Now that process list works better on the android platform, the arch aarch64-unknown-linux-android appears quite often.
The existing printed width of the TRIPLE column is not long enough, which doesn't look okay.
1561 1016 aarch64-unknown-linux-android ip6tables-restore 1999 1 aarch64-unknown-linux-android tlc_server 2332 982 2378 983 webview_zygote
Now, after adding 6 spaces, it looks better
PID PARENT USER TRIPLE NAME ====== ====== ========== ============================== ============================ ... 1561 1016 aarch64-unknown-linux-android ip6tables-restore 1999 1 aarch64-unknown-linux-android tlc_server 2332 982 2378 983 webview_zygote 2448 982 com.sec.location.nsflp2