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[libc++] `bitset::operator[] const` should return bool

Authored by philnik on Mar 19 2022, 7:13 PM.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

philnik created this revision.Mar 19 2022, 7:13 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptMar 19 2022, 7:13 PM
Herald added a subscriber: arphaman. · View Herald Transcript
philnik requested review of this revision.Mar 19 2022, 7:13 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptMar 19 2022, 7:13 PM
Herald added a reviewer: Restricted Project. · View Herald Transcript
Mordante added inline comments.Mar 20 2022, 6:06 AM

Changing the return type is an ABI break. So we can only make this change in the unstable ABI.




Since the operator returns different types, maybe it's good to add an explicit type test in
libcxx/test/std/utilities/template.bitset/bitset.members/index.pass.cpp too.

philnik updated this revision to Diff 416779.Mar 20 2022, 6:44 AM
philnik marked 3 inline comments as done.
  • Address comments

Thanks for the update, only a few small issues remain.


Let's make clear it's about the const overload.


Typically we just use the ABI name in our tests, for example in test/std/re/re.const/re.synopt/syntax_option_type.pass.cpp

    assert(std::regex_constants::ECMAScript != 0);
    assert(std::regex_constants::ECMAScript == 0);

(In the WIP script to test against internal macro's I've whitelisted _LIBCPP_ABI_*.)

I actually think the test should be slightly different

    assert(std::regex_constants::ECMAScript != 0);
    assert(std::regex_constants::ECMAScript == 0);
philnik updated this revision to Diff 416784.Mar 20 2022, 7:44 AM
philnik marked 2 inline comments as done.
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jloser added a subscriber: jloser.Mar 20 2022, 2:02 PM
jloser added inline comments.

I don't think this include is needed since we're using ASSERT_SAME_TYPE macro now.

What an annoying "extension". The intent is good, however it results in our implementation being clearly non-conforming. I'm in favour of this, and it's a shame that it has to be guarded behind an ABI check.

Can you please add a test that checks for:

typename Container::const_reference cr0 = c[0];
c[0] = 1;
assert(cr0 == 1);

at runtime (and a corresponding test case for when const_reference is bool)?

philnik updated this revision to Diff 418793.Mar 28 2022, 11:03 PM
philnik marked an inline comment as done.
  • Address comments
philnik updated this revision to Diff 418810.Mar 29 2022, 12:38 AM
  • Try to fix CI
ldionne accepted this revision.Mar 29 2022, 8:24 AM

LGTM with changes, thanks!


Can you add the same test to the non-const operator[] (but you'll only have one assert)?

Also, I'd recommend against using #endif // comment since this block is so short -- in this case it's even wrong.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Mar 29 2022, 8:24 AM
ldionne requested changes to this revision.Mar 29 2022, 10:58 AM

It looks like we have the same issue in vector<bool> -- can we also fix it there? I think we only need one macro for both, so I'd make that change in this patch. Sorry for the churn.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Mar 29 2022, 10:58 AM

It looks like we have the same issue in vector<bool> -- can we also fix it there? I think we only need one macro for both, so I'd make that change in this patch. Sorry for the churn.

vector<bool> returns a reference` or a const_reference as expected (
Or am I missing something?

philnik updated this revision to Diff 419671.Apr 1 2022, 1:53 AM
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@Mordante I didn't see it either. const_reference should be defined as bool.

philnik updated this revision to Diff 419682.Apr 1 2022, 2:24 AM
philnik marked 2 inline comments as done.
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var-const accepted this revision as: var-const.Apr 1 2022, 9:37 PM
var-const added inline comments.
16 ↗(On Diff #419682)

Optional nit: since this test isn't constexpr, it doesn't need to return anything -- unless you expect it to become constexpr at some future point?


This comment doesn't seem to be addressed.

philnik updated this revision to Diff 419935.Apr 1 2022, 10:24 PM
philnik marked 2 inline comments as done.
  • Address comments
16 ↗(On Diff #419682)

This test should become constexpr once we implement P1004R2.


Thanks! I completely forgot to remove the comment.

var-const added inline comments.Apr 1 2022, 10:51 PM
16 ↗(On Diff #419682)

In that case, can you please add a TODO?

philnik added inline comments.Apr 1 2022, 11:10 PM
16 ↗(On Diff #419682)

I don't think adding a TODO makes a lot of sense here. When implementing P1004R2 almost every single file inside vector.bool and vector have to be changed anyways.

ldionne accepted this revision.Apr 6 2022, 11:03 AM

LGTM once CI is passing. Please ping me again if it ends up being more complicated than just removing the now redundant insert() method. Thanks for the cleanup!

2086 ↗(On Diff #419939)

To fix the CI issue, I think you'll need to remove the additional insert(...) method we have that takes a const_reference. It's not in the spec, and it was probably just provided to make it work with our non-conforming const_reference type.

You should also survey for other places where we take a const_reference and make sure that those methods are all part of the spec -- it's possible that we have other cases like this, and we might not catch them (I don't know how good our coverage is for std::vector<bool>).

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 6 2022, 11:03 AM
philnik updated this revision to Diff 421150.Apr 7 2022, 3:40 AM
  • Remove insert overload

@ldionne I just removed the insert overload, but it seems it was never defined, so I remove it in ABIv1 too.

philnik updated this revision to Diff 421701.Apr 9 2022, 12:48 AM
  • Try to fix CI
ldionne accepted this revision.Apr 13 2022, 7:21 AM

LGTM, but I would really like to investigate removing const_reference from bitset altogether, since there isn't one in the Standard. It's a rather bad API to provide a typedef called const_reference that isn't a reference, and in fact it leads to the very confusion we are removing an extension for. I'd rather break people's source (considering there probably isn't too many users of bitset::const_reference out there) than give them an API that is both non-standard and error-prone.

This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Apr 13 2022, 1:55 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
rsmith added a subscriber: rsmith.Apr 14 2022, 11:01 AM

Is it intentional that this leaves std::vector<bool>::const_iterator::reference as the class type? We're seeing some breakage in absl due to that.

We're also seeing some breakage due to the result of std::bitset::operator[]() const no longer being convertible to std::bitset::const_reference, which would at least have been easier to understand if the const_reference typedef were removed entirely.

Is it intentional that this leaves std::vector<bool>::const_iterator::reference as the class type? We're seeing some breakage in absl due to that.

FWIW, the broken code looks roughly like this:

struct NumberLike {
  // ...
  template<typename T> NumberLike(T) requires std::is_arithmetic_v<T>;
void Consume(NumberLike);
template<typename Container>
void ConsumeAll(const Container &c) {
  for (const auto &v : c) Consume(v);

This works if vector<bool>::const_reference and vector<bool>::const_iterator::reference are the same type, but if the iterator produces the class type but vector<bool>::const_reference is simply bool then the Consume call fails.

Is it intentional that this leaves std::vector<bool>::const_iterator::reference as the class type? We're seeing some breakage in absl due to that.

We're also seeing some breakage due to the result of std::bitset::operator[]() const no longer being convertible to std::bitset::const_reference, which would at least have been easier to understand if the const_reference typedef were removed entirely.

I just uploaded D123851 for the vector part. I'm planning to look into removing bitset::const_reference, but since it shouldn't exist, nobody should use it anyways.