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[AIX][XCOFF]Implement mergeable const

Authored by DiggerLin on Dec 16 2019, 7:59 AM.



In this patch, we map mergeable const objects to the read-only section in the same manner as const objects that are not mergeable.

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DiggerLin created this revision.Dec 16 2019, 7:59 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptDec 16 2019, 7:59 AM
Herald added a subscriber: wuzish. · View Herald Transcript
176 ↗(On Diff #234065)

Typo: s/pecific/specific/;

This comment is misleading though. XCOFF does not define such sections, and the linker does not indicate it has support for the implied merging functionality.


This code is in an XCOFF-specific function. Is there a case where the pointer remains null? If there is, I suggest to test that case. If there isn't, I suggest to assert that the pointer is non-null instead of doing a null check.

This comment also applies to the next handful of lines.


If we believe that there should be special mergeable const sections, then we should assert here that we have handled all mergeable const section variants (in case additional ones are added in the future).


Period at the end of the sentence.

jasonliu added inline comments.Dec 16 2019, 3:23 PM

Questions regarding the design

  1. Do we really need special mergeable const section on AIX? What's the advantage of that? What's wrong if we just dump all of them to ReadOnlySection?

For the same C source

typedef struct {
 unsigned short id;
 unsigned char  options;
} Merge_cnst4;

int main() {
 Merge_cnst4 const cnst4  = { .id = 123};

Looks like GCC and xlc are able to just store the data member directly without making csects, which is more efficient. I guess clang's FE could generate better IR later to match that?

DiggerLin updated this revision to Diff 234546.Dec 18 2019, 8:19 AM
DiggerLin edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
DiggerLin edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

As @jasonliu mentioned, there is not much precedent for this in the context of AIX. What is the rationale for not using the normal read-only data section?


!Kind.isMergeableConst() is always true here now. There should be no need to check that here.


This is also testing the object file generation?


Should the assembly path be tested for 64-bit as well?


Why pwr9?


There's two spaces after the colon here (but one space after the colon on the previous lines).


The highest-alignment-first ordering here is less interesting than the reverse order in terms of how padding is generated.


Shouldn't this be based on Index?

DiggerLin marked 9 inline comments as done.Dec 23 2019, 8:25 AM
DiggerLin added inline comments.

I implemented the Mergeable const as gcc did.
1 .gcc use a separate csect for all mergeable const. gcc generate is as

.csect _mergeableconst.ro_[RO],4
      .align 3


.long   1073741824
.long   50
.space 24
.globl cnst16
.align 3


.long   1073741824
.long   22
.space 8
.globl cnst8
.align 2


.long   1073741832
.space 4
.globl cnst4
.align 1


.short  16392
.space 2
.csect .text[PR]


.csect .data[RW],4
.long _section_.text
  1. xlc use separate csect const32, const16,const8, const4 for mergeable const32 , mergeable const16, mergeable const8. mergeable const4.
.csect  cnst32{RO}, 3
 .long   0x40000000              # "@\0\0\0"
 .long   0x00000032              # "\0\0\0002"
 .long   0x00000000              # "\0\0\0\0"
 .long   0x00000000              # "\0\0\0\0"
 .long   0x00000000              # "\0\0\0\0"
 .long   0x00000000              # "\0\0\0\0"
 .long   0x00000000              # "\0\0\0\0"
 .long   0x00000000              # "\0\0\0\0"

 .csect  cnst16{RO}, 3
 .long   0x40000000              # "@\0\0\0"
 .long   0x00000016              # "\0\0\0\026"
 .long   0x00000000              # "\0\0\0\0"
 .long   0x00000000              # "\0\0\0\0"

 .csect  cnst8{RO}, 3
 .long   0x40000008              # "@\0\0\b"
 .long   0x00000000              # "\0\0\0\0"

 .csect  cnst4{RO}
 .long   0x40080000              # "@\b\0\0"

yes, we already deal with Kind.isMergeableConst() before the condition. I will delete it.




changed to pwr4



DiggerLin updated this revision to Diff 235148.Dec 23 2019, 8:27 AM
DiggerLin marked 4 inline comments as done.

address comment


In the assembly you list, the naming of the labels (for the GCC case) or csects (for the XL case) is suspect (they are indicative of declared variables). Declared variables are not mergeable in the general sense.

