Extracts the relevant dimensions from the map under test to build up the
maps to test against in a permutation-invariant way.
This also includes a fix to the indexing maps used by
isColumnMajorMatmul. The maps as currently written do not describe a
column-major matmul. The linalg named op column_major_matmul has the
correct maps (and notably fails the current test).
If C = matmul(A, B) we want an operation that given A in column major
format and B in column major format produces C in column major format.
Given that for a matrix, faux column major is just transpose.
column_major_matmul(transpose(A), transpose(B)) = transpose(C). If
A is NxK and B is KxM, then C is NxM, so transpose(A) is
KxN, transpose(B) is MxK and transpose(C) is MxN, not NxM
as these maps currently have.
clang-tidy: warning: #includes are not sorted properly [llvm-include-order]
not useful