977fa | c520cf1963b7 | 04321a2c4da6 | Arjun P | [FlatAffineStructures] add findSample function which uses GBR | May 8 2020, 4:14 AM | 04321a2c4da6 | 9db8af28f495 | 6e5dd33be528 | Arjun P | [Simplex] make findIntegerSample public | May 8 2020, 4:14 AM | 6e5dd33be528 | 2a62d9d16548 | a79743f1fd11 | Arjun P | [Matrix] fix compile error | May 8 2020, 4:13 AM | a79743f1fd11 | ef2917323392 | 655512527d6b | Arjun P | [Simplex] add findIntegerSample | May 5 2020, 5:03 AM | 655512527d6b | 9487a332b100 | 1883000a5738 | Arjun P | [Simplex] implement GBR | May 5 2020, 4:56 AM | 1883000a5738 | b3e580229b65 | 6e27e58b5b02 | Arjun P | [Matrix] swapRows/swapColumns: don't swap if it's the same rows or columns | May 5 2020, 4:56 AM | 6e27e58b5b02 | 1e1e4b6d0893 | 6d02fba123cd | Arjun P | [Matrix] implement addToRow | May 5 2020, 4:56 AM | 6d02fba123cd | fcd6f3a809c9 | 7dadcbffdfc9 | Arjun P | [Matrix] implement getRow | May 5 2020, 4:55 AM | 7dadcbffdfc9 | b9216d8f2909 | d4b69624b46f | Arjun P | [Simplex] add tests for rollback | May 5 2020, 4:55 AM | d4b69624b46f | b9e0e86febaa | 3fd1eb4de0c2 | Arjun P | [Simplex] implement makeProduct | May 5 2020, 4:55 AM | 3fd1eb4de0c2 | 65fed3d48872 | 5f1737c27d16 | Arjun P | [Simplex] include fraction | May 5 2020, 4:54 AM | 5f1737c27d16 | a920a5fa28c9 | 9cec653dcd7a | Arjun P | [Simplex] implement getSamplePointIfIntegral | May 5 2020, 4:53 AM | 9cec653dcd7a | ecdae766b8a9 | f98b4d08eaa9 | Arjun P | [Simplex] implement compute optimum functionality | May 5 2020, 4:53 AM | f98b4d08eaa9 | 4a0ff7c2523b | bb5d361c8794 | Arjun P | [Simplex] implement snapshot and rollback functionality | May 5 2020, 4:52 AM | bb5d361c8794 | a62738fcad74 | 9e1692f82ee9 | Arjun P | [Simplex] minor cleanups | May 5 2020, 4:51 AM | 9e1692f82ee9 | 7d33b5168cff | 02e719a31157 | Arjun P | Rename diffMatchesDirection to signMatchesDirection | May 5 2020, 4:50 AM | 02e719a31157 | dcbc5aa0840d | 65be691e0f92 | Arjun P | Add Fraction class | May 5 2020, 4:48 AM | 65be691e0f92 | de5afa91c54c | b804366e9868 | Arjun P | Fix build after rebase mistake | May 2 2020, 10:14 PM | b804366e9868 | 3703104121d8 | 6b9b4f6c9c85 | Arjun P | [Simplex::minIsObviouslyUnbounded] remove unused function | Apr 26 2020, 10:20 PM | 6b9b4f6c9c85 | ab0f6a813a9a | eee6c0a48909 | Arjun P | [Simplex::constraintIsRedundant] Don't use minIsObviouslyUnbounded, it's just a… (Show More…) | Apr 26 2020, 10:18 PM | eee6c0a48909 | c83558c084b6 | cf8f18361179 | Arjun P | [Simplex::findPivotRow] fix comment | Apr 26 2020, 10:16 PM | cf8f18361179 | b4a89602e62c | 970b9e51874f | Arjun P | Remove braces for single-line for loop bodies | Apr 24 2020, 8:29 AM | 970b9e51874f | 4dfad24eb148 | a722eee357e4 | Arjun P | [Simplex] improve Simplex class comment | Apr 24 2020, 8:28 AM | a722eee357e4 | 0632485179af | 0520938842b1 | Arjun P | [Matrix] fix include guard name | Apr 24 2020, 8:28 AM | 0520938842b1 | 2be2a8142237 | a2f96dd9379c | Arjun P | [SimplexTest] rename tests | Apr 2 2020, 3:15 AM | a2f96dd9379c | 8b78244284a9 | ec1bd27658ba | Arjun P | [SimplexTest] fix typo in comment | Apr 2 2020, 3:10 AM | ec1bd27658ba | 3d55b5baf105 | b195db22a37c | Arjun P | clang-format | Apr 2 2020, 3:08 AM | b195db22a37c | b50d8019075c | 77326498af1b | Arjun P | Use brackets for complex asserts | Apr 2 2020, 3:08 AM | 77326498af1b | eca071fc80a8 | 494879c70428 | Arjun P | [Simplex] fix a comment | Apr 2 2020, 3:07 AM | 494879c70428 | df4dd3d3e008 | e19c02df199c | Arjun P | Remove unused includes | Apr 2 2020, 2:54 AM | e19c02df199c | 1b91fffe1f13 | 9c4ff58f8929 | Arjun P | [Simplex] remove unused operator<< overload | Apr 2 2020, 2:54 AM | 9c4ff58f8929 | a47ccc0917ef | 326228458366 | Arjun P | [SimplexTest] call all Simplex objects 'tab' for uniformity | Apr 1 2020, 10:25 AM | 326228458366 | 3cdcf9506db8 | d01f1f9b0d0b | Arjun P | [SimplexTest] add check for tableau being empty in every test | Apr 1 2020, 10:23 AM | d01f1f9b0d0b | 432602185eb8 | dd49c765faf4 | Arjun P | [SimplexTest] add documentation for tests | Apr 1 2020, 10:18 AM | dd49c765faf4 | eef34e6fdaab | 7dfc46eaae91 | Arjun P | [FlatAffineConstraints] reinstate the old removeRedundantInequalities function… (Show More…) | Mar 31 2020, 5:54 AM | 7dfc46eaae91 | 562a40c44a8a | e1f6204de373 | Arjun P | Resolve comments, fix a comment typo, remove an unused header include | Mar 31 2020, 3:28 AM | e1f6204de373 | 337d5f51cfe8 | fcd8751420e0 | Arjun P | clang-format --style=LLVM | Mar 31 2020, 1:56 AM | fcd8751420e0 | 90328067933f | e0a6e30a98e4 | Arjun P | clang-format | Mar 30 2020, 12:50 PM | e0a6e30a98e4 | 5c7368ee5b4b | b80ffdac3045 | Arjun P | [FlatAffineConstraints] rename detectRedundantInequalities to… (Show More…) | Mar 30 2020, 11:27 AM | b80ffdac3045 | c4ea07600037 | 9c163df33bbf | Arjun P | [Simplex] change the parameter format for addInequality and addEquality, to… (Show More…) | Mar 30 2020, 11:19 AM | 9c163df33bbf | b13b9f5e6980 | 8817f2499270 | Arjun P | Slight renaming, getN -> getNum, addIneq -> addInequality, addEq -> addEquality | Mar 24 2020, 4:27 AM | 8817f2499270 | 85160cfb9bab | 9d051878e82d | Arjun P | Add file comments | Mar 24 2020, 5:45 AM | 9d051878e82d | 8cbdd12d868c | 1b589389a175 | Arjun P | Delete extraneous files, should've been deleted in previous commit | Mar 24 2020, 2:58 AM | 1b589389a175 | ca37996b35a2 | 640f4762220f | Arjun P | Move to new subdirectory in Analysis called Presburger | Mar 24 2020, 2:58 AM | 640f4762220f | e5144ee2308d | ab7b41f6be6e | Arjun P | clang-format | Mar 24 2020, 2:11 AM | ab7b41f6be6e | db23242af095 | d0081d87bebd | Arjun P | dump(): output to llvm::errs() instead of std::cerr | Mar 24 2020, 2:08 AM | d0081d87bebd | b2ba5ac3fcd4 | a9ef2aecb5ce | Arjun P | Matrix: add some more documentation | Mar 24 2020, 12:51 AM | a9ef2aecb5ce | 0e53b01bef43 | 33002f33b28b | Arjun P | Matrix: default-intiialize the values initially, instead of zero-initializing | Mar 24 2020, 12:47 AM | 33002f33b28b | 0eedf7b7d18e | 248a85579e57 | Arjun P | Add some more documentation for Simplex | Mar 24 2020, 12:45 AM | 248a85579e57 | bf2bcd15660e | 5c34437f6d49 | Arjun P | Use unsigned instead of size_t | Mar 24 2020, 12:34 AM | 5c34437f6d49 | 5fbac307839a | fa49176092c4 | Arjun P | Change include guards from LIBINT_* to MLIR_ANALYSIS_* | Mar 23 2020, 11:51 PM | fa49176092c4 | 457773c74f03 | db107f2ce79b | Arjun P | Fix warnings in MatrixTest | Mar 23 2020, 11:51 PM | db107f2ce79b | 6a427ded2d7e | ae8de133bd6f | Arjun P | Remove include guards for Simplex.cpp | Mar 23 2020, 11:47 PM | ae8de133bd6f | 1ed48a1bc60d | 577db6f40510 | Arjun P | Add parameter name infix comment | Mar 23 2020, 11:46 PM | 577db6f40510 | cc816292d7b2 | a7acf573b924 | Arjun P | Implement Simplex(FlatAffineConstraints) | Mar 23 2020, 11:45 PM | a7acf573b924 | 73d6c71e41e4 | 878590a61bfa | Arjun P | Use ArrayRef | Mar 23 2020, 11:24 PM | 878590a61bfa | 0e049d3a2a0f | 21fee0921d56 | Arjun P | Build passes | Mar 23 2020, 11:09 PM |
This looks like a Doxygen leftover.