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jpienaar rriddle mehdi_amini
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Could you expand the description? This seems fine, but not sure why it is needed: it would seem to be where we keep an Operation around/operating on it post erasing it, that seems like a bug calling side. Setting nullptr probably would result in this failing more explicitly, but don't know if we can/should attempt to provide much guarantees at this low level.
I'd like to understand a bit more the motivation here.
It is a change in behavior I believe for this kind of code:
SomeOp op = ... ... op.erase(); ... if (op) // null check here does not trigger now but will with this patch.
However I'm not sure it is desirable because op->erase() won't behave the same way.
(Actually I thought all of the method forwarding to the state were already removed)
Yes, that's about the case mentioned by @mehdi_amini.
I used OwningOpRef to hold the ModuleOp in a class like
class Foo { // ... OwningOpRef ref; // ... };
and somehow I wanted to clean this ModuleOp before the destruction of Foo. I did it as ref.release()->erase() so it's safe of later null check in OwningOpRef. Then I was thinking that if someone just called ModuleOp::erase() without using ref.release()->erase() then that would be a problem.
After thinking it a little bit more, Op<...> is just a wrapper (nothing relates to the life cycle management of the underlying object) and should be viewed as a raw pointer. As a result, the above case should be handled properly by the user.
I think this can be closed.