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[mlir] GreedyPatternRewriter: Relax IsolatedFromAbove restriction
Changes PlannedPublic

Authored by springerm on Jan 10 2023, 3:03 AM.



A scope was added to the GreedyPatternRewriteDriver in D140304. This scope prevents ops from being added to the worklist if they are not inside regions.

The reason why IsIsolatedFromAbove was necessary:

// Collects all the operands and result uses of the given `op` into work
// list. Also remove `op` and nested ops from worklist.
originalOperands.assign(op->operand_begin(), op->operand_end());
auto preReplaceAction = [&](Operation *op) {
  // Add the operands to the worklist for visitation.
  // ...

Depends On: D140304

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

springerm created this revision.Jan 10 2023, 3:03 AM
springerm requested review of this revision.Jan 10 2023, 3:03 AM
nicolasvasilache accepted this revision.Jan 13 2023, 2:00 AM

Fantastic, this will greatly improve usability of the rewriter.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 13 2023, 2:00 AM

The reason why IsIsolatedFromAbove was necessary:

This isn't the only reason: any pattern operates on use/def lists and as such isn't restricted to the current region if not isolated.

The reason why IsIsolatedFromAbove was necessary:

This isn't the only reason: any pattern operates on use/def lists and as such isn't restricted to the current region if not isolated.

My thinking was: The number of uses of a value defined outside of the region may change in number, but the ops themselves are not modified in any way. Values defined inside the region cannot be used outside of the region.

Example: We call applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily on the region of the scf.execute_region.

%0 = "outside_op"() : () -> (i32)
%1 = scf.execute_region -> (i32) {
  %2 = "inside_op"(%0) : (i32) -> (i32)
  scf.yield %2 : i32

We may rewrite/replace/erase inside_op and %0 may loose one of its users. But outside_op is not modified in any way. If it is "pure" op, it's possible that it could now DCE away, but that's not something that applyPatternsAndFoldGreedily would do.

springerm added a comment.EditedJan 15 2023, 3:28 AM

Actually, one thing that could happen: A rewrite pattern of inside_op could modify the outside_op (or erase it, etc.). inside_op could just be the anchor point of the pattern. This could happen even if the region is isolated from above. Nothing prevents the pattern from retrieving the parent of inside_op and doing something with it. E.g., a swapping pattern that moves an op out of a region could do that (even if the region is isolated from above). When the region is not isolated from above that's much easier though.

We could guard against this by listening to IR changes. If an op outside of the region gets modifed/erased/etc. (as indicated by finalizeRootUpdate/notifyOperationRemoved) we could assert. That would also safeguard against illegal IR changes even when the region is isolated from above.

How are "use lists" of Values modeled? What's happening when a Value (e.g., OpResult of outside_op) looses a user? Does this trigger an update of some internal data structure of outside_op? If so, are these data structures thread-safe?

Actually, one thing that could happen: A rewrite pattern of inside_op could modify the outside_op (or erase it, etc.). inside_op could just be the anchor point of the pattern.

Yes this is the kind of thing I had in mind: the kind of patterns that would rewrite a subgraph as a whole.

This could happen even if the region is isolated from above. Nothing prevents the pattern from retrieving the parent of inside_op and doing something with it. E.g., a swapping pattern that moves an op out of a region could do that (even if the region is isolated from above). When the region is not isolated from above that's much easier though.

Yes the difference is whether to be intentional about it or not: patterns walking use-def chains is standard, walking parent and going through an isolated region is already dangerous (we can do it, but such pattern will put restrictions on the kind of pass that can run it).

We could guard against this by listening to IR changes. If an op outside of the region gets modifed/erased/etc. (as indicated by finalizeRootUpdate/notifyOperationRemoved) we could assert. That would also safeguard against illegal IR changes even when the region is isolated from above.

Defending against anything unexpected is welcome, we could and should do better. In this case I'm not sure it is desirable to have this situation as it seems too much a footgun and also the only way for a pattern to be written safely would require to thread through the "scopes" to the pattern itself where everything would have to be checked.

How are "use lists" of Values modeled? What's happening when a Value (e.g., OpResult of outside_op) looses a user? Does this trigger an update of some internal data structure of outside_op? If so, are these data structures thread-safe?

See the schema at the bottom of

This is not thread-safe: the whole threading model is organized around isolated regions in MLIR (hence why you can't run a pass on a non-isolated operation for example).

springerm planned changes to this revision.Jan 25 2023, 1:53 AM