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[mlir] [transform] Fix for RAUW error in transform gpu dialect

Authored by guraypp on Nov 15 2022, 6:28 AM.



The given test fails due to error below.

The following error is why the test is failing. One and two memref.load are consumers of the loop index for which I do RAUW. is first in the list. If I RAUW on this the loop of llvm::make early inc range(threadIdx.getUsers()) does not return two memref.load as users. They remain unchanged. I'm not really certain why.

This change applies RAUW after collecting the users. If a better solution exists, I would be happy to implement it.

mlir-opt: ...llvm-project/mlir/include/mlir/IR/UseDefLists.h:175: mlir::IRObjectWithUseList<mlir::OpOperand>::~IRObjectWithUseList() [OperandType = mlir::OpOperand]: Assertion `use_empty() && "Cannot destroy a value that still has uses!"' failed.
PLEASE submit a bug report to and include the crash backtrace.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

guraypp created this revision.Nov 15 2022, 6:28 AM
guraypp requested review of this revision.Nov 15 2022, 6:28 AM
guraypp updated this revision to Diff 475495.Nov 15 2022, 8:39 AM

Move invariant bvm.lookup(threadIdx) outside of the loop

guraypp updated this revision to Diff 475510.Nov 15 2022, 9:50 AM

Use vector constructor to build users.
Fix the same potential bug in map_foreach_to_blocks

mehdi_amini added inline comments.Nov 15 2022, 10:10 AM

SetVector is heavy, do you need the ordering here?

Also are we sure that a set is better than accepting the eventual duplications?

I usually iterate over all uses (not users) with OpOperand::set, then there are no duplicates. (you still need the updaterootinplace on the owner and the set/vector)


not needed anymore

springerm added inline comments.Nov 15 2022, 10:14 AM

i meant the early_inc

guraypp updated this revision to Diff 475709.Nov 16 2022, 12:28 AM

Iterate over the uses instead of users
Use SmallVector instead of SetVector

springerm accepted this revision.Nov 16 2022, 12:31 AM
springerm added inline comments.

nit: for (OpOperand *operand : uses) would be simpler


You can write operand->set(val)


same as above


nit: add new line

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 16 2022, 12:31 AM
guraypp updated this revision to Diff 475718.Nov 16 2022, 12:51 AM

address @springerm comments

This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Nov 16 2022, 12:55 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.