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[WIP][AArch64TargetMachine] Improve codegenprep for agressive mode
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by djtodoro on Nov 5 2021, 8:14 AM.
This revision needs review, but there are no reviewers specified.



This improves the AArch64 Target Machine, since the SeparateConstOffsetFromGEP is being run.

TODO: Get the data on SPEC benchmark.

Co-authored-by: @mmatic05, @milica-lazarevic, @dmilosevic141

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

djtodoro created this revision.Nov 5 2021, 8:14 AM
djtodoro requested review of this revision.Nov 5 2021, 8:14 AM
djtodoro retitled this revision from [AArch64TargetMachine] Improve codegenprep for agressive mode to [WIP][AArch64TargetMachine] Improve codegenprep for agressive mode.Nov 5 2021, 8:15 AM

I can run SPEC. Can you add a test case, a reproducer, where we want to see improved codegen as a result of this?

I can run SPEC. Can you add a test case, a reproducer, where we want to see improved codegen as a result of this?

Thanks for that!

Can you add a test case, a reproducer, where we want to see improved codegen as a result of this?

Sure. I'll need to add tests to all patches from the stack, that is the reason it is marked as WIP.