Imagine we have an YAML description for some object and we want to
produce 2 outputs: with and without the section header.
A natural way to do it would look like:
--- !ELF FileHeader: Class: ELFCLASS64 Data: ELFDATA2LSB Type: ET_REL Machine: EM_X86_64 Sections: ... SectionHeaderTable: NoHeaders: [[NOHEADERS]]
But currently, we do not distinguish between no NoHeaders key case
and NoHeaders == false. Because of this we can't simply specify
NOHEADERS = false, as tool starts to complain.
With this patch the behavior changed. When we have:
SectionHeaderTable: NoHeaders: false
it is the same as we have no SectionHeaderTable at all.
(NoHeaders key still can't be used with Sections/Excluded keys)
Does bool NoHeaders = false; work? If absence is equal to false.