Simplify semi-affine expression for the operations like ceildiv, floordiv and modulo by any given symbol by checking divisibilty by that symbol.
Some properties used in simplification are:
- Commutative property of the floordiv and ceildiv:
((expr1 floordiv expr2) floordiv expr3 ) = ((expr1 floordiv expr3) floordiv expr2)
((expr1 ceildiv expr2) ceildiv expr3 ) = ((expr1 ceildiv expr3) ceildiv expr2)
While simplification if operations are different no simplification is possible as there is no property that simplify expressions like these: ((expr1 ceildiv expr2) floordiv expr3) or ((expr1 floordiv expr2) ceildiv expr3).
- If both expr1 and expr2 are divisible by the expr3 then:
(expr1 % expr2) / expr3 = ((expr1 / expr3) % (expr2 / expr3)) "where / is divide symbol".
- If expr1 is divisible by expr2 then expr1 % expr2 = 0.
Signed-off-by: Yash Jain <>
Nit: signifies here ... -> specifies what kind of division or mod operation associates the two.