People use --symbol-ordering-file to do optimized linking, and sometimes, this option is passed at config time via "LD_FLAGS=-Wl,--symbol-ordering-file=<filename>", and this applies to every linker command - including dependent builds and small feature-testing builds performed during config time. This causes huge build time increase.
We would like to propose adding an optional "# apply_if_output_is: <my.out>" tag at the front of the file to say that it is meant for binary named "my.out". The way it should work is that if the binary name is different then the ordering is silently ignored.
We believe this is a small but useful feature for various scenarios where people do optimized linking by specify symbol orderings.
(Without the patch, "LD_FLAGS=-Wl,--symbol-ordering-file=<filename>" increased config time for "mysql" from 50 seconds to 10 minutes, and with the patch, the build time drops to 51 seconds.)