This patch fixed the padding size calculation for Conv2d ops when the stride > 1. It contains the changes below:
- Use addBound to add constraint for AffineApplyOp in getUpperBoundForIndex. So the result value can be mapped and retrieved later.
- Fixed the bound from AffineMinOp by adding as a closed bound. Originally the bound was added as an open upper bound, which results in the incorrect bounds when we multiply the values. For example:
%0 = affine.min affine_map<()[s0] -> (4, -s0 + 11)>()[iv0] %1 = affine.apply affine_map<()[s0] -> (s0 * 2)>()[%0] If we add the affine.min as an open bound, addBound will internally transform it into the close bound "%0 <= 3". The following sliceBounds will derive the bound of %1 as "%1 <= 6" and return the open bound "%1 < 7", while the correct bound should be "%1 <= 8".
- In addition to addBound, I also changed sliceBounds to support returning closed upper bound, since for the size computation, we usually care about the closed bounds.
- Change the getUpperBoundForIndex to favor constant bounds when required. The sliceBounds will return a tighter but non-constant bounds, which can't be used for padding. The constantRequired option requires getUpperBoundForIndex to get the constant bounds when possible.
Can you update the docs about what isClosedBound does? The requirement that isClosedBound needs to be true for BoundType::EQ is not obvious.