This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[Fortran/gfortran] Move disabled tests into separate files

Authored by tarunprabhu on Jun 28 2023, 7:19 AM.



This is #1 in a series of patches to enable the "compile" tests in the gfortran test suite (this splits the large patch from here into smaller pieces).

This moves the lists of disabled tests into separate files.

The goal is to have a script that is periodically run to enable the disabled tests as flang becomes more feature-complete. Keeping the lists as a separate file should make it easier for a script and it will avoid modifying the cmake files themselves as tests are removed from the disabled list.

Diff Detail

rT test-suite

Event Timeline

tarunprabhu created this revision.Jun 28 2023, 7:19 AM
tarunprabhu requested review of this revision.Jun 28 2023, 7:19 AM

LGTM. Changes in Fortran/gfortran/CMakeLists.txt look fine, glanced through the other changes. Tested on AArch64.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 29 2023, 12:09 PM
tblah added a subscriber: tblah.Jun 30 2023, 2:26 AM