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[mlir][BuiltinTypes] Add VectorType::sliceDims() and drop[Front/Back]Dims()

Authored by benmxwl-arm on Aug 24 2023, 9:38 AM.



These aim to be slightly safer helpers for chopping up vector types.

Before this, if you wanted to drop the first dim of a vector type you
would do something like:


However, it's easy to forget the scalable dims and do:


Which drops all the scalable dims. There are still many other
error-prone cases with the current design of scalable vector types
(which may mean a larger refactor is needed), but these helpers make
things little nicer.

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Event Timeline

benmxwl-arm created this revision.Aug 24 2023, 9:38 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald Transcript
benmxwl-arm requested review of this revision.Aug 24 2023, 9:38 AM
benmxwl-arm retitled this revision from [mlir][BuiltinTypes] Add VectorType::slice() and drop[Front/Back]Dims() to [mlir][BuiltinTypes] Add VectorType::sliceDims() and drop[Front/Back]Dims().Aug 24 2023, 10:37 AM
dcaballe added inline comments.Aug 27 2023, 9:11 PM

If you are into improving the VectorType, you could give a try at removing the cloneWith method in a separate patch :). It has been pointed out to me multiple times that it's not very helpful as it could just be replaced by a just a VectorType::get. I kind of agree. @nicolasvasilache


These methods seem useful for any shaped type, right? Would it make sense to move them to ShapedType?


n, m -> start/begin, size? (we should have similar APIs in MLIR/LLVM so we may want to match those)

mehdi_amini added inline comments.Aug 27 2023, 9:58 PM

Both RankedTensorType and MemRefType have a cloneWith as well!


Makes sense to me.

I'd say though that these methods are encouraging somehow inefficient idioms because chaining them would trigger context-wide creation of the intermediate entities!

Generally, I'd love something with significantly more consistency across Vector/MemRef/RankedTensor types than adding a few methods to just VectorType.

For building ShapedType types from an initial type + applying some modifications, we have the fluent APIs here:
Can we refactor/extend those consistently instead of adding new one-off builder-like functionality in new places ?

Alternatively, we could also collectively decide that these ShapedType::Builder have to go and instead extend the interfaces; but this should be done in a consistent fashion across all uses to reduce surprises and increase API uniformity.
Given the current state of the codebase it should be much simpler to extend ShapedType::Builder for small increases in functionality.

Before this, if you wanted to drop the first dim of a vector type you
would do something like:


I would go:

benmxwl-arm added a comment.EditedAug 29 2023, 8:33 AM

VectorType::Builder looks like what I want. I'm happy to drop these changes in favour of using the builder more widely :)
I hadn't seen it before; it seems to be only used in a few places (I could only find 3 functions). Is there a reason why it's not used more widely?

If you are into improving the VectorType, you could give a try at removing the cloneWith method in a separate patch :)

I think removing cloneWith would be the opposite of what I want to achieve with this patch.
For just changing the element type vectorType.cloneWith({}, newElType) seems safer (from the perspective of not dropping scalable dims), than VectorType::get(vectorType.getShape(), newElType, vectorType.getScalableDims()).

VectorType::Builder looks like what I want. I'm happy to drop these changes in favour of using the builder more widely :)
I hadn't seen it before; it seems to be only used in a few places (I could only find 3 functions). Is there a reason why it's not used more widely?

Great! Probably because it is quite newer than the original Tensor/MemRef/Vector::get methods that were implemented within the first few weeks of the project.
Feel free to send a PSA on discourse to raise awareness.

benmxwl-arm abandoned this revision.Aug 29 2023, 11:11 AM

Abandoning in favour of VectorType::Builder :)

I may add methods similar to these there (and to the other builders) if needed.