This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[NFC]Fix 2 logic dead code

Authored by XinWang10 on Apr 23 2023, 7:41 PM.



First, in CodeGenPrepare.cpp, line 6891, the VectorCond will always be false
because if not function will return at 6888.
Second, in SelectionDAGBuilder.cpp, line 5443, getSExtValue() will return
value as int type, but now we use unsigned Val to maintain it, which make the
if condition at 5452 meaningless.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

XinWang10 created this revision.Apr 23 2023, 7:41 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptApr 23 2023, 7:41 PM
Herald added a subscriber: hiraditya. · View Herald Transcript
XinWang10 requested review of this revision.Apr 23 2023, 7:41 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptApr 23 2023, 7:41 PM
skan added inline comments.Apr 27 2023, 8:00 PM

Shouldn't we remove the cast too?

XinWang10 added inline comments.Apr 27 2023, 8:05 PM

Sure, it should be.

  • remove useless cast
skan accepted this revision.Apr 27 2023, 11:26 PM


This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 27 2023, 11:26 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
vzakhari added inline comments.

The loop hangs on Val equal to -2147483648, because Val never becomes 0.

As noted, it looks like this change is causing compilation of an edge case to hang.

Fortran source:

x = 1.0
print*, x ** (-huge(1)-1)

.ll file:

; ModuleID = 'FIRModule'
source_filename = "FIRModule"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"

@_QQcl.2F686F6D652F76646F6E616C64736F6E2F742E66393000 = linkonce constant [23 x i8] c"/home/vdonaldson/t.f90\00"
@_QQEnvironmentDefaults = constant ptr null

declare ptr @malloc(i64)

declare void @free(ptr)

define void @_QQmain() !dbg !3 {
  %1 = alloca float, i64 1, align 4, !dbg !7
  store float 1.000000e+00, ptr %1, align 4, !dbg !7, !tbaa !8
  %2 = call ptr @_FortranAioBeginExternalListOutput(i32 -1, ptr @_QQcl.2F686F6D652F76646F6E616C64736F6E2F742E66393000, i32 2), !dbg !12
  %3 = load float, ptr %1, align 4, !dbg !13, !tbaa !8
  %4 = call contract float @llvm.powi.f32.i32(float %3, i32 -2147483648), !dbg !13
  %5 = call i1 @_FortranAioOutputReal32(ptr %2, float %4), !dbg !13
  %6 = call i32 @_FortranAioEndIoStatement(ptr %2), !dbg !12
  ret void, !dbg !14

declare ptr @_FortranAioBeginExternalListOutput(i32, ptr, i32)

declare zeroext i1 @_FortranAioOutputReal32(ptr, float)

declare i32 @_FortranAioEndIoStatement(ptr)

; Function Attrs: nocallback nofree nosync nounwind willreturn
declare ptr @llvm.stacksave() #0

; Function Attrs: nocallback nofree nosync nounwind willreturn
declare void @llvm.stackrestore(ptr) #0

; Function Attrs: nocallback nofree nosync nounwind speculatable willreturn memory(none)
declare float @llvm.powi.f32.i32(float, i32) #1

attributes #0 = { nocallback nofree nosync nounwind willreturn }
attributes #1 = { nocallback nofree nosync nounwind speculatable willreturn memory(none) }

!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
! = !{!1}

!0 = !{i32 2, !"Debug Info Version", i32 3}
!1 = distinct !DICompileUnit(language: DW_LANG_Fortran95, file: !2, producer: "Flang", isOptimized: false, runtimeVersion: 0, emissionKind: FullDebug)
!2 = !DIFile(filename: "t.f90", directory: "/home/vdonaldson")
!3 = distinct !DISubprogram(name: "_QQmain", linkageName: "_QQmain", scope: !2, file: !2, line: 1, type: !4, scopeLine: 1, spFlags: DISPFlagDefinition, unit: !1)
!4 = !DISubroutineType(cc: DW_CC_normal, types: !5)
!5 = !{!6, !6}
!6 = !DIBasicType(name: "void", encoding: DW_ATE_address)
!7 = !DILocation(line: 1, column: 1, scope: !3)
!8 = !{!9, !9, i64 0}
!9 = !{!"any data access", !10, i64 0}
!10 = !{!"any access", !11, i64 0}
!11 = !{!"Flang Type TBAA Root"}
!12 = !DILocation(line: 2, column: 1, scope: !3)
!13 = !DILocation(line: 2, column: 9, scope: !3)
!14 = !DILocation(line: 3, column: 1, scope: !3)
skan added a comment.EditedMay 1 2023, 9:51 PM

Thank you for the report @vzakhari @vdonaldson! I fixed it by rGb73229e55543b4ba2b293adcb8b7d6025f01f7d9

dyung added a subscriber: dyung.May 1 2023, 10:39 PM

Thank you for the report @vzakhari @vdonaldson! I fixed it by rGb73229e55543b4ba2b293adcb8b7d6025f01f7d9

This change seems to be causing two test failures on a bot, can you take a look?

skan added a comment.May 1 2023, 11:11 PM

Thank you for the report @vzakhari @vdonaldson! I fixed it by rGb73229e55543b4ba2b293adcb8b7d6025f01f7d9

This change seems to be causing two test failures on a bot, can you take a look?

Sure. The previous patch was reverted. And I committed a new fix here rG8f966cedea594d9a91e585e88a80a42c04049e6c

craig.topper added inline comments.

What was wrong with the original code? The if wasn't meaningless, the cast made it a signed comparison. The unsigned type prevented the undefined behavior on Val = -Val.

skan added inline comments.May 2 2023, 1:28 AM

The original code has one issue. The return value of RHSC->getSExtValue() is int64_t and the minimum can be INT32_MIN, so the implicit cast at line 5454 may be a UB b/c unsigned can not represent the value. So, I fixed it in rG8f966cedea594d9a91e585e88a80a42c04049e6c rather than reverted part of this patch.

skan added inline comments.May 2 2023, 1:33 AM

Sorry, the original code has no issue.

skan added inline comments.May 2 2023, 2:16 AM

What was wrong with the original code? The if wasn't meaningless, the cast made it a signed comparison. The unsigned type prevented the undefined behavior on Val = -Val.

@craig.topper Does the original code have issue at line 5461? The function isBeneficialToExpandPowI takes a int as the first parameter, but if we use unsigned to represent Val, the implicit casting from unsigned to int might be an issue?