This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Summary: Fix ArgsAsWritten being null for ConceptSpecializationExpr in certain circumstances when parsing ASTs

Authored by yeswalrus on Mar 22 2023, 5:49 PM.



Fix ArgsAsWritten being null for ConceptSpecializationExpr in certain circumstances when parsing ASTs

ASTStmtWriter::VisitConceptSpecializationExpr specifically expects getTemplateArgsAsWritten() to return true, which it wasn't when parsed by ASTContext.cpp in certain edge cases.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

yeswalrus created this revision.Mar 22 2023, 5:49 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptMar 22 2023, 5:49 PM
yeswalrus requested review of this revision.Mar 22 2023, 5:49 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptMar 22 2023, 5:49 PM
Herald added a subscriber: cfe-commits. · View Herald Transcript
yeswalrus retitled this revision from Summary: Fix ArgsAsWritten being null for ConceptSpecializationExpr in certain circumstances when parsing ASTs to Fix unexpected nullptr in ConceptSpecializationExpr's ArgsAsWritten field.Mar 22 2023, 5:53 PM
yeswalrus edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
yeswalrus added a reviewer: erichkeane.
erichkeane accepted this revision.Mar 23 2023, 5:59 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 23 2023, 5:59 AM

@erichkeane What are the next steps to make this land? Looks like the build servers have been stuck waiting for an agent for over 24h

While I'd definitely like to see the pre-commit bots finish before committing this, Aaron tells me there seems to be a series of problems (we had an outage earlier this week, we might be seeing more from it!). Feel free to commit without waiting, post-commit works, so they can catch anything that went wrong.

Do you need someone to commit this for you? If so, let us know, and respond with "Your Name <EmailToCommitUnder>".

yeswalrus added a comment.EditedMar 24 2023, 11:41 AM

-I can handle it. -
Edit: I cannot handle it, I don't have commit access. If you could commit to both main and the 16.x lines with the attribution to Walter Gray <> that would be much appreciated. Thanks!

-I can handle it. -
Edit: I cannot handle it, I don't have commit access. If you could commit to both main and the 16.x lines with the attribution to Walter Gray <> that would be much appreciated. Thanks!

You already have commit rights? Ok then. In order to get this merged into the 16 release, you need to create a github issue to cherry-pick it, and add it to the milestone.

shafik added a subscriber: shafik.Mar 27 2023, 10:35 PM
shafik added inline comments.
yeswalrus updated this revision to Diff 509175.Mar 28 2023, 4:56 PM
yeswalrus retitled this revision from Fix unexpected nullptr in ConceptSpecializationExpr's ArgsAsWritten field to Summary: Fix ArgsAsWritten being null for ConceptSpecializationExpr in certain circumstances when parsing ASTs.

Fix Nit

-I can handle it. -
Edit: I cannot handle it, I don't have commit access. If you could commit to both main and the 16.x lines with the attribution to Walter Gray <> that would be much appreciated. Thanks!

You already have commit rights? Ok then. In order to get this merged into the 16 release, you need to create a github issue to cherry-pick it, and add it to the milestone.

I think there was a mixup. While I initially thought I could handle it, I do not in fact have commit rights.

-I can handle it. -
Edit: I cannot handle it, I don't have commit access. If you could commit to both main and the 16.x lines with the attribution to Walter Gray <> that would be much appreciated. Thanks!

You already have commit rights? Ok then. In order to get this merged into the 16 release, you need to create a github issue to cherry-pick it, and add it to the milestone.

I think there was a mixup. While I initially thought I could handle it, I do not in fact have commit rights.

Ok, not a problem! I need you to provide your requested 'author' string in the form of: "Your Name <>"

"Walter Gray<>"
Thank you, and sorry about the back and forth.

This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Mar 29 2023, 9:44 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.