Making these two converters more generic. FunctionAndBlockSignatureConverter now moves only memref results (after type conversion) to the function argument and keeps other legal function results unchanged. NonVoidToVoidReturnOpConverter is renamed to NoBufferOperandsReturnOpConverter`. It removes only the buffer operands from the operands of the converted ReturnOp and inserts CopyOps to copy each buffer to the target function argument.
func @example(%arg0: tensor<4x8xf32>, %arg1: i1) -> (tensor<4x8xf32>, i1) { return %arg0, %arg1 : i1, tensor<4x8xf32> }
func @example(%arg0: memref<4x8xf32>, %arg1: i1, %arg2: memref<4x8xf32>) -> (i1) { copy(%arg0, %arg2) : memref<4x8xf32>, memref<4x8xf32> return %arg1 : i1 }