- in the function PPCFunctionInfo::getParmsType(), there is if (Bits > 31 || (Bits > 30 && (Elt != FixedType || hasVectorParms())))
when the Bit is 31 and the Elt is not FixedType(for example the Elt is FloatingType) , the 31th bit will be not encoded, it leave the bit as zero, when the function Expected<SmallString<32>> XCOFF::parseParmsType() the original implement
**// unsigned ParmsNum = FixedParmsNum + FloatingParmsNum;
while (Bits < 32 && ParsedNum < ParmsNum) { ... }//** it will look the 31 bits (zero) as FixedType. which should be FloatingType, and get a error.
clang-format: please reformat the code