It seems that the existing lowerings must have predated the introduction of arith.{floordivsi,ceildivsi}, requiring a custom implementation based on arith.divsi and several other ops to implement the floor/ceil aspects?
My immediate motivation for this is that the existing code had to check if the RHS was positive, and it could only do so when the RHS was constant, so it required it to be constant, and I have a use case where it's dynamic, so I ran into the error there.
Looking at the tests, I saw the comment pointing to the corresponding canonicalize.mlir testcase (actually the comment mentioned another file name but the testcase moved, so this PR fixes that). But then looking at the canonicalize.mlir testcase, it seems that its existence was justified by the complex IR that used to be produced, and now that it's a single arith op, no canonicalize.mlir testcase is needed anymore. So this PR also removes that.
can we regenerate the IR from affine.apply affine_map<(i) -> (i mod 42)> and make sure that canonicalization is still happening?