The --offload option was added in D110622 to "override the default
device target". When it landed it supported only HIP.
This CL extends that option to support SPIRV targets for CUDA.
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mkuper tra - Commits
- rG6eb826567af0: [Driver] Add CUDA support for --offload param
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- rG LLVM Github Monorepo
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I think instead of setting the triple directly from the command line, we should start with adding another --cuda-gpu-arch (AKA --offload-arch) variant and derive the triple and other parameters from it.
As discussed via IM, I uploaded a patch that extends the command line options --offload instead of introducing a new flag.
@tra, what do you think?
LGTM in general, modulo few nits.
Nit: looks like the changes need some clang-formatting.
clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp | ||
122–123 | You either need to rephrase the diag message in clang/include/clang/Basic/ and remove the argument, or provide the "CUDA" or "HIP" as the argument. Passing a "" as is will result in an incomplete sentence. | |
156–157 | Just return llvm::Triple("amdgcn-amd-amdhsa") ? |
The title says --offline option, which should be --offload.
clang/include/clang/Driver/ | ||
1142 | There are other offloading toolchains e.g. OpenMP or SYCL. This option only supports CUDA and HIP, so it is better to add "(CUDA and HIP only)". |
Fixed that and addressed the other comments.
The last patch also adds a check to error out if --offload is used in CUDA without --emit-llvm, since that will result in a assert failing later on.
clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp | ||
153–155 | What's expected to happen if someone specifies spirv64-nvidia ? If someone uses spirv64-foo-bar I think it would match this condition. Accepting spirv64-foo-bar, but not spirv64-nvidia-unknown would be somewhat odd. I think we either should check a fully-specified triple, or only check the parts that matter -- getArch() in this case, or, maybe, arch and vendor. |
clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp | ||
153–155 | This part is the check for the hip offload triple and this patch did not change the logic for HIP (at least not intentionally), it should be the same as the logic specified in the current getHIPOffloadTargetTriple on ToT. |
clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp | ||
153–155 | Removed the vendor and os check to make it consistent with the cuda logic. |
clang/lib/Driver/Driver.cpp | ||
153–155 | @linjamaki, @yaxunl -- are you OK with ignoring the vendor/OS parts for spirv triples? |
SPIR-V target requires that the OS and the environment type is unknown (see TargetInfo::AllocateTarget and BaseSPIRTargetInfo). The clang would fail to create a SPIR-V target if there is an OS or environment component in the target string known by the Triple. This could lead to a misleading error message.
Does that mean only "spirv{64}-unknown-unknown" is acceptable, or "spirv{64}-amd-unknown-unknown" is also acceptable?
One usage of vendor component in spirv triple is that it may be used to choose toolchain if there are multiple toolchains supporting spirv.
@mkuper What are intended use of OS and environment components of spirv triple?
The problem is that LLVM's triple parser will set UnknownVendor for *any* vendor it does not know about. As I've pointed in the previous comment positively checking for an unknown vendor leads to a somewhat odd situation, when a triple "vpirv64-whoknowswhat" will be accepted, but "spirv64-suse" will not, even though both are equally nonsensical as far as spirv is concerned.
If SPIRV needs a vendor-specific treatment, then it probably needs a specific vendor enum for that. UnknownVendor is ill-suited for that purpose.
Having a vendor component in the triple seems to be acceptable for the SPIR-V target.
My point is that unknown part of the triple is a catch-all for anything, including something invalid and should not be used for positive checks.
If we do not care about those parts of the triple ( accepting invalid triple would imply it), then we should not check those parts at all.
Otherwise it leads to a weird inconsistency -- invalid triple like spirv64-foo-baris accepted, but an equally nonsensical triple like spir64-suse-whateverwhich happens to use a known vendor or OS parts is not.
The bottom line is that if there's currently no known use of the vendor/OS/env parts of the triple, then we should not be checking them.
If we do want to accept specific triple, then appropriate enums should be used/added.
I get your point. TT.getVendor() == llvm::Triple::UnknownVendor and TT.getOS() == llvm::Triple::UnknownOS checks the processed vendor/OS string instead of the original string, which could be misleading.
Since SPIRV backend requires OS and environment to be unknown. It seems we'd better check the original OS and environment string in the Triple by splitting the triple by - and taking the 3rd and 4th element (
@yaxunl Are you OK landing this change as it is, without the check for OS and environment in getHIPOffloadTargetTriple?
We can follow up with patch that adds checks for in OS and environment in Triple.cpp. Is that what you meant?
Pushed for Daniele:
To 99d2582164c4..6eb826567af0 main -> main
There are other offloading toolchains e.g. OpenMP or SYCL. This option only supports CUDA and HIP, so it is better to add "(CUDA and HIP only)".