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Fix FindZ3.cmake to work with static Z3 libraries
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by ArtemDinaburg on May 19 2020, 11:42 AM.



The current FindZ3.cmake does not properly detect Z3 when it is built as a static library. This patch allows a Z3 static library to be used with LLVM.

The changes are:

  • Build the Z3 version detection code as C++, since the static library brings in libstdc++ symbols
  • Detect threading support and link against threading, in the (likely) case Z3 was built with threads

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ArtemDinaburg created this revision.May 19 2020, 11:42 AM

I've actually just run into another issue, triggered only in Docker-based builds, where the source generated from file(WRITE ...) that is used to emit the Z3 version is not visible to the try_run command.

I think that file_write is not the proper way to specify a static source file at configuration time in CMake. I am not sure of the best place to put such a file... llvm/cmake/extras perhaps?

Verified that having a pre-made testz3.cpp fixes my issue. Thinking about it more, there is no explicit dependency between file(WRITE ... and try_compile, so the two actions can happen in parallel. It just so happened that my particular build setup repeatedly hit this issue with try_compile failing before the write could occur.

Will try for an updated patch later tonight.

ddcc added a subscriber: esteffin.May 19 2020, 2:42 PM

I'm not too familiar with this part of CMake, but this mechanism is how CMake themselves implement C++ compilation and testing: . In fact, this code does include CheckCXXSourceRuns, but seems to reimplement most of the internals. Perhaps @esteffin would know more?

From a quick glance it looks like CheckCXXSourceRuns doesn't provide a documented way to store output of the command, and the output is what LLVM's build system is after. Interestingly CheckCXXSourceRuns also uses file(WRITE ... and then try_run, which makes me wonder if it has the same underlying issue, or if it is unaffected because it is in a macro.

Updated to use a pre-made file to fix a race between file(WRITE and try_compile

ddcc added a comment.May 20 2020, 2:06 PM

I'm not entirely convinced that it's a race, but a separate file seems fine. Have you tested with e.g. LLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN? It might be safer to use LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR.

Looks fine to me, but might be best to get someone else to take a look as well.

ddcc added a reviewer: NoQ.May 20 2020, 2:07 PM

I'm not entirely convinced that it's a race, but a separate file seems fine. Have you tested with e.g. LLVM_OPTIMIZED_TABLEGEN? It might be safer to use LLVM_MAIN_SRC_DIR instead of CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR.

Looks fine to me, but might be best to get someone else to take a look as well.

Hi Dominic,

I wasn't sure either; I asked on the CMake Developer forums and the answer was that a race was not possible. My issue was certainly real Maybe the write was failing for some unrelated reason.

In my case, the issue with file(WRITE race occurs only if the find_package(THREAD) is invoked afterwards. Rearanging the function as follows eliminates the issue for me:

function(check_z3_version z3_include z3_lib)
  # Get lib path
  get_filename_component(z3_lib_path ${z3_lib} PATH)
  set(z3_link_libs "-lz3")

  # Try to find a threading module in case Z3 was built with threading support.
  # Threads are required elsewhere in LLVM, but not marked as required here because
  # Z3 could have been compiled without threading support.
    list(APPEND z3_link_libs "${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}")

  # The program that will be executed to print Z3's version.
       "#include <assert.h>
        #include <z3.h>
        int main() {
          unsigned int major, minor, build, rev;
          Z3_get_version(&major, &minor, &build, &rev);
          printf(\"%u.%u.%u\", major, minor, build);
          return 0;

    COMPILE_DEFINITIONS -I"${z3_include}"
    LINK_LIBRARIES -L${z3_lib_path} ${z3_link_libs}

  message("Compiled ${VAR_OUT}")

    string(REGEX REPLACE "([0-9]*\\.[0-9]*\\.[0-9]*)" "\\1"
           z3_version "${SRC_OUTPUT}")
    set(Z3_VERSION_STRING ${z3_version} PARENT_SCOPE)

Other (unrelated issue) in the file: The cross compilation version of section mode, refers to BUILD_VERSION instead of BUILD_NUMBER:

   file(STRINGS "${Z3_INCLUDE_DIR}/z3_version.h"
        z3_version_str REGEX "^#define[\t ]+Z3_BUILD_NUMBER[\t ]+.*")
-       string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*Z3_BUILD_VERSION[\t ]+([0-9]).*$" "\\1"
+       string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*Z3_BUILD_NUMBER[\t ]+([0-9]).*$" "\\1"
         Z3_BUILD "${z3_version_str}")