Full context in https://bugs.fuchsia.dev/p/fuchsia/issues/detail?id=107017.
Instrumenting hwasan with globals results in a linker error under the relative vtables abi:
ld.lld: error: libunwind.cpp:(.rodata..L_ZTVN9libunwind12UnwindCursorINS_17LocalAddressSpaceENS_15Registers_arm64EEE.hwasan+0x8): relocation R_AARCH64_PLT32 out of range: 6845471433603167792 is not in [-2147483648, 2147483647]; references libunwind::AbstractUnwindCursor::~AbstractUnwindCursor() >>> defined in libunwind/src/CMakeFiles/unwind_shared.dir/libunwind.cpp.obj
This is because the tag is included in the vtable address when calculating the offset between the vtable and virtual function. A temporary solution until we can resolve this is to just disable hwasan instrumentation on relative vtables specifically, which can be done in the frontend.
Can you add a note here that -triple=aarch64-unknown-fuchsia has implicit relative vtables