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[analyzer][clangsa] Add new option to

Authored by gamesh411 on Jul 6 2023, 6:01 AM.



The invalidation of pointer pointers returned by subsequent calls to genenv is
suggested by the POSIX standard, but is too strict from a practical point of
view. A new checker option 'InvalidatingGetEnv' is introduced, and is set to a
more lax default value, which does not consider consecutive getenv calls
The handling of the main function's possible specification where an environment
pointer is also pecified as a third parameter is also considered now.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

gamesh411 created this revision.Jul 6 2023, 6:01 AM
Herald added a reviewer: NoQ. · View Herald Transcript
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald Transcript
gamesh411 requested review of this revision.Jul 6 2023, 6:01 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJul 6 2023, 6:01 AM
gamesh411 added inline comments.Jul 6 2023, 6:21 AM

The state modelling is refined to model the env region coming from the main function and the getenv calls.


This test file is incomplete.
I would welcome suggestions here as to how to test this.
Should a new file be created for the config option with different test cases, or is this file to be extended?

The commit looks good in general, I have a few minor suggestions and a serious question about the state transition bureaucracy.


Nitpick: "practical false positives" sounds strange for me, consider writing
[...but] "in practice does not cause problems (in the commonly used environments)"
or something similar.


Perhaps add a comment that clarifies that passing a nullptr as the ExplodedNode to addTransition is equivalent to specifying the current node. I remember this because I was studying its implementation recently, but I would've been surprised and suspicious otherwise.


I fear that this state transition will go "sideways" and the later state transitions (which add the note tags) will branch off instead of building onto this. IIUC calling CheckerContext::addTransition registers the transition without updating the "current ExplodedNode" field of CheckerContext, so you need to explicitly store and pass around the ExplodedNode returned by it if you want to build on it.

This is an ugly and counter-intuitive API, and I also ran into a very similar issue a few weeks ago (@Szelethus helped me).


Personally I'd prefer putting those cases into a separate files, because this test file is already 340 lines long and it'd be difficult to understand if it was filled with conditional checks.

I'm sorry starting the review of this one only now, but I'm quite booked.
Is it still relevant? If so, I'll continue.


FunctionName and Message will dangle inside the NoteTag.


If nullptr is equivalent with C.getPredecessor() inside addTransition(), why not simply initialize it to that value instead of to nullptr?


We should hoist this into a field, to only construct it once.


What ensures that Call.getReturnValue().getAsRegion() is not null?


I think the usage here is correct.

gamesh411 updated this revision to Diff 552670.Aug 23 2023, 5:24 AM

Add tests for checker option
Remove unnecessary const_cast
Only model a getenv call if there is a value to model
Use getPredecessor to better indicate what happens during EG building
Hoist GetEnvCall variable
Fix dangling strings in note generation

gamesh411 updated this revision to Diff 552676.Aug 23 2023, 5:30 AM
gamesh411 marked an inline comment as done.

rebased and squashed

gamesh411 marked 8 inline comments as done.Aug 23 2023, 5:47 AM
gamesh411 added inline comments.

Reworded the message here


Hoisted here


Good catch, thanks! Fixed this with a lambda capture initializer.


I ended up using C.getPredecessor() instead of explaining; this seems a bit more intuitive (if such a thing even exists in CSA).


(the line number of this comment desync-ed)
I agree, that the addTransition API is easy to misuse, and I would welcome a more streamlined approach.
I tried to pay attention to "build" the state and the Exploded Graph by always providing the Exploded Node (second parameter), and this seems fine.

51 ↗(On Diff #552676)

This gives 2 warnings. One for subexpression envp, and one for the whole statement *envp. This is the current behaviour ( check clang/test/Analysis/cert/env31-c.c ), and this patch does not change it.
However, I would like to devise a solution for this in a different patch.
One option would be to make the error of this checker Fatal, so only one would appear, or refine the checkLocation callback to only consider one of these 2 cases for reporting.

gamesh411 edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Aug 23 2023, 5:49 AM
gamesh411 marked 2 inline comments as done.
This comment was removed by gamesh411.

I'm sorry starting the review of this one only now, but I'm quite booked.
Is it still relevant? If so, I'll continue.

Yes, thanks for the effort!

