This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[ARM] MVE big endian bitcasts

Authored by dmgreen on Aug 1 2019, 8:22 AM.



This adds big endian MVE patterns for bitcasts. They are defined as being the same as a store of the existing type and the load into the new. This means that they have to become a VREV between the two types, working in the same way that NEON works in big-endian. This also adds some example tests for bigendian, showing where code is and isn't different.

The main difference, especially from a testing perspective is that vectors are passed as v2f64, and so a VREV's into and out of call arguments, and the parameters are passed in a v2f64 format. Same happens for inline assembly where the register class is used, so it is VREVd to a v16i8.

So some of this is probably not correct yet, but it is (mostly) self-consistent and seems to be consistent with how llvm treats vectors. The rest we can hopefully fix later. More details about big endian neon can be found in

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

dmgreen created this revision.Aug 1 2019, 8:22 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 2 2019, 3:47 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.