Because _Float16 was disabled for X86 targets the unit-tests started failing.
Extract the pieces for _Float16 and run theses tests under AArch64.
- Reviewers
aaron.ballman erichkeane lebedev.ri - Commits
- rGd1ba949f23d9: Merging r352231: Redirecting to URL '…
rG09197fac59f1: [clang-tidy] fix unit tests for dropped _Float16 support in X86
rL352368: Merging r352231:
rCTE352231: [clang-tidy] fix unit tests for dropped _Float16 support in X86
rL352231: [clang-tidy] fix unit tests for dropped _Float16 support in X86
Diff Detail
Diff Detail
- Repository
- rCTE Clang Tools Extra
- Build Status
Buildable 27315 Build 27314: arc lint + arc unit
Event Timeline
test/clang-tidy/readability-uppercase-literal-suffix-float16.cpp | ||
3 | Targets can be disabled in cmake |
Comment Actions
- Revert "add REQUIRES: <arch> for the readability unit-tests where necessary" as its not necessary because only the frontend is run
Targets can be disabled in cmake
This needs something like // REQUIRES: aarch64.
And yes, the tests that hardcoded x86 should require x86 too.