It is observed that GCC on AIX uses .ro and .rw as suffixes for read-only sections; however, the naming does not seem to indicate "mergeable" as a factor.


I believe we always use all-caps for XCOFF.

DiggerLin marked 2 inline comments as done.Jan 2 2020, 7:32 AM
DiggerLin added inline comments.

yes, you are correct, the for gcc and xlc in the aix , I used the source code as

typedef struct {
unsigned long long id;
unsigned int option1;
unsigned long long option2;
unsigned int option3;
} Merge_cnst32;

typedef struct {
unsigned long long id;
unsigned int options;
} Merge_cnst16;

typedef struct {
unsigned int id;
unsigned int options;
} Merge_cnst8;

typedef struct {
unsigned short id;
unsigned char options;
} Merge_cnst4;

int main() {
Merge_cnst32 const cnst32 = { .id = 0x4000000000000032ULL };
Merge_cnst16 const cnst16 = { .id = 0x4000000000000016ULL };
Merge_cnst8 const cnst8 = { .id = 0x40000008 };
Merge_cnst4 const cnst4 = { .id = 0x4008 };

if I uncomment the int main() { , gcc and xlc will not generate any csect for the cnst32 ,cnst16,cnst8. cnst32 or they also do not put the value in any csect. it put the value in the text asm instruction directly.


and in the linux , the llvm put the mergeabe const in the readonly as

.csect .rodata.cst[RO]
.align  4


.llong  4611686018427387954     # 0x4000000000000032
.long   0                       # 0x0
.space  4
.llong  0                       # 0x0
.long   0                       # 0x0
.space  4
.align  3


.llong  4611686018427387926     # 0x4000000000000016
.long   0                       # 0x0
.space  4
.align  3


.long   1073741832              # 0x40000008
.long   0                       # 0x0
.align  3


.short  16392                   # 0x4008
.byte   0                       # 0x0
.space  1

it also put the merge const in the a new .csect .rodata.cst[RO] .

DiggerLin updated this revision to Diff 235877.Jan 2 2020, 7:36 AM

The description of the Linux behaviour seems strange to me. I would expect a .section directive.

In any case, it seems we have established that neither XL nor GCC on AIX produce special mergeable-const sections. We should either create the sections as LLVM does for ELF (knowing that it really does not do any merging), or we should just treat the object as being plain read-only). For the strings, we went with the create-like-for-ELF route for now (which has no negative effect that I know of). For the mergeable-const cases, it seems we save on a sizeable amount of code if we just treat them as plain read-only.

DiggerLin marked an inline comment as done.Jan 6 2020, 7:22 AM
DiggerLin added inline comments.

Sorry. post the wrong information for the linux elf. it should be

.type   .L__const.main.cnst32,@object # @__const.main.cnst32
 .section        .rodata.cst32,"aM",@progbits,32
 .p2align        4


.long   1073741824              # 0x4000000000000032
.long   50
.long   0                       # 0x0
.space  4
.long   0                       # 0x0
.long   0
.long   0                       # 0x0
.space  4
.size   .L__const.main.cnst32, 32

.type   .L__const.main.cnst16,@object # @__const.main.cnst16
.section        .rodata.cst16,"aM",@progbits,16
.p2align        3


.long   1073741824              # 0x4000000000000016
.long   22
.long   0                       # 0x0
.space  4
.size   .L__const.main.cnst16, 16

.type   .L__const.main.cnst8,@object # @__const.main.cnst8
.section        .rodata.cst8,"aM",@progbits,8
.p2align        3


.long   1073741832              # 0x40000008
.long   0                       # 0x0
.size   .L__const.main.cnst8, 8

.type   .L__const.main.cnst4,@object # @__const.main.cnst4
.section        .rodata.cst4,"aM",@progbits,4
.p2align        3


.short  16392                   # 0x4008
.byte   0                       # 0x0
.space  1
.size   .L__const.main.cnst4, 4

.section        ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits
DiggerLin updated this revision to Diff 236413.Jan 6 2020, 10:29 AM
DiggerLin marked an inline comment as done.

put the mergeableconst in the plain readonly section.



I can't say that I fully understand the choice of alignment values, but they are reasonable.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 6 2020, 2:33 PM
hubert.reinterpretcast edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Jan 6 2020, 2:36 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.