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[ARM] Add Cortex-A77 Support for Clang and LLVM

Authored by LukeGeeson on Jun 30 2020, 9:23 AM.



This patch upstreams support for the Arm-v8 Cortex-A77
processor for AArch64 and ARM.

In detail:

  • Adding cortex-a77 as a cpu option for aarch64 and arm targets in clang
  • Cortex-A77 CPU name and ProcessorModel in llvm

details of the CPU can be found here:

and a similar submission to GCC can be found here:

The following people contributed to this patch:

  • Luke Geeson
  • Mikhail Maltsev

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

LukeGeeson created this revision.Jun 30 2020, 9:23 AM
Herald added projects: Restricted Project, Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJun 30 2020, 9:23 AM
dmgreen added a subscriber: dmgreen.

Please make sure the switch in AArch64Subtarget::initializeProperties has an entry too.

Do you happen to know the cpu id for host.cpp?


Can you move this test up to next to the other cpus.


Format this line - it's getting a bit long. It also would be good to make it consistent with the lines above.


Little bit of extra whitespace


Please add a ProcA77 and sort this next to the A76


Whitespace here. And Adding a ProcA77 for consistency?

Please make sure the switch in AArch64Subtarget::initializeProperties has an entry too.

Do you happen to know the cpu id for host.cpp?

do you mean the CPU part number used in e.g Host.cpp? then chasing the GCC link above points to 0xd0d which is also what is also in the TRM

LukeGeeson updated this revision to Diff 274791.Jul 1 2020, 6:57 AM
LukeGeeson marked 5 inline comments as done.
  • Added A77 CPU Part Number to Host.cpp
  • added case to AArch64Subtarget::initializeProperties
  • moved a77 test up in AArch64-cpu
  • formatted line for AArch64 Target Parser
  • removed whitespace in ARM Target Parser
  • refactored ProcessorModel + sorted next to A76
  • Added ProcA77

This should address everything David, please let me know if there is anything else

dmgreen accepted this revision.Jul 1 2020, 7:07 AM

Thanks. LGTM.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 1 2020, 7:07 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.