I would like to go through with this option, and then I would like to fix the following issues with this checker as well:

  • the previous function call notes could be more streamlined
  • the notes of this checker are also shown when another checker hits those nodes with its report
    • for example taint checker giving a warning to getenv usage would also trigger the display of the 'previous function call was here' note here), this I would like to filter with bug category filters
    • code examples for this filtering are below
  • try to consolidate the multiple warnings coming from this checker's checkLocation callback

category based filtering ( example from lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/GenericTaintChecker.cpp:167 ):

If (!BR.isInteresting(CallLocation) ||
  BR.getBugType().getCategory() != categories::TaintedData) { //but this would be InvalidPtr BugType's category, namely memory_error
  return "";

or checker based filtering ( example from lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/SmartPtrModeling.cpp:397 )

if (&BR.getBugType() != smartptr::getNullDereferenceBugType() || // this is a comparison of the address of a static bugtype

This second one gives a more precise filtering, but the implementation-specific detail of storing the bugtype by reference is what seems to make this work, which I find hacky.

  • try to consolidate the multiple warnings coming from this checker's checkLocation callback

category based filtering ( example from lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/GenericTaintChecker.cpp:167 ):

If (!BR.isInteresting(CallLocation) ||
  BR.getBugType().getCategory() != categories::TaintedData) { //but this would be InvalidPtr BugType's category, namely memory_error
  return "";

or checker based filtering ( example from lib/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/SmartPtrModeling.cpp:397 )

if (&BR.getBugType() != smartptr::getNullDereferenceBugType() || // this is a comparison of the address of a static bugtype

This second one gives a more precise filtering, but the implementation-specific detail of storing the bugtype by reference is what seems to make this work, which I find hacky.

If the checker issues a NoteTag, it makes sense in certain situations to make sure that it acts on only reports issued by that checker. The standard way of achieving that is by comparing the tags, as you do in the second example.
There is nothing wrong with this, if that particular checker issued that NoteTag in the first place. It's marginally debatable, if it was not issued by the given checker but rather something else. That would suggest to me some logic flaw, or coupling issue. For cross-checker cases, I think the bug category would be the better option, but I would still need to think about that, so not set in stone :D

FYI I haven't looked at the patch yet, but I wanted to answer your question.

The change looks promising, I only have minor remarks.


Minor nitpick: in situations like this, when we want to save an already composed string, std::string is better than SmallString because it doesn't occupy more memory than the actual length of the string. (OTOH SmallString is better for buffer variables, I've seen code that creates a SmallString, composes the message in it, then converts it to a std::string for longer-term storage.)

Of course these are all just inconsequential micro-optimization details...


if such a thing even exists in CSA


10 ↗(On Diff #552676)

Use -verify=expected,pedantic here and then you can eliminate the pedantic-warning lines that duplicate the messages of expected-warnings.

gamesh411 updated this revision to Diff 556510.Sep 11 2023, 5:31 PM
  • use std::string
  • simplify tests
gamesh411 marked 2 inline comments as done.Sep 11 2023, 5:32 PM

@steakhal gentle ping

steakhal requested changes to this revision.Sep 12 2023, 7:43 AM

Thanks for the ping. I have some concerns inline.


I think we should mention this flag in the docs, and an example.


I'd prefer an explicit out parameter instead of capturing &State here.
This way we only capture "immutable" stuff.


On second thought, I'm wrong. It won't dangle, because the StringRef(FunctionName) is owned by the identifier of the function, and thus lives as long as the ASTContext.
But Message would dangle :D


To me, it feels like all the messages we emit from this NoteTag, are specific to this particular checker.
if that's true, checking interestingness is not enough, and we should also make sure that the BugType is from this checker.
Otherwise, this note could appear for any other reason when the region is marked as interesting.

I also have the feeling that it should mark uninteresting the region once it puts a message there - which should stop other notes placed for the same reason for other - basically unrelated env invalidations.
Could you verify this with a test?


I'd prefer if we wouldn't put N separate NoteTags, but rather iterate over this set of regions inside the NoteTag.
That way here you don't need the loop and play with Pred nodes.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Sep 12 2023, 7:43 AM
gamesh411 abandoned this revision.Sep 29 2023, 2:20 AM

Moving this to GitHub as Phabricator is shutting down. Relevant PR here: