- Add missing indent in CondBranchOp
- Remove indent in block label (not sure if it is proper, but looks better)
int64_t simple(int64_t v1, bool v2) { int64_t v3; int64_t v4; int64_t v5; int64_t v6; int64_t v7; label1: if (v2) { goto label2; } else { goto label3; } label2: v5 = v1; goto label4;
int64_t simple(int64_t v1, bool v2) { int64_t v3; int64_t v4; int64_t v5; int64_t v6; int64_t v7; label1: if (v2) { goto label2; } else { goto label3; } label2: v5 = v1; goto label4;
Why is the getOStream() needed here now compared to before?