The legalizer handles this by breaking up an EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR into
smaller parts, and combines those together, padding the result with
UNDEF vectors, e.g.
nxv6i64 extract_subvector(nxv12i64, 6) <-> nxv8i64 concat( nxv2i64 extract_subvector(nxv16i64, 6) nxv2i64 extract_subvector(nxv16i64, 8) nxv2i64 extract_subvector(nxv16i64, 10) nxv2i64 undef)
Hi @sdesmalen, I think we're assuming here that IdxVal is always going to be a multiple of GCD, which may be true. However, I wonder if it's worth adding an assert for this to ensure we're always following the lang ref for EXTRACT_SUBVECTOR.