TL;DR: CheckerOptInfo feels very much out of place in CheckerRegistration.cpp, so I moved it to CheckerRegistry.h.
While on the quest of fixing checker options the same way I cleaned up non-checker options, although I'm making good progress, I ran into a wall: In order to emit warnings on incorrect checker options, we need to ensure that checkers actually acquire their options properly -- but, I unearthed a huge bug in checker registration: dependencies are currently implemented in a way that breaks the already very fragile registration infrastructure.
Here is where the problem really originates from: this is a snippet from CheckerRegistry::initializeManager.
// Initialize the CheckerManager with all enabled checkers. for (const auto *i :enabledCheckers) { checkerMgr.setCurrentCheckName(CheckName(i->FullName)); i->Initialize(checkerMgr); }
Note that Initialize is a function pointer to register##CHECKERNAME, like registerInnerPointerChecker. Since for each register function call the current checker name is only set once, when InnerPointerChecker attempts to also register it's dependent MallocChecker, both it and MallocChecker will receive the cplusplus.InnerPointer name. This results in MallocChecker trying to acquire it's Optimistic option as cplusplus.InnerPointerChecker:Optimistic.
Clearly, this problem has to be solved at a higher level -- it makes no sense to be able to affect other checkers in a registry function. Since I'll already make changes to how checker registration works, I'll probably tune some things for the current C++ standard, add much needed documentation, and try to make the code a lot less confusing.